Saturday, 23 April 2011

Amnah bt Haji Mohd Sharif

Nenek Amnah bt Haji Mohd Sharif
She married to HABHAL and lived in Singapore
This portrait was provided by Baharin Tamby (Singapore)

Full name: Amnah bt Haji Mohd Sharif

Call name: Bapak addressed her as Mak Cik Amnah. I refer to her as Nenek Amnah. Mak Bedah referred to her as Nek Amnah.

Date of birth: circa 1915 ... she married circa 1927, possibly at age 12, after menarche.

Husband: Haji Ahmad bin Haji Abdul Latif (abbreviated as HABHAL), saudagar kicap terkenal di Singapura. He is the son of Haji Abdul Latiff bin Tambi (Ulama' Nusantara) from Tengkera in Malacca.

HABHAL married twice, first to Amnah bt Haji Mohd Sharif, and second to Mahani bt Haji Khalil. Kak Fuziah said Mahani bt Haji Khalil was HABHAL's relative.

Nenek Amnah was the first wife of HABHAL. She probably married to HABHAL circa 1927, after her brother Mohd Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif (Walid; Tok Walid) married Nenek Inche in 1920.
"Nenek Inche or Bik Esah is Aishah bt Mohd Amin @ Mat Amin Pasar/Mat Amin Chow Kit of Kg Baru in KL. Mat Amin Pasar was the famous Javanese market supervisor (penguasa pasar) of the old Chow Kit market before he died circa 1936. He was appointed by the British in KL. He opened Kg Baru in KL. He built the first house in Kg Baru, KL - across from the Sultan Sulaiman Club."

Children: 7

(ordered by gender)
  1. Zaini (he was called "Mama Zaini", Cikgu Zaini and referred to as Zaini HABHAL)
  2. Mohamad/Muhammad
  3. Mahmud/Mahmood
  4. Tamby
  5. Zaiton
  6. Sa'adiah
  7. Aishah
(by birth order)
  1. Zaini (born 1928) ... eldest
  2. Zaiton
  3. Mohamad
  4. Mahmood
  5. Saadiah
  6. Tamby (born 1934)
  7. Aishah (born 1935) .... youngest
(ordered by demise)
  1. Zaini (died 1967)
  2. Mohamad
  3. Mahmood
  4. Saadiah
  5. Zaiton (died Friday, 20 November 2015 at 4 pm)
still surviving:
  1. Haji Tamby ...... 82 in 2016 ... Baharin takes him to hospital for check-up
  2. Hajjah Aishah ... 81 in 2016 ... Kak Fuziah looks after her in hospital


Date of demise: circa late 1960s, before 1970 (HABHAL remarried in 1970). She was possibly 54 years old when she died. She was interred at Bidadari Cemetery in Singapore, but was later exhumed and relocated to another grave site, Pusara Abadi Muslim Cemetery at Lim Chu Kang, between 2002 and 2004.

Baharin bin Tamby gave the details of the whereabouts of Nenek Amnah's grave in Singapore.

Pusara Nenek Hajjah Amnah bt Haji Mohd Sharif di Perkuburan Bidadari, Singapura, 1990s.
Nenek Hajjah Amnah's grave at Bidadari Cemetery in Singapore, 1990s.

From Baharin, 20 March 2016:

Yg ni pusara our nenek Hajjah Amnah.

Pusara ni dulu di Bidadari. Sekarang pusara tu dah tutup for development. Pusara nenek dipindahkan  ke Pusara Abadi di Lim Chu Kang.

In the pix left: My father and my brother Affendi.

I believe this picture taken during early 90s.

Bidadari Cemetery

Yg atas tu info about bidadari cemetery. Between 2002 to 2004 tempat tu exhumed.

Map of 262 Banda Hilir

262 Banda Hilir once existed along with Masjid Banda Hilir, Melaka.

262 Banda Hilir house was demolished in the 1970s.

During the renovations in 1970s, Masjid Banda Hilir was expanded to cover the previous site of 262 Banda Hilir.

Masjid Banda Hilir was renamed Masjid an-Nur but many people in Malacca still use the old name to refer to it.

The land stretching from Masjid Banda Hilir then (now Masjid an-Nur) to the then seaside, about 500 metres, all belonged to Tanah Wakaf Masjid Banda Hilir (now Masjid an-Nur). However, because the last inhabitants of 262 Banda Hilir left in 1963/64 and there was nobody to take care of 262 Banda Hilir and the land associated with Masjid Banda Hilir and 262 Banda Hilir, a lot of the original Tanah Wakaf has now fallen into the hands of the Chinese who do not want to shift but remained in their rented houses on  lands which are still tanah wakaf. A big size of land belonging to the Muslim people of Banda Hilir has thus been lost. We are very sad that this has happened and wish those of you who are living on tanah wakaf Masjid Banda Hilir (now Masjid an-Nur) to kindly return our land that rightfully belonsg to al-Yamani clan that once lived there and now its generations of individuals who are the rightful descendants.

262 Banda Hilir - A Famosa: 2.4 km, 4 mins
262 Banda Hilir - beach, before land reclamation:  500m, 2 mins

Here is the Google map for 262 Banda Hilir:

View Larger Map

Masjid An-Nur to Kubur Jalan Panjang (in between Medan Selera Cheng Ho and Shell, Jalan Laksamana Cheng Ho):

Mohd Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif 1896-1953 (1) Biodata

Mohd Yusope bin Mohd Sharif (Walid) 1896-1953
Malay Entomologist, KL
Mergastua, Melaka

Full name: Mohd Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif
Call name: Bapak addressed his father as Walid. I refer to him as Tok Walid.

His father: Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail
His mother: Fatimah Mohamad @ Patma (a fair Chinese lady)

Education: Passed Junior Cambridge, Standard 7
Occupation: Entomologist (govt officer)

Residence before WWII: Govt Quarters at 1092 Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur
Residence after WWII: His father's house at 262 Banda Hilir, Melaka (Rumah Banda Hilir)

Died: late July/early August 1953 (1 month before Bapak returned from Kirkby)

Wife: Aishah bt Mohd Amin (Nenek Inchek)
Children: 15 (but 2 died, remaining 13 survived)

From Bapak

Walid's workplace
Pak Rashid and Tok Yusope (Walid) worked in one dept in KL before WWII.

Date of Walid's demise
There were 2 possible dates of Walid's demise:

  1. Walid died in July/August 1953, one month before Bapak returned from Kirkby (from me)
  2. Walid died in January 1954, 4 months after Bapak returned from Kirkby (from Bapak).

Cause of Walid's demise
Walid died of hypertension (HPT) and atherosclerosis (from Bapak).

Wife - Aishah bt Mohd Amin
Walid married Nenek Inchek who was the daughter of Mat Amin Pasar @ Mat Amin Chow Kit. 
Walid was from Banda Hilir, Malacca and Nenek Inchek's family was from Kg Baru, KL

The hitting incidence & RI
When Nenek Inchek hit her eldest child and caused physical injury (bleeding) to Mak Ainon's head (then a child), Walid was imprisoned (rigorous imprisonment, RI) for 2 months for a crime which he did not commit. This happened before WWII. The relatives in Klang would have more details. In British Malaya, if a govt officer went to prison,  (masuk jail), he would lose his job (kena buang kerja). A man named Shamsudin helped and Walid was reinstated (got his job back).

Residence in KL
Before WWII, Walid and his young family lived in the govt quarters at 1092 Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur. The house had semi-circular windows.

Residence in Malacca
After WWII, Walid brought his family home to 262 Banda Hilir. They continued to live in Banda Hilir.

Narration of WWII
Bapak was 76 years old when he narrated stories of WWII. He died a year later. Some of his narrations and accounts are a bit off and have to be properly examined for correctness.

  1. Bapak's account of when his family moved back to Banda Hilir at the time of WWII is off a  little bit and was not coherent. 
  2. In another account, he told me the family returned as there was disorder in KL when the war reached KL. 
  3. Malacca was a city and not an agricultural land. But the Japanese Kempetei forced them to farm, even on the lands near A Famosa
  4. They were given cangkul (hoes) and had to grow ubi kayu (tapioca) for food during the war. 
  5. This would mean that Walid brought his family home to Banda Hilir earlier before the war or just as the war started in KL. 
  6. Geographically, Malacca is further down south of KL.
  7. Bapak did not mention why Walid brought back his family to Banda Hilir. 
  8. Why didn't they go somewhere else, maybe to Indonesia?
  9. In Malacca, looting was rampant as there was disorder and there was no food to eat. I think this could be immediate post-war period, before the British returned to Malaya.

Coronation of QEII 1953
In 1953, the Coronation year, Walid rode in a horse carriage (naik kereta kuda) for a year but went to work with his bicycle.

Bapak narrated a story about terawih. He mentioned "jentik" but I can't remember what the story was about anymore.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

Tok Moyang Zainal Abidin bin Ismail, Klang (1)

Full name: Zainal Abidin bin Ismail
He signed his name on datuk Mohd Yusope's BC as Zenal
Call name: Bapak called him Datuk Zainal Klang, Tok Zainal Klang .... he was my great-grandfather (datuk moyang)

Children: 2 + 1
Names of children:
  1. Mohamad Arshad @ Ami Arshad
  2. Maimunah @ Nya Intan
  3. Khatijah @ Nya Elok (anak angkat)

From Bapak:
Tok Zainal lived in Klang and was therefore called Datuk Zainal Klang. He was the Sultan's private tutor

Actually, he was not the Sultan's private tutor as many had believed.

According to his grandson, Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani @ Songkok Tinggi, Tok Zainal Klang was Headmaster of ACS Klang when Tan Sri Manickavasagam was a student there. As HM, he assisted a British Officer who worked with Sultan Abdul Samad.

Tok Zainal Klang married Nek Klang. Both were Malay, and originally from Banda Hilir, Melaka. 

Their 2 daughters (Nya Intan and Nya Elok) looked Chinese, were thin and tall, and wore kebaya panjang. "Nya" refers to Nyonya, meaning Chinese ladies. Nya Intan was older than Nya Elok. Nya Intan was Tok Zainal Klang's daughter. Nya Elok was Tok Zainal Klang's adopted daughter.

The relatives in Klang knew about an incident when Nek Inchek hit her first child's head (Mak Ainon's head) and it bled. It became a criminal case. At the court hearing Walid said he did it (and Nenek Inchek went scot-free). Walid underwent rigorous imprisonment (RI) for 2 months (60 days) for a crime which he did not commit. Walid lost his government job as an entomologist but some relative got him his previous job (reinstated). Walid was very brave to stand in for his beloved Nek Inchek whom he loved dearly. Nek Inchek went on to have 14 more children! Bapak still respects his mother despite the incident.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

From Abang Sharif (25 April 2012):
Tok Zainal was the tutor to Sultan Abdul Samad.
Nya Intan's correct name is Maimunah. 
Nya Elok's correct name is Khatijah.

From me (28 April 2012):
Tok Zainal Klang was not the tutor to Sultan Abdul Samad.

From me (8 December 2021):
Tok Zainal Klang was Headmaster of ACS Klang and therefore lived and worked in Klang. He also assisted a British Officer who worked for Sultan Abdul Samad. Sultan Abdul Samad died in 1898.

Haji Mohd Noordin bin Ismail (Ujong Pasir)

Haji Md Noordin bin Ismail
(datuk moyang saudara)
Gambar dari Facebook oleh Abdul Latteef Yunos, gambar asal dari Hj Mazlan, 14 March 2020.

Full name: Haji Md Noordin bin Ismail
Call name: Datuk Haji Md Noordin
Nickname: "King George" (after King George V of England)
Locations: 1. Banda Hilir (1902) 2. Ujong Pasir (address unknown)
Occupation: Malay writer, Police Department, Malacca

Wife: Her name is Hjh Chik bt Haji Mohd Said
Children: 6
1. Abdul Rahman
2. Saleh
3. Hendon @ Encau
4. Haji Abdul Rahim
5. Hjh Bedah @ Zubaidah @ Che Bedah
6. Hjh Aishah

Haji Md Noordin, Banda Hilir, showed the best specimen of padi at a local agricultural exhibition held in Malacca in 1902.

Refer to what Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Md Noordin said about rumah Banda Hilir in an earlier post.

Three men seated on the main staircase of Masjid Banda Hilir, 1950s. From left: Abu Bakar bin Mohd Yusope (Pak Bakau), Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Md Noordin, and Johar.

Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Md Noordin.

Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Md Noordin.

Grandchildren: Nor Hashim.
Nor Hashim (grandson of Haji Md Noordin) lived in a black house in Ujong Pasir. I can't locate the house.

Son-in-law: Abu Bakar bin Ahmad
His SIL Abu Bakar bin Ahmad was photographed in a big group photo at Pulau Besar in 1948.

From Bapak:
Haji Md Noordin had a big house in Ujong Pasir, a coastal Malay village. He had a Ford car.

During WWII (1942-1945), Bapak returned to live in Banda Hilir, Malacca, and went to cut pokok nipah (nipah palm) with Datuk Haji Md Noordin.

Since Datuk Haji Md Noordin was bearded and resembled King George V, he was thus nicknamed "King George".

From me:
Datuk Haji Md Noordin is the younger brother of Datuk Haji Mohd Sharif. Datuk Haji Mohd Sharif is Bapak's grandfather. Datuk Haji Md Noordin is Bapak's granduncle (datuk saudara).

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007
From Mohaini bt Mahabob, June 2021:
Sibs of Hj Mazlan, in order of seniority:
Nabiha (will cfm later the name)
Abd Halim
From me, 1 Oct 2018
Family tree of Haji Md Noordin bin Ismail

Father: Hj Md Noordin bin Ismail
His wife/his children's mother: Her name is Hjh Chik bt Hj Mohd Said
Children: 6

1. Hj Abdul Rahman bin Hj Md Noordin (eldest son, died 1963)
   1.1 Abdul Ghani bin Abdul Rahman (eldest grandson)
   1.2 Saleha bt Abdul Rahman
   1.3 Badruddin bin Abdul Rahman
   1.4 Rabi'ah bt Abdul Rahman (Singapore, died 2014)
         - m. Hj Mohamed Sulor bin Hj Mohamed Noor (Singapore, died Sept 2017)
        1.4.1 Dr Mohamed Aidil Subhan bin Hj Mohamed Noor (Singapore)
                 - m. Hamimah (Mim) Sulaiman
   1.5 Yahya bin Abdul Rahman
   1.6 Jamilah (anak angkat Abdul Rahman)
2. Salleh bin Hj Md Noordin (tak kahwin)
3. Hendon @ Encau bt Hj Md Noordin (nenek Mohaini Mahabob)
    - m. Thamby Ali (datuk Mohaini Mahabob)
    3.1 Mohd Sidek bin Thamby Ali (eldest cucu Hj Noordin)
          - m. __
         3.1.1 Dato Hj Baharin bin Mohamad (died June 2021)
         3.1.2 Zahari bin Mohamad
         3.1.3 Harun bin Mohamad (died)
         3.1.4 Norpipah bt Mohamad (died)
         3.1.5 Atikah bt Mohamad
         3.1.6 Roslan bin Mohamad
         3.1.7 Arifin bin Mohamad
         3.1.8 Mahadhir bin Mohamad (pengurus penyanyi)
         3.1.9 Khadijah bt Mohamad (died)
   3.2 Misbah bt Thamby Ali (Mak Mohaini Mahabob)
       - m. Mahabob (from Lereh)
       3.2.1 Mahmud bin Mahabob (died)
       3.2.2 Mastura bt Mahabob (died)
       3.2.3 Maarof bin Mahabob (died)
       3.3.4 Mohaini bt Mahabob (my 2nd cousin)
4. Hj Abdul Rahim bin Hj Md Noordin
    - m. __
    4.1 Rahmah
    4.2 Mokhtar bin Hj Abdul Rahim
    4.3 Hj Mazlan bin Hj Abdul Rahim
    4.4 Nabiha (Biha, KL)
    4.6 Alias (anak angkat)
    4.7 Hj Abbas bin Hj Abdul Rahman
    4.8 Ishak bin Hj Abdul Rahman
    4.9 Abdul Halim bin Hj Abdul Rahman
5. Hjh Zabedah @ Che Bedah bt Hj Md Noordin
    - m. Abu Bakar
    5.1 Datuk Prof Abdul Latiff bin Abu Bakar
    5.2 Yusuf bin Abu Bakar
6. Hjh Aishah bt Hj Md Noordin (tak kahwin)

External links:

Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff bin Abu Bakar

Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (2) Family

  • Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Mohamad (Ami Aziz Al-Yamani)
  • Mazalifah bt Abdul Aziz
  • Nenek Jepun is Aishah Abdullah
  • Rumah Abu in Banda Hilir
  • Wasiat Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail
  • Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad (Patma)
  • Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Tok Moyang Hj Mohd Sharif) 

Full name: Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail
Call name: Bapak addressed him as Datuk Haji Mohd Sharif.
I referred to him as: Tok Moyang Haji Mohd Sharif

Occupation: brewer (buat gula Melaka or gula keret. Also reared chickens (perlihara anak ayam)
Death: He died a tragic death at an early of about 35-40 circa 1906.
Wife: Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad. She was referred to as Patma. She was from Tranquerah.

Children: 5

Names of children:
  1. Mohd Yusope @ Mohamad Usuf bin Haji Mohamad Sharif. He is Bapak's father. He was known as Walid to his children. He died before I was born. He died in 1953 or 1954.
  2. Mahani (Nenek Ani) - she was guru Quran in Banda Hilir. She never married. She lived in her own quarters which had a water-well. I met her when she was old in the early 1960s, before we moved to Alor Setar.
  3. Alijah (Nenek Jah) - she became mentally challenged but she was good to me. She had many cats (about 17 cats). She resembled Nenek Amnah.
  4. Amnah - she married to HABHAL and went to live in Singapore. She died in Singapore. I never saw her.
  5. Asiah (Nenek Ya) - she married to a businessman and lived in Tampin. She returned to Malacca after her husband passed away. She had no children, but adopted an Indian boy. I saw her a few times. I saw the thin Indian boy later. I never saw her husband.

Haji Mohd Sharif left a Will (Wasiat). The Will explained his land area and the periphery and what went to whom. I don't remember much of his wasiat anymore but I have read it once before it went missing.

From Bapak

Datuk Haji Mohd Sharif owned the land and the Banda Hilir house. According to Haji Mohd Sharif's Wasiat, the Banda Hilir house was "Rumah Abu", meaning it was a house for his generation and future generations, and there were no conditions set for living there. Anyone of his generation and future generations can live there but nobody can own the house personally. However, when Haji Mohd Sharif died, Haji Abdul Rahim (son of Haji Nordin) said that the last person who lived longest in that house, the Banda Hilir house becomes his/her personal property. How can that be? Rumah Abu can never be converted into personal property.

His wife Patma bt Sheikh Mohamad was fair like a Chinese (putih macam Cina). Patma's brother is Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Mohamad (Ami Aziz Al-Yamani @ Aziz Yamani @ Abdul Aziz Al-Yamani) in Penang who married first to Nenek Siti Rahmah bt Abdul Rashid Makawi and then to Aishah bt Abdullah @ Nenek Jepun. Nenek Jepun adopted a Chinese daughter, Mazalifah Aziz, who  married to Inspector Mohd Noor.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007


From me
Mazalifah Aziz and Bapak are cousins, but not blood cousins (i.e., no blood relation). Mazalifah Aziz was an adopted Chinese girl as Nenek Jepun was probably past her reproductive age when she married to Ami Aziz Al-Yamani.

As a child when we visited Nenek Jepun and Ami Aziz for Hari Raya Aidilfitri at their shop-house in George Town, Penang, Nenek Jepun served us a green syrupy drink which I refused to drink. With her being Japanese, I had thought it was probably a poisonous drink!

Datuk sebelah Bapak

There are 3 "datuk" on Bapak's side. They are:
  1. Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail
  2. Haji Nordin bin Ismail
  3. Zainal bin Ismail
From me:
I don't know the parents' names. I have put "Ismail" because that is one name I can remember from a Wasiat Bapak gave me. I have misplaced the Wasiat. Bapak's father (Walid) is Mohd Yusope bin Mohd Sharif. He is the son of Haji Mohd Sharif, the eldest of 3 brothers.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

Hjh Aishah bt Mohd Amin (1) Biodata

Aishah bt Mohd Amin (Nenek Inche). Bapak's mother (Bapak punya mak).

Full name: Hjh Aishah bt Mohd Amin
Call names: I called her Nenek Inche; Bapak called her Inche. Her KL relatives called her Bik Esah.
Date of birth: 1906 or 1907 (estimated)
Marriage: April 1920 (estimated)
Occupation: housewife, sold batik cloths and gold ornaments
Deceased: 1978 at age 71 (as informed by many relatives)
Burial: Tanah Kubor Lama, Kg Cangkat ... full of old rubber trees, near a building
Husband: Mohd Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Walid)
Father: Mohd Amin bin Hassan Long bin Datok Nengkong (foster son)
Mother: Sekmah (Arabic name)

From Bapak:
Nenek Inche is Bapak's mother. Bapak doesn't know her date of birth (DOB). From her age at death, she was born in 1907 or earlier.

From me:
I have on record her DOB is 1911 (which is wrong). At age 12 in 1919, she married to Mohd Yusope bin Mohd Sharif (Walid). Her mother died when she was 6 (in 1913) and she stopped school as she became very depressed. She went to school for a few days but later stopped completely and never went back to school. She was attached to her mother. This information is based on my communication with Nenek Inche when I was 14-15 (1972-1973; Nenek Inche was 65-66), before I went to Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC) in 1974.

Nenek Inche also did her own business selling kain sarong and gold ornaments (barang kemas). I have seen her selling them myself and she was a good business woman. She had very good soft skills and was very pretty.

From Mak Bedah & Pak Saleh:
Nenek Inche died in Kuala Lumpur in 1978 at age 71. (This means she was born in 1906. If she married at age 12, that would be in 1918, just after WWI.) According to Mak Bedah & Pak Saleh (I asked them on 8 June 2011 in Kota Bharu), kubur Nenek Inche is in Kampong Cangkat. As I recall, near an old building among the rubber trees. Where is Kampong Cangkat in Google Map?

From Muzlifah bt Abdul Aziz (Mak Nya kept record):
Nama anak:
  1. Ainon (lahir Ahad, 10 pagi, 6/2/1921)
  2. Idris (meninggal)
  3. Zaina (lahir Khamis, 12 malam, 3/4/1924)
  4. Ramlah (lahir Sabtu, 5 pagi, 29/9/1925)
  5. Shamsu'ain (meninggal)
  6. Sara (lahir Khamis, 6 petang, 3/5/1928)
  7. Abu Bakar (lahir Khamis, 7:28 malam, 19/3/1930
  8. Abdul Rashid (lahir Sabtu, 3:20 petang, 28/11/1931)
  9. Rahmah (lahir Rabu, 7:30 pagi, 15/11/1933) ........ ini ialah Mak Nya Gombak
  10. Safura (lahir Selasa, 8:27 malam, 21/5/1935)
  11. Jaafar (lahir Ahad, 11:05 pagi, 28/8/1936)
  12. Inchek Beda (lahir Khamis 1:55 petang, 25/10/1938)
  13. Baharudin (lahir Jumaat, 6 pagi, 14/6/1940)
  14. Inchek Sekmah (lahir Khamis, 12:20 pagi, 13/11/1941)
  15. Saleh (lahir Khamis, 6:30 petang, 12/2/45)*
*lahir semasa Perang Dunia Kedua Jan 1942- Sept 1945

Children: 15
Names of her children (as ordered by birth date according to Mak Nya's record in Jawi):
  1. Ainon (Mak Ainon, born Sunday, 6 February 1921-died) - isteri Pak Abas. Pak Abas is related to Tan Sri Dr Abdul Majid @ Coco or previously Doktor Majid (now Tan Sri) and also Nenek Mun. Mak Ainon was very big and tall. She was the biggest and tallest. I have never seen a woman so big!
  2. Idris - Idris died in infanthood.
  3. Zainah (Makcik Nah, Che Nah, born Khamis, 12 malam, 3 April 1924-died 2000) - she married but unfortunately none of her marriages worked. She was a math genius, her mind flipped and she became insane. Most people said she was "gila" but I don't think so. When I knew her, her mind was already flipped but she remained a math genius when I knew her in 1964-1973. She could do 3rd root of any large number - she didn't use a calculator but she can give the correct answer to any decimal number. She was very quick at multiplication especially very large numbers. I haven't seen a math genius of this nature. Che Nah attended school till Standard 2 and then dropped out of school. She spoke Malay, English, Indian and some Chinese languages which I don't know. I still think of her as a math genius. She probably had chickenpox of the brain and her state of mind was like that after she recovered from severe chickenpox. We didn't do MRI on her brain and didn't do brain autopsy on her at death. We should have done them because that was a big clue we missed for how a math genius became to be. She was thin and tall. She suffered from a hip fracture due to osteoporosis. She died in 2000, aged 77.
  4. Ramlah (Mak Lah, lahir Sabtu, 5 pagi, 29 September 1925-died 2001) - she was a petite woman and soft spoken. She never scolded anyone when we visited her. She blinks too frequent. She always cooked for us and I enjoyed eating at her house when we visited her family in Semabok. Her house is still there near Masjid Semabok where her husband had served as Imam Masjid Semabok. Her husband was famous and even Malay folks living in Perth in Western Australia knew him as their Qadhi. Her husband is Cikgu/Imam Haji Mohd Yusof bin Buntal of Semabok. Mak Lah suffered a stroke  and was warded at Hospital Melaka. She passed away on 26 October 2001, aged 74.
  5. Shamsu'ain (meninggal)
  6. Sara (Mak Sarah; lahir Khamis, 6 petang, 3 May 1928-died 2004) - She lived in Klang but moved to Banda Hilir after her husband Atan died of accidental fall and drowning at Port Klang. At the time she was pregnant with Mohd Yatim @ Mustafa. She was soft spoken and never raised her voice. She was strict and hardly smiled except when she cracked jokes. She cooked and also ate a lot of ikan masak pedas - fish with tomatoes and carrots. She was a good seamstress and made my first telekung. It was well-sewn and I can still recall that first telekung - it was well-sewn around the neck. She made it free for me. She died on 12 April 2004 at age 80, in BBNilai at her daughter Rafe'ah's house.
  7. Abu Bakar (Pak Baka, Pak Bakau, lahir Khamis, 7:28 malam, 19 March 1930- d.1986) - he married a Singaporean Malay lady, Mak Cik Yam, and had 2 kids (a boy and a girl). They lived in Singapore but he then divorced her. He returned to Singapore, died in Singapore and was buried in Singapore. His siblings attended his funeral in Singapore - Bapak, Pak Din, Pak Saleh, Mak Bedah etc attended the burial in Singapore. I don't know the burial site, probably in Jurong. He died on 26 ___ 1986.
  8. Abdul Rashid (Bapak, Pak Asid, Pak Sid, lahir Sabtu, 3:20 petang, 28 November 1931-d.8 March 2009) - Bapak is my father. He was the only sibling who completed school and went overseas. He attended the King Edward VII College of Medicine for a year and then quit to enter teaching. He went to Kirkby. He took the Mathematics Option. Only he and his sister were math geniuses. Bapak taught me a little mathematics. I have never failed my math exams and I came top for all math exams for my undergraduate. I was also offered a job in the Mathematics Dept. Bapak died in his sleep at home in Penang on 8 March 2009. He is interred at Tanah Perkuburan Masjid Jamek Gelugor, a few graves behind Dr MJ Che Lah's grave.
  9. Rahmah (Jame'ah/Mak Nya di Gombak ; lahir Rabu, 7:30 pagi, 15 November 1933-died) - she was good with handicraft and made Malay wedding preparations herself. I had helped her too making small yellow rafia baskets for hard boiled eggs. She worked very fast and screamed if you did chores wrongly. She kept the whole house clean - kitchen, bedroom, living room, toilet, etc. She was very strict and collapsed while visiting Malacca. She subsequently died of hypertension (HPT)! Don't scream or you will get HPT. She always said "Kan aku dah cakap?!" and then the screaming began. She often got angry with her kids easily and would hit them and her kids would cry. Her kids were scared stiff of her. I have never seen a mother so angry at her own kids. But she is still a nice aunt to me. She always teased me and then she would smile or laugh. She was very kind. One day when she heard I was going overseas, she quickly came to see me and brought durians from her hill home orchard in Gombak. She grew the best "durian Gombak" I have ever tasted.
  10. Safura (Bik Wa, Kak Wa; lahir Selasa, 8:27 malam; 21 May 1935-died) - one of 2 sisters who could speak good KL English. She worked as a telephone operator. She died of cyanosis in Mak's lap in the car on the way to hospital. Mak cried when Bi' Wa died in her lap. Bi' Wa died on 11 November 1977. Mak liked Bi' Wa very much as she was very humble to Mak and vice versa. Bi' Wa's children are Baizura, Mastura, Syawaluddin, and Kamarul Akhir - they are in Facebook. Bi' Wa's children are cousins to Ayah Wan Merican in Facebook. Ayah Wan Merican is a cousin of Zana (Zanariah of TKC, MCE 1975; I think she was in 5S at TKC). Zana is also in Facebook. Ayah Wan Merican has passed away in Keningau, Sabah and was laid to rest there. His former wife (cucu Tok Kenali), his widow Zaiton Taib and his kids are in FB. 
  11. Jaafar (Pakcik Pau; lahir Ahad, 11:05 pagi, 28 August 1936-died 2015) - he was very handsome when he was young. He married twice, first to Makcik Maznah and divorced, and then later married Makcik Fatimah Baba, a nurse and later warden at IMR Hostel in KL. He has 2 children with Makcik Maznah, Suhaimi and Muzlifah. He came to our Penang house to attend Bapak's funeral on 9 March 2009. At the time he had some health problems. His health deteriorated after that. Pak Cik Pau later died on Saturday, 7 Feb 2015 at 1:15pm in Hospital Seremban. My youngest brother Amin sent me SMS when Pak Cik Pau died. Mak Cik Timah was terribly upset.
  12. Inchek Beda (Mak Bedah, Kak Bedah, Bedah, lahir Khamis, 1:55 tengahari, 25 October 1938) - she said her name was supposed to be Zabedah but somehow the contracted name was written on her BC and that lousy name stuck for life. She was unhappy about her own name. She was the other sister who spoke very good KL English. Mak Bedah worked as a Johnson and Johnson (J&J) executive all her life, but she retired with half gratuity and was bitter about it. She said her Chinese colleague got twice as much gratuity and she felt cheated for having been so faithful to J&J all her life. Mak and Mak Bedah got along well but Mak kept her differences and her unhappy feelings to herself. Mak Bedah married a widower but her marriage failed and they divorced. The problem there was the use of talisman (tangkal) by her husband. She didn't like the idea of tangkal and divorced him. The use of tangkal is forbidden (haram) in Islam. I met the husband twice, once at his big bungalow up on a hill in KL, and another time in Sabah when he came to visit us at home. The husband's profile has appeared in Who's Who. Mak Bedah has no children but she helped to look after both Jamaliah and Dora Rafidah, anak Mak Nya. She also took in anak Bi' Wa when Bi' Wa died. So she looked after 6 nieces and nephews of her 2 sisters, Mak Nya and Bi' Wa.
  13. Baharudin (Badin, Pak Din, lahir Jumaat, 6 pagi, 14 June 1940-died) - he continued to study at night school and became a very good Muslim. He spoke Malay, English, and many other languages. He became the Private Secretary to Tun Hussien Onn. He was also Malaysia's Attache to Cambodia (now Kampuchea). His wife Makcik Fauziah cooked for the Malaysian Parliament. She was a good cook. Pak Din bought the fresh ingredient from Pasar Chow Kit in Kuala Lumpur (KL). Makcik Fauziah died on 8 April 2011 and is buried in Kajang. We all went down to see Nonie in Cheras Batu 10.
  14. Inchek Sekma (Mak Sekma, lahir Khamis, 12:20 pagi, 13 November 1941-died) - she was the youngest girl in the family. She married Pakcik Mohamad and remained a housewife. She also prepared and sold cincaluk or udang geragau preserved in brine. She was very kind and always cooked lunch for us when we visited her house in Limbongan/Tanjong Keling in Malacca. She was a good cook and used a manual stove with coconut husks. One day her house was razed to the ground and an article came out in the newspapers. It had a photo of her pushing Pakcik Mohamad on wheelchair. After the fire, a small house was constructed next to the burn site. We went to see her after the incident and she talked about it. At the time the youngest son (Idris) was still a bachelor - he later married. Mak Sekma later died. Zaini's wife Zaharah died of cancer stage IV (affected her lungs) on 18 Feb 2015.
  15. Saleh (Pak Saleh, lahir Khamis, 6:30 petang, 12 February 1945) - he also attended night school with Pak Din. He then worked as Audit, then Chief Audit for the Malayan Railway Administration. He married Makcik Zaharah. They have 3 daughters (Norhafizah @ Pp, Suhaila, Nurul Akmar - in Facebook). 
At 262 Banda Hilir house, Melaka circa 1950s-1960s. From left: Pak Abas, Mak Ainon (standing), Mak Edah (makcik basuh baju), Mak Nya, and Nenek Ani.
At 262 Banda Hilir house.  From left: Bi' Rahmah? Norzilah hisap puting, Pakcik Pau (checked shirt)?, Nenek Inche (faced sideways) and Bi' Wa. This is the hind quarter of rumah Banda Hilir (rumah bahagian belakang).
Reading papers at 262 Rumah Banda Hilir. From right: Nenek Inche and Nenek Ani near the door? Who are the kids?
Tea at 262 Banda Hilir house. From left: Mak Ainon serving, Bik Enson holding cup and Bik Leha (Pak Saleh identified them in March 2012).
Nenek Inche before the Second World War, before the Japanese Occupation in Malaya (1941-1945). Mak said that the family had a lot of black varnished furniture which were turned into firewood during the war. None of the black furniture survived the war which ended in September 1945. Location is unknown - could be Jalan Imbi home in KL as the Banda Hilir house had little brick walls - only near the toilet and the wall adjoining rumah Nenek Ani.
Hari Raya at 262 Rumah Banda Hilir. Back row from left: Pakcik Pau, Pak Bakau, and Bapak. Front row from left: Pak Saleh and Pak Din.
All of them at Pulau Besar in 1948. Nenek Inche's husband is Mohd Yusope (Walid) at far right with songkok. He was called "Walid" which means father in Arabic. Bearded Haji Noordin bin Ismail @King George (Ujong Pasir) is at far left. Behind Haji Nordin is Haji Yusof bin Buntal (Pak Ji Usop Semabok, suami Mak Lah). Next to Walid is Pak Abas (Abas bin Haji Abdul Rahman, suami Mak Ainon Umbai).

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

Bedah bt Mohd Don (Bik Ninggal)

Bedah bt Mohd Don (Bik Ninggal)
Anak Nenek Aminah bt Mohd Amin Pasar
Anak saudara Nenek Inchek
Ibu saudara Dato' Abdul Hadi

Full name: Bedah bt Mohd Don
Call name: Bik Ninggal/Mak Ninggal/Nenek Ninggal
Relationship: Anak Nenek Aminah (niece Nenek Inchek)

From Bapak:
Bapak said he didn't know/couldn't recall Bik Ninggal.
We don't know why she was called "Bik Ninggal," whether ninggal referred to dead, death or dying.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

From Abang Sharif:
He asked to contact Muzlifah anak Mak Nya (Gombak).
As for Bik Ninggal she is living in Jalan Yadi Klang. Pls call Muslifah Ab Aziz anak Mak Nya 016-6937904. She is in Telok Gong. She always contacts them and she knows their house.
From Muzlifah bt Ab Aziz (anak Mak Nya):
According to Muzlifah, Bik Ninggal is Nenek Inchek's cousin. (From me, not cousin but niece.)

From Dato' Abdul Hadi bin Othman (WhatsApp, 17 November 2018):

His grandmother Aminah was Nenek Inchek's sib (adik-beradik).
Aminah parents are Pak Amin Pasar and Hindun.

Aminah bt Mohd Amin married Mohd Don and had 3 children:
  1. Bedah @ Bik Ninggal
  2. Ainon (ibu Dato' Abdul Hadi)
  3. Yahya
Bedah was called Bik Ninggal. She was his mother's sister.

From me, based on what Dato' Abdul Hadi has informed me:

Great-grandfather: Md Amin/Pak Amin Pasar
Mat Amin's wife: Hindun

Grandmother: Aminah bt Md Amin Pasar (adik-beradik Nenek Inchek)
Aminah's husband: Mohd Don

Aminah's children: 3 
  1. Bedah (Kak Ninggal/Bik Ninggal/Mak Long Bedah)
  2. Ainon (Zainon/Kak Enon/Bik Enon) (ibu Dato' Abdul Hadi)
  3. Yahya
All 3 children are deceased. They are Bapak's first cousins.

Father: Othman
Mother: Ainon bt Mohd Don
Parents are deceased.

Ainon's children: 5 
  1. Salwa
  2. Khalif
  3. Saedah (deceased)
  4. Dato' Abdul Hadi
  5. Aziah
These 5 children are Aminah's grandchildren and my second cousins.

From Aunty Hasnah (anak Tok Alang Kg Baru):

[17/11, 9:39 pm] Aunty Hasnah Salleh: 
Arwah bapa dia: Osman. Arwah emak dia: Zainon. (we called kak Enon.) Zainon's sister: Kak Ninggal.

[17/11, 9:41 pm] Aunty Hasnah Salleh: 
His siblings: Khalid, Salwah, Azizah, Aziah.

Bik Leha balik Haji, 1988

Bik Ninggal was present at rumah Bik Leha when Bik Leha returned from the Hajj in 1988. Bapak and Mak, Kamariah (isteri arwah Farid) and son Afiq, Nenek Hasnah (Coco's sister), aunty Habsah (anak Tok Ali and Nenek Endon Kedah), Bik Rahmah (isteri Tok Ali Gombak), and Nenek Alang (isteri Tok Alang Kg Baru), were there too.

Gathering at Bik Leha's house in PJ. Bik Leha baru balik Haji 1988. From left: Nek Alang (isteri Tok Alang), Bik Ninggal, Bik Leha, Bik Rahmah bt Ismail atas kerusi (adik Tan Sri Dr Abdul Majid bin Ismail) and an unknown lady in yellow tudung with a child.
From Pak Cik Hassan (WhatsApp 18 November 2018):

Pak Amin Pasar married 4 wives, one after another after each died. Mereka tidak dimadu.

From Dato's Abdul Hadi bin Othman's 2 family trees he provided in WhatsApp:

Pak Amin Pasar had 4 wives:
  1. Baizura 
  2. Hindon
  3. Anjah
  4. Hasnah
From Nenek Inchek's narration which she told me (because I asked her myself):

Nenek Inchek said her mother died when she was in Std 1. So, her mother must have died when Nenek Inchek was 7, going on 8 years old.

Nenek Inchek was born circa 1907 (calculated based on her eldest child's date of birth (DOB) and calculated dated of her marriage to Walid (Mohd Yusope bin Hj Md Sharif), and based on narration of Mak Bedah that Nenek Inchek was 12 going on 13 when she married to Walid). 

So, Nek Inchek's mother could have died circa 1914 (ie middle of First World War or WW1). And Pak Amin Pasar could have remarried (to 3rd wife Anjah bt Nae'mat) circa 1914/15 (ie still during WW1).

After her mother died, Nenek Inchek went to school briefly and then left school for good. She was terribly upset that her mother had died and could not continue school.

Nenek Inchek married when she was 12, going on 13. She therefore married in 1920, some 5 years after her mother died, and possible her father (Pak Amin Pasar) was already remarried to his 3rd wife.

From Pak Cik Hassan:

Nenek Hasnah was a widow and had children when she married to Pak Amin Pasar as his 4th wife. They didn't have kids together. (Bapak said Pak Amin Pasar could have died circa 1936.) According to Pak Cik Hassan, Nenek Hasnah lived with Tok Rashid Serdang's family in the early 1950s in Serdang.

From me:

Pak Amin Pasar had 4 wives. He married only one wife at a time. He remarried after each wife died.
  1. Baizura  - was she also known as Che Pah? 1 son?
  2. Second wife, Sekma (not Hindon) - Children: Mohd Nor, Aminah, Salleh, Ismail, and Aishah (Nenek Inchek/Bik Esah), + Nyonya
  3. Anjah bt Md Ariff - Children: Che Mah, Ali, Zaleha, Zainab, Hindun, Ensun, Idris, + Zawiyah
  4. Hasnah - she had children from her previous marriage but not with Pak Amin Pasar
Who was Nenek Aminah's and Nenek Inchek's mother?
Did they have the same mother or different mothers?
  1. One story says Nenek Aminah's mother is Hindon. 
  2. From other stories I have gathered so far, Nenek Inchek's mother is Sekmah (an Arabic name).
So, altogether, Pak Amin Pasar had 15 children (from his first 3 wives) and a few step-children (from Hasnah, his 4th wife). 

From Mohd Nor bin Hassan, 6 November 2019:

Mohd Amin Pasar had 4 wives:
  1. Baizura
  2. Sekmah (not Hendon, Hindun or Hindon)
  3. Anjah bt Nae'mat (sister of Ismail bin Nae'mat, Coco's father)
  4. Hasnah
Sekmah had 13 children and Datuk Mohd Nor was the eldest. Datuk Mohd Nor married 2 wives - Hendon and Hjh Burok bt Tamby Chik.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Salihah bte Mohd Amin (Bik Leha)

Salihah bte Mohd Amin
(Bik Leha/Nenek Leha - anak Pak Amin Pasar)

Photo re-touch by Faridah Abdul Rashid (low resolution)

Full name: Salihah bte Mohd Amin
Call name: Bapak, Mak and Mak Bedah called her Bik Leha. I called her Nenek Leha.
Her mother: Anjah bt Mohd Ariff

From Bapak:
Bik Leha lived in Petaling Jaya but is deceased.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

Tea at Rumah Banda Hilir, early 1960s.
There are 3 women. At leftmost is Mak Ainon (Umbai). At rightmost is Nenek Leha (Bik Leha). The lady in the middle is either Nenek Enson (Bik Enson) or Nenek Zainab (Bik Jenab).

Version 1 (ID by Pak Saleh):
Mak Ainon serving tea to Nenek Enson and Nenek Leha.
From left: Mak Ainon (Che Non), Nenek Enson (Bik Enson) and Nenek Leha (Bik Leha).

Version 2 (ID by Mak Cik Hasnah Salleh, 24 Dec 2014):
Mak Ainon serving tea to Nenek Zainab and Nenek Che Mah.
From left: Mak Ainon (Che Non), Nenek Zainab (Bik Jenab) and Nenek Che Mah (Bik Che Mah, ibu Pak Cik Hassan).

(Tok) Ahmad bin Dom, bapa aunties Salmah, Salmiah and Jasmine.

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From her daughter Salmah Ahmad in Facebook (24 Dec 2014):

Bik Leha's full name is Salihah bte Mohd Amin.

Initial information from Pak Cik Hassan.
Added information from Salmah Ahmad (24 Dec 2014).

Salmah Ahmad's mother is Salihah bte Mohd Amin. Her father is Ahmad bin Dom.
Her youngest brother Rosli Ahmad is deceased (this is mentioned in Salmah Ahmad's Facebook. There is a photo of Rosli's grave in her Facebook).

Photos and discussion from Facebook.

Parents of Salmah Ahmad and Salmiah Ahmad.
Salihah bte Mohd Amin and Ahmad bin Dom.

Ahmad bin Dom

Photo re-touch by Faridah Abdul Rashid (low resolution)
Salihah bte Mohd Amin (Bik Leha, Nenek Leha)
Mak (2nd left in blue) with Coco's sister Hasnah (extreme left), Nenek Endon (isteri Tok Ali Alor Star, Kedah), Nenek Alang (isteri Tok Alang Kg Baru, ibu mak cik Milah/aunty Jamilah Salleh), Kamariah dukung Afiq (isteri arwah Farid) and Mak Besar/Habsah is behind Kamariah (in pink dress). At rumah Nenek Leha (Bik Leha or Salihah bt Mohd Amin) after returning from the Hajj (Nenek Leha balik drp Haji). Dated 26 June 1988
Bapak and Pak Din at rumah Nenek Leha when she returned from the Hajj in June 1988.
Pak Cik Hassan is at rightmost.
Bapak and his adik-beradik at Bik Leha's house after her return from the Hajj in 1988.

Salihah bte Mohd Amin married to Ahmad bin Dom.

Salihah bte Mohd Amin @ Bik Leha's children are:
  1. Zainal (deceased)
  2. Ariffin (deceased)
  3. Salmah (DOB 8 December 1953) ... Kuching, Sarawak
  4. Sulaiman
  5. Salmiah (DOB 2 April 1956) ... Shah Alam, sebaya dengan Abang Sharif
  6. Jasmin
  7. Rosli (deceased)

Anak2 Nenek Leha in Facebook:


All photos are from the respective Facebook accounts of Nenek Leha's daughters.

Bik Rahmah bt Mohd Amin

Full name: Bik Rahmah bt Mohd Amin
Call name: Bik Rahmah

From Bapak:
She lived in Kajang. Either her husband or son was Ambassador to Japan.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

Endon bt Mohd Amin (Bik Endon)

Full name: Bik Endon bt Mohd Amin
Call name: Bik Endon
DOB: ?
Date deceased: ?
Her mother: Anjah bt Muhammad Ariff (sister of Enjah bt Muhammad Ariff) / Anjah bt Nae'mat?
Her husband: Mohd Ali (Tok Ali Alor Star, Kedah)
DOB: ?
Date deceased: ?

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From Bapak:
Bik Endon is the wife of Tok Ali in Alor Setar, Kedah. Tok Ali was an Information Officer (Pegawai Penerangan). Bik Endon was very thin - Mak said she probably had tuberculosis (TB). Their house was near the railway crossing in the Malay housing scheme.

Bapak (HARMY = Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From me: 
I visited Alor Setar to find their house but couldn't locate the housing scheme (taman perumahan orang Melayu). Dini Noor said the housing scheme is still there. May have to go again and ask Dini to show the place. Dini is in Facebook. She is Head of Sultanah Asma School (SAS) Alumni.

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From Siti Aishah bt Mohd Ali (11 August 2013):
Anak-anak Bik Endon:
ar = arwah
  1. Maimunah (ar), 
  2. Rohana (ar), 
  3. Harisfathilah (ar), 
  4. Jaafar, 
  5. Mustafa (ar), 
  6. Zainah, 
  7. Siti Zaleha (DOB 27 Dec 1959) ... sebaya dengan Rabi'ah Abdul Rashid
  8. Siti Aishah, 
  9. Kamal, 
  10. Mashitah (ar @ birth)
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From Rahmat Awaludin (3 June 2013 at 12:13):
kalau masuk kategori cucu Bi Endun...lagi ramai ni...
anak-anak Maimunah & Awaludin :-
  1. Siti Azlina
  2. Siti Aida
  3. Siti Noriza
  4. Siti Nadiyah
  5. Siti (deceased)
  6. Mohd Rahmat - me
  7. Siti Nursaadah
  8. Mohd Aimran
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

From Mohd Shahrizal Jaafar (8 January 2015, 02:57 am):
Cucu-cucu Bik Endon, anak Jaafar & Sabariah:
  1. Sayyidatulkarimah
  2. Mohd Shahrizal - saya
  3. Mohd Safwan
  4. Mohd Asyraf
  5. Mohd Anas
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

Anak Tok Ali & Bik Endon (Kedah) in Facebook:

Siti Zaleha bt Mohd Ali:

Siti Aishah bt Mohd Ali:

Che Mah bt Mohd Amin (1918-1975) - Bik Che Mah, Serdang

Che Mah bt Mohd Amin 1918-1975
Bik Che Mah anak Pak Amin Pasar in 1956, Sg Besi
Eldest child of Nenek Moyang Anjah
(Nenek Anjah was the 3rd wife of Pak Amin Pasar)
Isteri Tok Rashid, Serdang
Portrait was cropped from a family group photo from Pak Cik Hassan

Full name: Che Mah bt Mohd Amin
Call name: Bik Che Mah
Her father: Mohd Amin (Pak Amin Pasar/Mat Amin Pasar)
Her mother: Anjah/Nenek Anjah (3rd wife of Pak Amin Pasar)
She is the eldest child of Nenek Anjah's children.
Demise (from Pak Cik Hassan): She died in December 1975 in Mina semasa azan waktu fajar pagi Jumaat. Selepas wuquf.
Age at death: She was 57 years old

From Bapak:

She lived in Serdang and was rich. She died in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Husband: Mohd Rashid bin Ahmad @ Pak Rashid who worked with Pak Busu in iron ore mining company in Terengganu. When Bik Che Mah died, Pak Rashid re-married.

Pak Rashid had 2 wives:
  1. First wife: Bik Che Mah bt Mohd Amin
  2. Second wife: Rahmah
Children of second wife:
  1. Rahman Rashid - An Australian-trained architect; now paralysed. Married a Terengganu princess. He would treat Bapak if they met.
  2. Harun Rashid
  3. Hassan Rashid - Was close to Dr ____?, every year go for Umrah. Married to Jamilah bt Mohd Saleh (Mak Cik Jamilah), anak Pak Lang, who worked in the Treasury/ Ministry of Finance in Kuala Lumpur
  4. Girl1
  5. Siti Hajar
Bik Che Mah was the younger sister (adik) of Nenek Inchek.
Bik Che Mah was the first wife of Pak Rashid, Serdang.
Idris (husband of Mak Busu/Nenek Busu) was the youngest brother of Bik Che Mah.
Bik Che Mah, Idris, and Nenek Inchek are sibs.

Pak Din (Baharudin bin Mohd Yusope) supplied food to Rahman Rashid, who catered for hotel.

Bik Che Mah was rich. When Bapak visited Bik Che Mah, she would give Bapak some money.

Bapak (Haji Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope)
13 October 2007

Meeting anak2 Tok Rashid and Nenek Che Mah, Serdang

Pak Cik Hassan (Hassan bin Mohd Rashid) and Mak Cik Jamilah (Jamilah bt Mohd Saleh) are first cousins. They were in Kelantan during a wedding of their besan's son on 12 June 2010. Pak Cik Hassan is anak Tok Rashid, Serdang. Mak Cik Jamilah is anak Tok Alang Kampung Baru (rumah tepi padang). Photographed in Kota Bharu by Faridah bt Abdul Rashid.
From left: Myself, Mak Cik Jamilah, Pak Cik Hassan and Affandi, 12 June 2010. At my house.
Siti Hajar bt Mohd Rashid (anak Tok Rashid, Serdang from his second wife) at left and myself at right. May 1980 during my Bachelors graduation at California State University, Chico campus.

Update from me (20 November 2018):

Nenek Che Mah was the younger sister (adik) of Nenek Inchek.

Nenek Inchek was born circa 1907 (from Hindun, Pak Amin Pasar's 2nd wife).

Nenek Che Mah was born in 1918 (from Anjah, Pak Amin Pasar's 3rd wife).

Nenek Che Mah was the first wife of Tok Rashid, Serdang.

Tok Idris (suami Nenek Busu) was the youngest brother of Nenek Che Mah, from the same mother (Anjah).

Nenek Che Mah, Tok Idris, and Nenek Inchek are sibs. Nenek Inchek dari ibu lain.

From Pak Cik Hassan bin Mohd Rashid (WhatsApp 20 November 2018):

His mother is Che Mah bt Mohd Amin (anak Pak Amin Pasar).

Che Mah bt Mohd Amin's mother is Anjah (3rd wife of Pak Amin Pasar).

Che Mah is the eldest of Anjah's children.

She died in December 1975 in Mina semasa azan waktu fajar pagi Jumaat. Selepas wuquf.

I think my nenek is Anjah.

Nenek Anjah and Nenek Enjah were sisters. 

So Tok Ali and Nenek Rahmah were cousins.

Nenek Rahmah was adik TS Majid.

Clarification from me, 
based on information from Pak Cik Hassan and my interview with Tan Sri Dr Abdul Majid (for my research and book on The Early Malay Doctors):

Nenek Anjah and Nenek Enjah were two sisters.

Nenek Anjah married to Pak Amin Pasar (as his 3rd wife). Pak Amin Pasar died sometime in 1936, before the Central Market was built and before Pasar Chow Kit brick building was built in 1955.

Nenek Enjah married to Pak Ismail Nekmat. Pak Ismail Nekmat died of malaria towards the end of the Second World War (WW2) in 1945. He was working in the railway repair yard.

Pak Amin Pasar and Pak Ismail Nekmat died 9 years apart.
