Monday, 3 December 2012

Rumah Banda Hilir (6)

I have sat down to draw the interior of the house and added photos where they were taken (guessed and based on memory). I have tried to add icons to enliven the sketches of the interior and spaces. This is all from my past. The house has been demolished and there is nothing else to go by to draw these pictures.

Anjung (front guest space, mainly for males after prayers)

Front inner living-room for formal guests

Master bedroom where I slept with my parents till age 4-5

Brick multipurpose space for drying clothes, kids to play, preparing for festivities, etc. Goods are also placed here before they are sorted and separated into smaller tin cans for storage.

Rear living-room where relatives gathered to help out with festivities, etc. Doubled up as sleeping space when they were too many relatives in the house.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Rumah Banda Hilir (5)

262-T Rumah Banda Hilir still excites me. I have sat down to draw the interior architectural plan of the house. This house was probably of Minangkabau exterior and interior layout.

Entrance viewed from across the main road, circa 1963.

House viewed from the main entrance, circa 1963.

This is how I have the house in my mind. This map shows the location of the house wrt the other known structures in Banda Hilir when I lived there.

Interior floor plan of the house from the time I was born up till before the toilet was made. We used the jamban outside the house. It was some distance from the main house. The pong was terrible, coming from the excreta in the pail beneath the stall (squatting type). It was like living on top of a cesspit. There were 2 bedrooms, a master bedroom in the newer section and a smaller bedroom in the older (ancient) back section of the house.

Interior floor plan after a toilet was made inside the house. Life was much better with a toilet inside the house. I slept with my parents in the master bedroom till I was past 4 years old. I slept in my eldest brother's big blue cot which was as big as a single bed.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Haji Jamaluddin bin Haji Ali

He is Dr Sabariah Faizah's father.
He is Bapak's uncle.
He is my granduncle.

Hj Jamaluddin bin Haji Ali (1923-2005)
Photos were cropped from those belonging to Bapak and Baharin Hj Tamby

Full name: Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali
Call names: Bapak addressed him as Pak Cik Jamaluddin. I referred to him as Tok Jamaluddin. Baharin called him Tok Uncle.
Date of birth: 29 June 1923 Johor Bahru, Johor, British Malaya
Occupation: teacher; headmaster; lecturer
Deceased: 1 December 2005 (82) Klang, Selangor; interred at Klang
Parents: Ali and Puspa
Wife: Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif (1930-2004)
Children: 6

I spoke to his daughter on 25 May 2016: 

According to his daughter, Dr Sabariah Faizah, her father started as a teacher, became the headmaster of a Chinese school in Johor, then became a lecturer at Maktab Perguruan, and finally retired (pensioned) at Johor Bahru (JB) (aged 55). Then he worked on extension at UiTM Klang in Jabatan Biro Teks (textbook department) till he retired for a second time at age 65.

Address in Klang that Bapak wrote on a piece of paper:
Hj. Jamaluddin Hj Ali
7 Lorong Terap
Palm Grove
41200 Klang
Selangor DE

His wife:

Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif (1930-2004)
Photo from

His wife: Hajjah Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif 
Her call names: Uncle Haji Tamby bin Ahmad called her Aunty as she is HABHAL's younger sister. Baharin bin Haji Tamby called her Nek Aunty. Kak Fuziah gave her name as Hajjah Kalsom. Mak referred to her as Aunty Chom. I referred to her as Nenek Chom
Date of birth: 26 April 1930 Melaka
Birthplace: She was born in Melaka (could be at Tengkera)
Occupation: Housewife (dia pandai masak and buat kuih Raya, as I remember her in P. Chepa, Kelantan). She was our neighbour.
Date of demise: 3 November 2004 (74) Klang, Selangor; interred at Klang
She married to Jamaluddin bin Ali and bore him 6 children.

Father: Hj Abdul Lathif bin Hj Tambi (Ulamak Nusantara)
Mother: Bi bt Abdullah (from Bandung; she was partly Dutch; she was referred to as Nek Bee; she was gifted to the Ulamak, who later married her when she was older/when she was of marrying age)

I spoke to their daughter Dr Sabariah Faizah bt Hj Jamaluddin on 25 May 2016:

According to Dr Sabariah Faizah, Masjid Tengkera has a section on Hj Abdul Lathif (Ulamak Nusantara). Arkib Melaka has put up information on Hj Abdul Lathif. There are photos of him too.

According to Dr Sabariah Faizah, Hjh Umi Kalthom's father was Hj Abdul Lathif, the renowned Ulamak Nusantara from Tengkera. Her mother's mother was Bi bt Abdullah. Bi bt Abdullah was originally from Bandung, Indonesia. She came to Penang at age 13 years and married to Hj Abdul Lathif as his Penang wife, and also as his last wife. Their only daughter is Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif.

Bi bt Abdullah married twice, first to Hj Abdul Lathif (Ulamak Nusantara), and then to Hj Sulaiman. Bi bt Abdullah had only one daughter from her first marriage to Hj Abdul Lathif, and two daughters from her second marriage to Hj Sulaiman. Altogether, Bi bt Abdullah had three daughters from her 2 marriages.

Hjh Umi Kalthom's father passed away when she was about 9 years old. She never went to formal school, but knew/read tulisan Jawi. She could not write in Jawi.

When was Hjh Umi Kalthom born? We can calculate her birth date based on her father's date of demise. Her father passed away in 1939. So Hjh Umi Kalthom was probably born in 1930. 
Hjh Umi Kalthom was born in Melaka, but the exact place is unknown. Then she moved to Singapore (the exact place in Singapore is unknown). Then she probably moved back to Melaka before moving to Johor. She married in Johor to Jamaluddin bin Ali. Their daughter is Dr Sabariah Faizah bt Hj Jamaluddin.
Hjh Umi Kalthom was most probably born in Tengkera, Melaka since her father and grandfather were also from Tengkera.

Dr Sabariah Faizah was born in Johor in 1959. She lives in Shah Alam. Dr Sabariah Faizah has an adopted aunt named Siti bt Abdullah. 

Siti bt Abdullah is from Johor. She is an adopted sister of Hjh Umi Kalthom. She is probably Chinese. She is presently in her late 70s/early 80s. Siti bt Abdullah had lived with both Bi bt Abdullah and Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif. Siti bt Abdullah knows the details of both Bi bt Abdullah and Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif. 

Children: 6
  1. General Tan Sri Muhammad Ismail Jamaluddin
  2. Ahmad Jamaluddin
  3. Noraini/Aini (Noni) Jamaluddin ... adopted 
  4. Dr Sabariah Faizah (Faizah) Jamaluddin
  5. Datin Sabariah Fauziah (Fuzi) Jamaluddin
  6. Hjh Sabariah Faridah (Farid) Jamaluddin
FAMILY TREE (tentative; we are still working out the correct links)

(i) Haji Abdul Lathif bin Tambi (Ulamak Nusantara) (1872-1939)

He married 4 wives:
  1. Maryam (from Tengkera; HABHAL's mother, 7 children - Hj Ahmad/HABHAL/kicap HABHAL, Khadijah, Abu Bakar, Fathima, Umar, Aminah and Uthman)
  2. Siti Hajar (her origin is unknown; 6 children - Ali, Yahya, Saidah, Abdullah, Aishah and Salma)
  3. Neng Chik (information received from Azharuddin Kassim, confirmed by his aunt in Singapore. Second wife is Neng Chik who has a daughter, Hamidah, married to Nur Hassan Khan @ Wanchik. Wanchik is Azharuddin's uncle. Azharuddin's great-grandmother was the second wife of Ali Shah Khan. She was from Kesang.)
  4. Bi bt Abdullah (4th and last wife; origin Bandung; she was partly Dutch; she married at age 13 in Penang; born 1917? He was 45; 1 daughter - Nenek Hjh Umi Kalthom, who married to Tok Jamaluddin bin Ali)


Haji Ahmad bin Haji Abdul Lathif was better known as HABHAL.

His father was Hj Abdul Lathif bin Hj Nuruddin/Hj Tambi from Tengkera. Hj Abdul Lathif Tambi was popularly known in British Malaya and Dutch Indonesia as Ulamak Nusantara.

His mother was Maryam from Tengkera. She had 7 children.
  1. Hj Ahmad bin Hj Abdul Lathif (HABHAL) - suami Nenek Amnah bt Hj Md Sharif
  2. Khadijah
  3. Abu Bakar (grandfather of Jumilah bt Abdul Rahman)
  4. Fathima
  5. Umar
  6. Aminah
  7. Uthman

One of HABHAL's younger sister is Nenek Aunty Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif, wife of Tok Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali. Hjh Umi Kalthom is HABHAL's youngest sister, by the last wife of Hj Abdul Lathif. Hj Abdul Lathif's last wife is Bi bt Abdulllah, whom he married in Penang when she was 13 years old. She was originally from Bandung, Indonesia.

HABHAL married twice, first to Amnah bt Hj Mohd Sharif, and secondly to Mahani bt Hj Khalil.
HABHAL married Nenek Amnah, adik Tok Walid and Bapak punya aunty.
HABHAL also married another of his relative, Nenek Mahani bt Haji Khalil, as his second wife, after Nenek Amnah had passed away in the late 1960 (1967?)
HABHAL was Bapak's uncle.

HABHAL was Tok Hj Jamaluddin's uncle.

(iii) Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali

Tok Hj Jamaluddin bin Haji Ali was Bapak's uncle.

My father addressed Pak Cik Jamaludin as Uncle, and his wife as Aunty.

I addressed him as Tok Jamaluddin and his wife as Nenek Chom. That was between 1969-1971.

(iv) Razak

Tok Hj Jamaluddin's nephew is Razak.

Tok Hj Jamaluddin is Zulaikha Razak's granduncle (datuk saudara).

Query: Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali and Razak's father/mother are sibs?

Bapak was close to Tok Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali. They were together at Leeds in 1962 and at Maktab Perguruan Perempuan Melayu at Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan in 1969/1970-1971 (his family was in Kelantan for a short while).

Pak Cik Jamaluddin (far left) with colleagues in UK, 17 March 1962. En Ahmad bin Dahan (Zana's father) is at rightmost. Photo from Bapak's collection.
Rear of photo. Bapak addressed him as Che' Jamaluddin.
Pak Cik Jamaluddin visited and stayed with Bapak and Mak in Minden Heights, Penang in 1989. He then went home and wrote back to Bapak to thank him.

Postcard dated 7 March 1989. Here he had signed his name, Jamaluddin Hj Ali.

From Baharin Tamby (4 August 2015):

"That is tok uncle. his wife i believe is my late grandmother's sister. Hajah Amnah's younger sister. the baby in the picture is my elder brother. Ok i got his name. He is Jamaludin Haji Ali. Yes, i called his wife nek aunty and pakcik jamaludin as tok uncle."

From Baharin Tamby, 20 March 2016:

"My parents ke rumah tok uncle dan nek auntie."
Photo and text by Baharin Tamby. 20 March 2016
From left: Haji Tamby bin Haji Ahmad, Tok Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali and wife Hjh Umi Kalthom, and Hjh Hajijiah bt Sulaiman - wife of Haji Tamby.

Kak Fuziah gave information about Tok Jamaluddin's family.

From Kak Fuziah bt Abdul Latiff (Tumpat, Kelantan on 7 January 2016):

His name: Jamaluddin bin Ali
His wife: Hajah Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif
Children: 4
  1. Noraini 
  2. Dr Sabariah Faizah
  3. Datin Fauziah
  4. Tan Sri Ismail 
From Abdul Latteef Yunos (anak Hjh Saadiah HABHAL), 24 March 2016:

Hjh Kalthom adalah adik kepada Hj Ahmad (Habhal) lain emak.

From Kamariah Hanizan bt Kamarul Bahrain (Hani, ex-TKC, 6 years my junior), 24-25 July 2016:

Kamariah Hanizan's family is a friend of Tok Jamaluddin's family. Her family is not related to Tok Jamaluddin; they are just family friends.

According to her, Tok Jamaluddin has 5 children - 4 girls and a boy. The youngest girl is Sabariah Faridah, born in 1968. She was left in the hands of her grandmother in JB when Tok Jamaluddin came to lived at Maktab Perguruan Kota Bharu in P. Chepa.

Kamariah Hanizan also heard of Siti, not as Mak Cik Siti, but just Siti.

According to her, Tok Jamaluddin also worked in Indonesia as an (education attache?).

Kamariah Hanizan Uncle Jamaluddin had 5 kids - 4 girls and a boy. I met the grandma who lived in Jln Landak Batu, Century Gardens during my TKC days, but she had since passed away. Siti lived with them - I always womdered why Farid called her aunt Siti and not makcik Siti...

From me:

His name: Tok Hj Jamaluddin bin Hj Ali
His wife: Nenek Hjh Umi Kalthom bt Hj Abdul Lathif
(I have met both the couple. They came to live at MPKB in 1971.)
Children (my aunts and uncles): 6
  1. General Tan Sri Muhammad Ismail (born 1952; I have never met him, but I heard about him when we were kids)
  2. Ahmad (I don't know him)
  3. Aini (born 1957, she was adopted and older than Faizah ... she was my elder sister Pah's age. We called her (Aunty) Noni.)
  4. Dr Sabariah Faizah (born 1959 in JB. Kamariah Hanizan calls her Kak Jah)
  5. Datin Sabariah Fauziah (we called her Fuzi ... she's Amin's age 1962)
  6. Hjh Sabariah Faridah (born January 1968 ... I have not met her)


1. General Tan Sri Ismail bin Jamaluddin

Born 21 Sept 1952
He is retired from the army (askar)
He had held a high rank in the army ... some Panglima post.
His son Mohd Shahril married a girl from Pauh Lima, otw to UMK Bachok; the son is working in Penang.

2. Ahmad bin Jamaluddin

DOB unknown
No update

3. Aini Jamaluddin

Born circa 1957
Noni is married
Her kid recently got married
Kak Fuziah and I didn't get to go.

4. Dr Sabariah Faizah bt Jamaluddin

She was born in 1959 in Johor
She is married and has kids
She is the Head of A&E at Sg Buloh Hospital.
+6 012 206 4243

Tok Jamaluddin is Dr Sabariah Faizah's father. 

5. Datin Sabariah Fauziah bt Jamaluddin

Born circa 1962
She is Datin Fauziah at Hospital Perdana in Kota Bharu
She works in KL, but comes frequently to Hospital Perdana
+6 012 375 2964

6. Hjh Sabariah Faridah bt Jamaluddin

Born 1968
She was looked after by her grandmother in JB.
She is the founder of Little Caliph kindy.
She is the Principal of Islamic School Shah Alam.

From Mohd Firdaus bin Mohd Ibrahim (Ibrahim Firdaus in FB):

In 2003, The Little Caliphs Programâ„¢ was founded by Hajjah Sabariah Faridah Jamaluddin and her husband, Haji Roslan bin Nordin. The first is the academic author, whilst the later is the business author of the program. The couple share the same concern and interest in the tasks of educating the new muslim generation in the light of Islam.

Hajjah Sabariah Faridah Binti Haji Jamaluddin.
Chief Academic Officer, Little Caliphs International Sdn Bhd.
Photo from their website.

  • A concerned muslimah, a mother of five children, and a high spirited educationist.
  • BSc. Chemistry, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada (1986).
  • Tungku Kurshiah College, Seremban (1977-1981).
  • Past experiences:
  • A lecturer of UiTM & American Degree Preparation Program.
  • A co-founder of Lake Head Grammar School, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Head of Pre-Science Program, Kolej Inpens (owned by Selangor State Government).
  • Lecturer of Pre-School Teaching Certification Program under Ministry of Education, run by Kolej Pendidikan Perdana, Shah Alam
  • English teacher at SRI KL International School, Subang Jaya.
  • Founder and Executive Director of Integrated Islamic School Shah Alam (IISSA).
  • Founded first kindergarten in 1986, and since then has trained and consulted many kindergartens in Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.
  • Trained and mastered in various learning and teaching methodologies.

Hj Roslan bin Nordin
CEO Little Caliphs International Sdn. Bhd.
Photo from their website.

  • A keen learner of Islam, a father of six children
  • An information technology and management professional, a business coach and consultant, an educationist, and a seasoned entrepreneur.
  • M. Sc. in Computer Sc., CMU, MI, USA (1988)
  • B. Sc. in Computer Sc., WMU, MI, USA (1986)
  • King George V Secondary School, Seremban (1977-1982).
  • Former positions: President of an IT firm, General Manager IT & Billing at Telekom Malaysia International BD, Dean of Information Technology Faculty at Universiti Industri Selangor, Corporate Strategy Manager at NISSAN Saudi Arabia, Lecturer at University Teknologi MARA.
  • Public trainer and consultant on Kinderpreneurship, Project Management, Balanced Scorecard, and Inner Skills of Wealth Creation.
  • Developed Little Caliphs Kinderpreneurship Program.
  • Enterpreneurship Mentor under PUNB and MARA.
  • Serving Little Caliphs on part-time basis since 2003, and on full-time basis since 2009.


Tok Jamaluddin is Zulaikha Razak's granduncle (datuk saudara).

Zulaikha Razak was a dental student at PPSG, USM at Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. She was in
3rd year PPSG/Dentistry; 7 March 2012);
4th year in 2013;
5th year in 2014.

She already graduated in 2014.

I don't have the whereabouts of Dr Zulaikha Razak (MBDS USM 2014).

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Do you ever believe in miracles? I do. Let me tell you the story of the soy sauce (kicap, kichap) that bound an early settler's family, one that opened trade in early Singapore. This story covers Malacca, Johor, Sungai Buloh and Singapore. Here's the miracle story ...

Maktab Perguruan Kota Bharu, Kelantan

When I was a child of 11, my family lived in Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Our house was in the grounds of Maktab Perguruan Kota Bharu, Kelantan. My father taught there as a lecturer. We lived in a bungalow, made by the British administration in Malaya, which was later occupied by the Japanese officers during World War II. When we moved into our house it was haunted and had bottles of alcoholic beverages strewn on the pangkin in one of the back rooms. We were told not to go near the big black bottles as they contained something HARAM (mostly whisky). The garage was messy and was also haunted. We didn't keep our car in there since it stunk of petrified corpses. The house was unoccupied for 24 years since the war ended in 1945; we moved in in 1969. The other bungalows also appeared haunted. Our nearest neighbour was Pak Cik Jamaluddin and his family. I got to know him and his family from my father. My father was fond of Pak Cik Jamaluddin and I wondered why. Pak Cik Jamaluddin was my father's uncle. I didn't know the lineage at that time back in 1969-1971 except that we were somewhat related.

Pak Cik Jamaluddin Hj Ali

Pak Cik Jamaluddin had a few kids who came over to our house for birthday parties and to play with us in the evening. I don't know how many kids he had. The ones I remember are Noni, Sabariah Faizah and Fuzi. There was a boy but I don't recall ever seeing him. Even if I had met him I can only remember someone with curly hair. Pak Cik Jamaluddin had a lovely fair wife whom I called Mak Cik. I don't know her name but she made pretty Hari Raya cookies and stacked them in bottles that filled the shelves in one room. For me, it was a child's dream to see that many Raya cookies made ahead of the festivities.

As kids, we all went to play on the field at the side of our house, near my bedroom window, and that of my parents. We played rounders in the shade of the coconut trees and climbed trees. The flame of the forest was a beautiful tree to climb. I can remember the evening breeze and it would pick up and the air would turn from cool to cold and I would run inside to keep warm, watching the other kids from my bedroom window.

Dr Sabariah Faizah bt Jamaluddin

Sabariah Faizah was a thin girl, like Twiggy. She was known to me as Faizah. She told me she had two names and I wondered why. I asked my mother why she had two names. Faizah was very different from the other kids I played with. She was a happy and noisy kid, a chatterbox and a tomboy. She showed me a photo when she was younger and lived in England. That photo has since stuck in my mind. I still can remember her standing next to a house in that photo. It was that photo that inspired me to study very hard so I too could go overseas and live overseas. Faezah spoke fluently, loud and clear. I could hear her voice when she approached our house to play. Sometimes I didn't have the mood to go out and play but when I heard her voice, I would jump up and go to the door to look for her. She would ask me to come out to play, "Mai lah, mai lah main." When my periods were heavy, I couldn't even walk properly, never mind going out to play and run with the boys. It was a turning point in my life. I was a big girl now. That was what our maid said but I was still my small girl frame. I had to refuse Faezah's call to come out and play when I had my period. It was a rather sad moment that I was transforming. I had to stay home because of my heavy periods.

After many weeks of not going out to play, I later heard that Pak Cik Jamaluddin was to be transferred out of Kelantan. I didn't know where he went. After he and his family left the Maktab quarters, the area around his house looked deserted and unkempt. The lalang grew so tall. There was once a young Malay couple who kena tangkap basah among the tall lalang near the garage, under the big tree (that reminds me of the movie, Summer '42). It was very sad when I looked in the direction of Pak Cik Jamaluddin's house from my bedroom window. That sadness went on for a long time, each time I remembered Pak Cik Jamaluddin and his family. Sometimes I would take a walk around his empty house and came home feeling a bit happier.

Moved from Kelantan to Malacca

Come 1 January 1972, I was shipped out to Malacca with my eldest brother Sharif and my elder sister Sharifah. We boarded the train from Wakaf Bharu in Kelantan and got off in Gemas. It was a dark cool foggy night and the street lamps had orange light that lit the space between the trees and the road. It was eerie and very frightening for me. I kept close to my brother, asking him, "Abang, kite nak pegi mane ni? Abang tau ke dekat mane rumah Mak Sarah?" My brother said he knew Malacca and how to get to our aunt's house but we got lost before we found transport to get to her place in Banda Hilir. I had to report for school that morning as instructed by our father. I didn't know why he had shipped us on the night of the first day of school in Kelantan. Kelantan schools opened on Sunday. I was in my school uniform when I travelled by train overnight to Malacca. I was supposed to report to the headmistress of my new school, Malacca Girls' High School (MGHS) at Durian Daun on Monday morning. It was a cruel but urgent transfer or I would have missed the first day of school at MGHS. My parents came to join us in Malacca in February. We lived at Maktab Perguruan Perempuan Melayu (MPPM) - another haunted house and haunted place. Pak Cik Jamaluddin was not in Malacca. I don't know where his family went.

Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (TKC), Seremban, NS

I later met Faizah at Tunku Kurshiah College (TKC) when I joined Form 4T in 1974. At first I thought it was the wrong person because she didn't look the same. But I kept track of her to see it she was the same Faizah I had known at Maktab in Kelantan. One day there was a grave news on campus and in the midst of it, there was this same mysterious girl. I looked at her features and listened to her voice. Yes! That's was the same girl I played with when we were much younger. I was overjoyed but she had her own group of friends. I kept to my group of friends and we drifted apart somewhat. I don't recall speaking to her at TKC. Maybe I did but I can't recall. I took the MCE in 1975 and then left TKC in May 1976 to go to Methodist Boys' School in Penang with (Prof) Asma Ismail and (Assoc Prof) Umi Kalthom Ngah, and then went to study in California for 6 straight years. Pak Cik Jamaluddin was nowhere near and unheard of. I wondered what happened to him and his family.

Bapak died in March 2009

My father died in Penang in March 2009. My elder sister cleared his drawer and saved all his loose-paper diary and jottings. She also saved his many pendrives. It was a good thing that my sister did not toss out anything from our father's belongings. I was in Penang 2 years after my father died. I went through some of his stuff, his pendrives and lots of papers from his drawer. Pak Cik Jamaluddin's photo was in my father's pendrive. It featured him and a group of Malaysians at his home in England. It must be in the early 1960's, about the same time Dr Ungku Omar was in England for his postgraduate studies. After going through some papers, I found a handwritten letter of gratitude and at the bottom was signed Jamaluddin Mohd Ali. I didn't know whether that was Pak Cik Jamaluddin. I decided to locate Faizah to see if that was her father. I wrote in my blog and in Facebook. Nothing positive came for a long time and I too forgot about trying to find out what was Pak Cik Jamaluddin's surname.

Dr Farid Abdull Wahab, A&E HUSM

One day, I received an email from Dr Farid (A&E USM). He informed me that Dr Sabariah Faizah was the Head of A&E at Sungai Buloh Hospital. I found it strange that Faizah would be in medicine. When we were kids we never spoke of becoming doctors. So I was a bit surprised and almost unsure whether I got the right person. I was given her handphone # and I SMS-ed her. True! It is the same Faizah! She's married and has kids. With that I surfed to see what she looked like. The Internet pictures showed a big lady and again my heart sank. Maybe it is not the same Faizah whom I knew. Maybe she was a different Faizah. I was very sad again as I was unsure. I forgot about her again.

Meeting again after 41 years

Yesterday (31 October 2012), I received a call from Dr Farid, A&E HUSM. He said there's someone who wanted to speak to me. It was Dr Sabariah Faizah! I almost fainted. Her voice was inaudible. However, she had informed me earlier that she would be coming to USM in April 2012. I had waited the entire month of April to see her but she did not show up as communicated in our emails. I had just returned to have lunch and received my books from the DHL courier service. I had ordered many copies of my book, in the hope to distribute them to faithful hands who would read my book. I could not meet with Faizah as I was too exhausted to get dressed and come to see her. I slumped in front of my laptop to write to my publisher (in Bloomington, Indiana, USA, despite the storm Sandy) that I had received 20 copies of my book. I decided to SMS Faizah later in the evening to see if there is a chance for us to meet up and to see for myself whether it is the same Faizah whom I had met when we were much younger. We agreed to meet up in USM the following morning, her last day in USM this time around. I kept hope all night that we could meet tomorrow.

Today, on Thursday, 1 November 2012, I made a prayer that I would get to meet a long lost friend, Faizah. I brought along 3 copies of my book (Research on the Early Malay Doctors) for distribution at my workplace. I placed them in my rattan basket (bakul rotan) since I no longer carry a backpack. I stopped by the library to deposit a copy of my book there and gave them my card after the staff requested my contact address. I then headed to the Dean's office to deposit a copy, but Prof Aziz Baba was away; he had gone back to his kampung in Malacca and would only be back on Sunday. I left a copy in the hands of a girl who knows a lot about my book from Penerbit USM and news of the book and its contents. I was very surprised that she would take so much interest in my writing but it made me happy to know that people like to read what I write. That is what I call active self-paced learning (by reading what you like). I then quickly headed down to A&E. Since I have not been to A&E for a long time, I forgot where the entrance door to that dept was. My husband Affandi showed me which doors to pass through and we got to the A&E dept just in time to catch Dr Farid. Dr Farid recognised me and I asked him, "Mana saudara saya?" He smiled and asked around his staff and replied she's gone. Oh! No! I missed her again. Actually, Faizah had gone upstairs to the exam venue, not off to the airport. Dr Farid walked us up to the second floor, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. As we turned to walk into the corridor, Dr Farid said to me, "There's Dr Sabariah Faizah." I didn't recognise her at first. He must be joking I thought. In the meantime, a lady ahead of us turned round and greeted us. She was Dr Sabariah Faizah, the same Faizah I had been looking for all these years (41 years to be exact). You wouldn't believe it! Faizah and I hugged each other. She was bigger and taller than me. I was very happy to see her again. The effort to meet up was worth it. I still have tears as I write you this post. It is a happy feeling indeed to be able to meet up with a dear friend. Now my tears have rolled down my cheeks and my eyes are all wet. Alhamdulillah, my wish to meet with her has been answered today. Allahu Akbar.

With Dr Sabariah Faizah at HUSM, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.

Dr Sabariah Faizah bt Jamaluddin (Head of A&E, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor) 

Faizah and I sat at BPSP (I don't know what the long name is) lobby, HUSM, while waiting to enter the exam vetting venue. I asked her how we are related. She said we are related through HABHAL, the soy sauce. I asked her how. She said Haji Ahmad (Haji Ahmad bin Haji Abdul Latiff or HABHAL) was Pak Cik Jamaluddin's uncle. I informed her that HABHAL married Amnah, my father's aunt. And that is how we are related. She asked to update my post at my blog. So that is the link between my family and her family, through the humble HABHAL soy sauce which her granduncle made. Isn't that lovely? It is a miracle that 2 close families can remain bound for so long just via that extraordinary soy sauce. Don't you think so? It feels really great to finally find this missing link in both our family trees and family history. Faizah may have more on the HABHAL story so you can ask her. Please serve HABHAL soy sauce (that's my father's request). I hope you will like this story and take the unassuming kicap seriously. I still don't know if HABHAL is connected to the reconstruction of Masjid Sultan in Singapore. I don't know if Faizah still has her father's photos of early Singapore. I didn't ask her. It will be a great gem to our medical history if she can find more information about HABHAL soy sauce industry and update us on its beginning and development. She may have early pictures of Geylang, before it became Eunos. I don't know, but I believe there is still much history to be unearthed by HABHAL people.

My book (Research on the Early Malay Doctors)

I showed her my book and asked if she wanted a copy. She asked me to sign it as she was called to enter the exam venue. Dr Farid offered me his ink pen and I quickly autographed my book for Faizah. I handed back Dr Farid's pen and requested him to hand the book to Faizah. It was a beautiful feeling to give my book to her. I will always remember our chanced meeting today. Thank you Dr Farid for helping me to meet with Faizah. Thank you everyone for helping in one way or another. Silaturrahim is not to be missed or broken.

External links
Tempeh goreng kicap HABHAL
Zara Foodstuff Industries
Facebook HABHAL Cap Kipas Udang

Monday, 6 August 2012

Mak Sekmah, Pak Cik Muhammad and Prof Fauziah Aziz

Inchek Sekmah bt Mohd Yusope is my youngest paternal aunt (ibu saudara sebelah Bapak).  I called her Mak Sekmah. Her children are Norzilah, Norsimah, Azmi, Zaini, Zainudin/Nordin, and Idris.

Family Reunion 2015
Saturday, 15 August 2015, 7 am - 11 pm
Venue: Perkarangan Rumah Pak Busu Abdul Latif
Batu 14, Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Recently, Prof. Fauziah Aziz (UPNM) wrote to me in LinkedIn and informed me that Mak Sekmah was also her aunt, and that Norzilah, Norsimah and their brothers are her first cousins. She mentioned that Pak Cik Muhammad bin Idris and Mak Sekmah were cousins. Prof. Fauziah's mother (Puteh @ Mariam bt Idris) is the elder sister of Pak Cik Muhammad.

Siblings: 6
  1. Maria bt Idris
  2. Hassan bin Idris
  3. Mariam bt Idris @ Puteh bt Idris (estimated 1901-1961)
  4. Mohamad bin Idris @ Pak Cik Mat (b.22 Feb 1928-deceased), Limbongan, Melaka
  5. Mahawiah bt Idris
  6. Abdul Latif bin Idris (Pak Busu)
  1. Muhammad bin Idris (husband)
  2. Inchek Sekmah bt Mohd Yusope (wife)

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Puteh's family

Full name: Mariam bt Idris
Call name: Puteh
Husband: Abd Aziz
Children: 7
  1. Fadzillah bt Abd Aziz
  2. Azam bin Abd Aziz
  3. Siti Aminah bt Abd Aziz
  4. Prof Fauziah bt Abd Aziz
  5. Anuar bin Abd Aziz
  6. Azhar bin Abd Aziz
  7. Patemah bt Abd Aziz

I asked Prof. Fauziah how we are all related. She is looking up the salasilah for her family, which was prepared by her grandfather in tulisan Jawi.

Prof. Fauziah is Prof. Fauziah bt Haji Abdul Aziz. Her father is Haji Abdul Aziz bin Haji Hussein. The family traces its origins to Linggi, Negeri Sembilan. In Negeri Sembilan, Prof. Fauziah's uncle was the late Tan Sri Dr Mohamed Said bin Mohamed, the first elected Menteri Besar (MB) of Negeri Sembilan after Merdeka.

Prof Fauziah's sister is Fadzillah Abdul Aziz. She has a daughter Husniya, who did a business course in Seattle, Canada. Husniya is now in the USA.

Fadzillah Abdul Aziz

Prof Fauziah Abdul Aziz
Retired from UPNM in 2019

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Tan Sri Dr Mohamed Said is Datin Halimah's father. Datin Halimah bt Tan Sri Dr Mohamed Said was a lecturer in Linguistics at Universiti Malaya (UM). She is retired and writes as well as paints.

Prof. Fauziah said Tan Sri Dr Mohamed's eldest daughter Maznah's son is Mustafa Farid Wajidi, a biologist in USM. His correct name is Assoc. Prof. Dr Mustafa Fadzil Farid Wajidi. He is a molecular biologist and worked at Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PPPJJ), USM in Penang.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Dr Abdul Majid bin Ismail, Tan Sri

In May 2007, when I interviewed Tan Sri Dr Abdul Majid at his office in Kompleks Jalan Damai for my book on The Early Malay Doctors, he said that I am related to him by way of marriage of my ancestors and also one of his many sisters. The relationships can be viewed at Geni ( I'm still wondering why I never knew this fact any earlier. I actually visited, ate and have seen some of his siblings and their spouses, except that I was still a little girl and I did not know who married whom and who were related to me. I had no idea whatsoever. So, this is something new and also very strange to me. I keep wondering...

1. Abdul Majid bin Ismail
Tan Sri Abdul Majid is the eldest of 12 siblings, four boys and eight girls - (Tan Sri Dr) Abdul Majid, Rahmah, Alijah, Razak, Latifah, Osman, Fatimah, Aishah, Maznah @ Hasnah, Hashim and Halimahton.

2. Rahmah bt Ismail
As a child, Rahmah was fluent in Tamil. Rahmah’s husband is Ali bin Mohd Amin @ Mat Amin Pasar. Rahmah is Nenek Rahmah to me and my siblings. She is Bik Rama to my parents.

Rahmah bt Ismail (Bik Rahmah or Mak Besar)
Photo from

Ali bin Mohd Amin @ Tok Ali Gombak (left) and my father, Bapak (Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope). Tok Ali is also my paternal granduncle - my grandmother's brother, and my father's uncle.

3. Alijah bt Ismail
Alijah was his second sister. She was adopted later by an uncle, Wak Tompang and his wife, Wak Putih. She then got married in her teens to a much older man. However, she suffered an illness at about age 18-19 years and passed away.

4. Razak bin Ismail
Two siblings had passed away – Razak died when he was less than a year old. Osman died of malaria at age 12 years during the Japanese occupation.

5. Latifah bt Ismail
His third sister was Latifah @ Alang (born in 1930) but was the fifth child in the family, and Baba’s favourite.

Latifah bt Ismail
Photo from

6. Osman bin Ismail
 Osman died of malaria at age 12 years during the Japanese occupation.

7. Safiah bt Ismail @ Fatma Busu
Fatma Busu is his fourth sister who was adopted by ‘Nek Busu, wife of Abu Chenteng @ Tok Busu, an officer in the Customs Department in Malacca. Fatma Abu attended the Malayan Teachers Training College at Kirkby (Kirkby College) near Liverpool, England. She was in the first batch with my father (1951-1953). She is retired and lives in Pengkalan Rama, Malacca.

First batch Kirkby teachers: 1951-1953 - Bapak, Aunty Fatma Abu (Busu)
Second batch Kirkby teachers: 1952-1954 - Mak, Aunty Zainab bt Hamid Don & Uncle Ramli Shaari, Rahim Merican, (Tuanku) Bainun bt Ali (Perak)
Third batch Kirky teachers: 1953-1955
Fourth batch Kirky teachers: 1954-1956

Zana's mother (Kalsom bt Mashohor) was also at Kirkby.
Zana's father (Ahmad Dahan) was also at Kirkby.
Wan Zaleha Radzi's mother (Sarah bt Sulaiman) was also at Kirkby

All photos are from Bapak's pendrive.

Kirkby College 1951-1953 (1st batch). Fatma Busu is the middle lady in front row.

Mak (middle) and Fatma Busu (right) 1952-1954
Photo and accompanying text from my Facebook.

Mak (2nd batch) and Fatma Busu (right, 1st batch) at Kirkby, England 1952-1954
Fatma Busu (@Bibi)
Photo grom

8. Fatimah bt Ismail
Fatimah is his fifth sister. Fatimah bt Ismail married to Abdul Kadir bin Baharom. They have 5 children. Dr Fairuz A'shikin attended TKC. She works as an O&G doctor (gynaecaologist) at DEMC.

Dr Fairuz's parents. Photo from Dr Fairuz's Facebook.

Dr Fairuz with her mother, Fatimah bt Ismail. Photo from Dr Fairuz's Facebook.

From Dr Fairuz (28 April 2015)
I have 5. My eldest brother is A'Akif fadzil, UPM grad 2nd a sister Fadzilah A'ini a vet in KKM 3rd Fauziah Azni@pudy Accountant 4th myself a gynae 5th faisal Asri. Race car enthusiast He is actually my cousin, adopted from birth

Dr Fairuz has 5 sibs:
  1. A'Akif Fadzil (graduated from UPM)
  2. Fadzilah A'ini (a vet in KKM)
  3. Fauziah Azni (Pudy Pai on Facebook; an accountant)
  4. Dr Fairuz A'shikin (gynaecologist at DEMC)
  5. Faisal Asri (into car racing)

 9. Aishah bt Ismail

No update

Aishah bt Ismail
Photo from

10. Maznah @ Hasnah bt Ismail

Maznah @ Hasnah bt Ismail
Photo from

Grandaunt Maznah bt Ismail (Gombak) is at leftmost, next to my mother in blue, Tulip Che Lah @ Jumabee Tulip @ Che Bee3rd lady from left is Nenek Endon (Bik Endon), wife of Tok Ali Alor Star, Kedah. Lady with grey cap is Sum bte Ahmad @ Nenek Alang (Mak Lang), wife of Mohd Salleh bin Mohd Amin @Tok Alang Kampung Baru in KL. Nenek Alang's daughter is Mak Cik Milah @ Jamilah bt Mohd Salleh, wife of Pak Cik Hassan bin Mohd Rashid (Tok Rashid Serdang, who founded UPM Serdang). The lady with white tudung is Kamariah bt Bujang (Selayang-JB). She is my younger sister-in-law. She is carrying her eldest son Muhd Afiq bin Muhd Farid. Muhd Farid is my younger brother who works at FRIM in Kepong.

From left: Nenek Leha (Salihah bt Mohd Amin @ Bik Leha, mother of Salmah Ahmad, Salmiah Ahmad and Jasmin Ahmad). Lady with yellow scarf is daughter of Nenek Enson(?). Lady on the chair is Nenek Rahmah (Bik Rama), wife of Tok Ali in Gombak.

From left: Nenek Jenab (Bik Jenab @ Zainab bt Mohd Amin, Nenek Leha (Bik Leha @ Salihah bt Mohd Amin), lady in yellow scarf _____ holding child, and Nenek Enson facing camera.

11. Hashim bin Ismail

No update

Hashim bin Ismail
Photo from

12. Halimahton bt Ismail

No update

There is no update about Aishah, Latifah, Hashim and Halimahton.