Pulau Pinang berada di bawah pemerintahan Kedah. Pada awalnya ia penuh hutan belantara dan menjadi tempat lanun laut bersembunyi.
Pada June 1592, kapal Inggeris yang dikemudikan oleh Captain Sir James Lancaster berlabuh dan bersembunyi di perairan Pulau Pinang, di antara 3 buah pulau kecil.
Makanan yang mereka ada amat sedikit - hanya terdapat siput pada batu dan ikan kecil yang dikail. Mereka mendarat dan tinggal di pulau (Pulau Pinang?) itu selama 2 bulan, hingga Ogos 1592. Seramai 26 orang anak kapal pulang (mati atau balik England?).
Pada 1750, Pulau Pinang disewakan oleh Kerajaan Kedah kepada Oost Indische Compagnie (Syarikat Hindia Timur/East India Company) kepunyaan Belanda pada kadar $6,000 setahun.
Pada 1771, tibalah kapal Captain Francis Light melabuh di Pulau Pinang. Pada pendapatnya, tempatnya sesuai untuk kapal berlabuh jika dibaiki. Lokasi pelabuhan ini berguna untuk tujuan perdagangan. Beliau memaklumkan hal demikian kepada tuan Inggeris beliau di Ceylon, Warren Hastings.
Pada 1786, Governor General di Ceylon dimaklumkan bahawa hal ini akan mewujudkan persaingan kuasa di antara Ceylon dan Pulau Pinang. Maka Pulau Pinang dirampas oleh Inggeris.
Pada 11 Ogos 1786, Captain Francis Light mendarat di Pulau Pinang bersama 100 orang yang baru masuk menjadi askar kapal (soldadu kapal), 30 askar dari Calcutta, 15 orang Inggeris askar meriam (artillery), dan 5 orang pegawainya (opsirnya).
Mereka berkampung di tanah pasir yang rendah serta bersemak hutan (sekarang Esplanade).
Bilangan penduduk Melayu di Pulau Pinang ketika itu hanya 52 orang sahaja. Merekalah yang menolong Captain Francis Light menebas hutan untuk menyediakan tempat perkampungan.
Sebelum Inggeris membina benteng (Fort Cornwallis?), pelbagai bangsa datang ke Pulau Pinang. Ada yang ingin mencari kehidupan, ada yang datang untuk melihat, ingin tahu, dan ada yang datang untuk menyamun.
Oleh demikian, Captain Francis Light tidak percaya kepada mereka yang datang berkunjung. Beliau tidak membenarkan mereka yang bersenjata (seperti keris) mendarat. Mereka yang datang untuk menebas hutan hanya dibenarkan tinggal di atas perahu mereka sahaja, mereka tidak dibenarkan tinggal di darat.
Bagi mengembirakan penebas hutan demikian, Captain Francis Light menembak seguni wang ke arah hutan. Dengan cara begini, penebas hutan berlumba-lumba menebas hutan sambil mencari wang berkenaan. Dengan itu, banyak hutan dibersihkan dalam tempoh yang singkat.
Selepas hutan dibersihkan, Captain Francis Light mendirikan pagar bagi membenteng dan mempertahankan kawasan Inggeris. Pagar ini digantikan dengan benteng batu. Maka terdirilah Fort Cornwallis di kawasan pendaratan Inggeris.
Pada 12 Ogos 1786, Captain Francis Light menamakan Pulau Pinang sebagai Prince of Wales Island, sempena hari kelahiran putera Inggeris, Prince of Wales.
Pada 1795, jumlah penduduk di Pulau Pinang meningkat kepada 20,000 orang, dengan 3,000 orang Cina (Tjina). Kebanyakan orang India datang daripada Ceylon.
Perniagaan bertambah maju kerana tiada cukai dikenakan bagi kemasukan barang. Namun pada 1801, cukai mula dikenakan bagi barang yang dibawa masuk, bagi menambahkan pendapatan Inggeris. Kesan cukai barang yang dikenakan ini mengurangkan perniagaan di Pulau Pinang.
Setelah Pulau Pinang dimajukan oleh Inggeris, Kedah pula ingin mendapatkannya kembali.
Pada 1791, pasukan Kedah membawa 8,000 orang untuk menggempur Inggeris di Pulau Pinang. Namum pasukan Kedah terpaksa berundur setelah dilawan oleh 400 askar Inggeris yang dikepalai oleh Captain Francis Light.
Setelah pasukan Kedah kalah, Inggeris terus menawan Pulau Pinang dan menjadikan Pulau Pinang hak mutlak Inggeris secara tidak sah (tanpa bersurat). Hak kerajaan Kedah atau mana-mana kerajaan Melayu ke atas Pulau Pinang terus dilucutkan dan dinafikan. Inggeris tidak perlukan mana-mana kerajaan Melayu dan tidak menghormati mana-mana kerajaan Melayu.
Nasib tidak menyebelahi Captain Francis Light yang tidak lama bertahan di Pulau Pinang yang dikuasainya secara haram. Ia meninggal dunia pada 1794 dalam usia 50 tahun akibat jangkitan malaria.
Pulau Pinang dimasukkan dalam jajahan Inggeris sebagai sebahagian Straits Settlements. Inggeris berkuasa sepenuhnya ke atas Straits Settlements.
Ismail bin Hadji 'Abdoe'llah 'Oemar Effendi. 1924. Melawat ke Melaka 1920 dan 1921. Bab XIII Riwajat Poelau Pinang. ms 64-66. Dikeloearkan oleh Balai Poestaka (Drukkerij Volkslectuur - Weltevreden). Serie No. 652. Harganja: f.0.60.
Friday, 13 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Tamby bin Hj Ahmad and Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff
I have with me a collection of 6 small B/W photos dated 17.12.48, which possibly belonged to my father (Bapak) and his father (Walid). The photos were taken in Banda Hilir in Melaka on Friday, 17 December 1948, 3 years after WWII ended. They were probably taken before or after solat Jumaat (Friday prayer). The B/W photos are printed on white photographic paper imprinted 'Crown Copyright Reserved'. The handwriting does not resemble that of my father Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope (Bapak). However, the handwriting could be that of my paternal grandfather Mohd Yusope bin Hj Mohd Sharif (Walid). There are altogether 3 people in the photos, minus the photographer. The names handwritten in black ink and pencil on the back of some photos are Tamby b. H. Ahmad and Ostaz H. Abd. Latiff. The other person(s) could be my father and his father; it could be my young father because of his Indian look when he was a teenager (aged 17) in these photos. The photographer could be his father (Walid) as he was known to have photographed many things and events in Melaka and Kuala Lumpur between 1929, 1937 (when he worked in KL) and 1953 (when he died in Melaka).
The date given in these photos is 17 December 1948. There is a another family photo with relatives taken at Pulau Besar in the same year, probably an earlier photo.
I do not know the people whose names are mentioned in this post except my father and his father.
Please let me know if you recognise any of the people in these photos or if you are related to any of the men/boys.
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From left: Bapak, who? and Tamby. Photo was probably taken by Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff. |
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Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff (deceased 1967) He married Aishah bt Ahmad ... anak bongsu HABHAL. His daughter is Kak Fuziah bt Abdul Latiff. |
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Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff and Tamby bin Haji Ahmad (anak HABHAL) |
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Tamby bin Haji Ahmad (anak HABHAL and Nenek Amnah) |
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This is probably Bapak at age 17 in 1948. |
(٠ - ١ - ٢ - ٣ - ٤ - ٥ - ٦ - ٧ - ٨ - ٩)
Compare the photos of "Latiff" in the above photos and the one below. Are they the same person?
(٠ - ١ - ٢ - ٣ - ٤ - ٥ - ٦ - ٧ - ٨ - ٩)
What happened to Tamby featured in the 1948 photo?
Haji Tamby bin Haji Ahmad is anak HABHAL and Nenek Amnah.
Haji Tamby bin Haji Ahmad married Hajjah Hajijiah bt Sulaiman.
Hajjah Hajijiah passed away on 22 January 2012 in Singapore.
They have 2 sons - Affendi and Baharin
Haji Tamby's sons are Affendi (elder) and Baharin (younger).
Tamby lives in Woodlands with Affendi.
Affendi is married and has 4 children (3 boys and a girl). His family lives in Woodlands.
Baharin is married and has 3 children (2 boys and a girl). His family lives in Toa Payoh.
(Baharin +65 98777554 baharinvellfire@gmail.com).
Haji Tamby bin Haji Ahmad is anak HABHAL and Nenek Amnah.
Haji Tamby bin Haji Ahmad married Hajjah Hajijiah bt Sulaiman.
Hajjah Hajijiah passed away on 22 January 2012 in Singapore.
They have 2 sons - Affendi and Baharin
Haji Tamby's sons are Affendi (elder) and Baharin (younger).
Tamby lives in Woodlands with Affendi.
Affendi is married and has 4 children (3 boys and a girl). His family lives in Woodlands.
Baharin is married and has 3 children (2 boys and a girl). His family lives in Toa Payoh.
(Baharin +65 98777554 baharinvellfire@gmail.com).
What happened to Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff featured in the 1948 photo?
What happened to Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff featured in the 1948 photo?
'Latif sekampung' is Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff who lives in the same village. He wore his songkok tilted to his left.
Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff married Aishah bt Ahmad (anak bongsu HABHAL)
Who are Hajjah Aishah's husbands and children?
Hajjah Aishah married twice, first to Ustaz Haji Abdul Latiff, and then to Pak Cik Noor.
First husband: Ustaz Haji Abdul Latiff (Kelantan): 1 daughter: Fuziah bt Abdul Latiff
Second husband: Pak Cik Noor: 3 sons:
From Kak Fuziah: 1. Hisham, 2. ____, and 3. Acho
From Baharin Tamby: 1. Shamsir 2. ___, and 3. Shamsul
Ustaz Hj Abdul Latiff married Aishah bt Ahmad (anak bongsu HABHAL)
Who are Hajjah Aishah's husbands and children?
Hajjah Aishah married twice, first to Ustaz Haji Abdul Latiff, and then to Pak Cik Noor.
First husband: Ustaz Haji Abdul Latiff (Kelantan): 1 daughter: Fuziah bt Abdul Latiff
Second husband: Pak Cik Noor: 3 sons:
From Kak Fuziah: 1. Hisham, 2. ____, and 3. Acho
From Baharin Tamby: 1. Shamsir 2. ___, and 3. Shamsul
Bapak would be the boy in hanging trousers and small shirt with his songkok tilted to his right. There is another photo of him (about the same age, at 17) at Masjid Banda Hilir front steps, with the same Indian boy look and tilted songkok.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Thamby Ali bin Haji Bidin
Haji Nordin had 6 children:
- Abdul Rahman
- Saleh
- Hendon @ Encau
- Haji Abdul Rahim @ Haji Rahim @ Ami Rahim
- Hjh Zubaidah @ Hjh Bedah @ Che Bedah
- Hjh Aishah @ Hjh Esah @ Esah
18 June 2013
From Mahadhir Mohamad
Mahadhir's father is Mohamad Sidek bin Thamby Ali bin Haji Bidin bin Haji Abas bin Haji Ali. Haji Ali was an Imam.
Haji Bidin bin Haji Abas was Imam Masjid Ujung Pasir. Haji Bidin had 3 wives:
- The first wife had 2 sons - Thamby Ali and Abdullah. Thamby Ali is the elder brother of Haji Abdullah.
- The second wife was Putih @ Encim, whose daughter is Fatimah bt Bidin, who married to Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Noordin, and their son is Haji Mazlan bin Haji Abdul Rahim.
- The third wife is Ainon bt Haji Awal ("adik Haji Ahmad bin Awal").
Thamby Ali bin Haji Bidin married the eldest daughter of Haji Noordin bin Ismail, named Hendon @ Encau bt Hj Noordin.
Haji Abdullah appears in the photo with Haji Abdul Rahim, in front of the 302 Banda Hilir house, going for Hajj. Haji Abdullah obtained 7 pieces of land belonging to Haji Bidin bin Haji Abas, but they are gone as Haji Abdullah liked to borrow from chetty; the lands were lost to the chetty. Haji Abdullah was imprisoned at Pudu Jail for "kes tipu geran tanah". Haji Abdullah's daughter is Hajjah Rokiah bt Abdullah (narrator, storyteller).
Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Noordin married twice. Haji Abdul Rahim married Fatimah bt Haji Bidin and their son is Haji Mazlan bin Haji Abdul Rahim. Haji Abdul Rahim also married Ainon bt Haji Awal, but they have no kids (tiada zuriat).
Hjh Zubaidah @ Che Bedah bt Haji Noordin married to Haji Ahmad bin Awal (4th Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir). Haji Ahmad's younger sister is Ainon bt Haji Awal.
Masjid Ujong Pasir's original dome has been replaced.
There is a small graveyard, which has 3 sections:
1. Old generation
2. Generations 7 to 8
3. New generation:
a) Kubur keturunan Haji Bidin bin Haji Abas.
b) Kubur keturunan Haji Ahmad bin Haji Awal.
Masjid Semabok (2)
Dated 16 June 2013
From Mahadhir Mohamad
Photo: Masjid and graves
Pengerusi Masjid Semabok:
Haji Othman
Hp: 012-68-00981
Haji Othman can gather 2 waris tanah wakaf Masjid Semabok, who live nearby.
Dated 16 June 2013
From Mahadhir Mohamad
Photo: Masjid and graves
Pengerusi Masjid Semabok:
Haji Othman
Hp: 012-68-00981
Haji Othman can gather 2 waris tanah wakaf Masjid Semabok, who live nearby.
Haji Ashaari bin M. Salleh
18 January 2013
From Mahadhir Mohamad
Haji Ashaari bin M. Salleh was the first Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir. His son Haji Jaafar bin Haji Ashaari became the 5th Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir.
Ahmad's wife and parents are unknown (nama mereka tidak diketahui). He had 2 children - Abdul Rahman and a daughter.
Abdul Rahman's younger sister (adik, nama tidak diketahui) married to Mohd Tahir, their son is Mohd Sharif bin Mohd Tahir.
Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad @ Man Bangsawan owned 302 Banda Hilir house. He had a daughter (her name is unknown). He also adopted a son named Yahya bin Kudus (anak angkat Abdul Rahman).
When Abdul Rahman passed away, his house and land went to Yahya bin Kudus. Yahya bin Kudus gave a lot of antiques to Muzium Melaka.
Haji Jaafar married the daughter of Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad @ Man Bangsawan. Haji Jaafar and wife had no kids (tiada zuriat), so they adopted 2 girls - Norlia and Norshidah bte Zainal.
Norlia was a Chinese girl and she has passed away; she had a son (cucu angkat) who inherited a lot of furniture and old items such as cupboard (almari), tray (dulang), and crockery (pinggan mangkuk).
Norshidah bte Zainal owns old documents connected to Datuk Shahbudin (Cirebon, Indonesia). She married to Cikgu Khamis, who sold the land belonging to Yahya bin Kudus.
Puan Nora is Ketua Wanita UMNO Cawangan Banda Hilir. Her husband is Pengerusi Masjid Banda Hilir.
Masjid Banda Hilir did not pay cukai tanah worth thousands of ringgit "ratusan ribu ringgit".
18 January 2013
From Mahadhir Mohamad
Haji Ashaari bin M. Salleh was the first Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir. His son Haji Jaafar bin Haji Ashaari became the 5th Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir.
Ahmad's wife and parents are unknown (nama mereka tidak diketahui). He had 2 children - Abdul Rahman and a daughter.
Abdul Rahman's younger sister (adik, nama tidak diketahui) married to Mohd Tahir, their son is Mohd Sharif bin Mohd Tahir.
Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad @ Man Bangsawan owned 302 Banda Hilir house. He had a daughter (her name is unknown). He also adopted a son named Yahya bin Kudus (anak angkat Abdul Rahman).
When Abdul Rahman passed away, his house and land went to Yahya bin Kudus. Yahya bin Kudus gave a lot of antiques to Muzium Melaka.
Haji Jaafar married the daughter of Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad @ Man Bangsawan. Haji Jaafar and wife had no kids (tiada zuriat), so they adopted 2 girls - Norlia and Norshidah bte Zainal.
Norlia was a Chinese girl and she has passed away; she had a son (cucu angkat) who inherited a lot of furniture and old items such as cupboard (almari), tray (dulang), and crockery (pinggan mangkuk).
Norshidah bte Zainal owns old documents connected to Datuk Shahbudin (Cirebon, Indonesia). She married to Cikgu Khamis, who sold the land belonging to Yahya bin Kudus.
(٠ - ١ - ٢ - ٣ - ٤ - ٥ - ٦ - ٧ - ٨ - ٩)
UMNO Melaka
Puan Nora is Ketua Wanita UMNO Cawangan Banda Hilir. Her husband is Pengerusi Masjid Banda Hilir.
(٠ - ١ - ٢ - ٣ - ٤ - ٥ - ٦ - ٧ - ٨ - ٩)
Masjid Banda Hilir did not pay cukai tanah worth thousands of ringgit "ratusan ribu ringgit".
Saleh bin Haji Noordin
Bapak called him Pa' Saleh. He is anak Tok Haji Noordin. His full name is Saleh bin Haji Noordin. He is Bapak's uncle (bapa saudara). He is Walid's cousin.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Haji Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin (Ami Rahim)
Fullname: Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Noordin
Call names: Ami Rahim
His father: Haji Noordin bin Ismail
His mother: Hjh Cik bt Mohd Said
His siblings: 6
1. Hj Abdul Rahman bin Hj Noordin
2. Saleh bin Hj Noordin
3. Hendon @ Encau bt Hj Noordin
4. Hj Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin (Ami Rahim)
5. Hjh Zabedah @ Che Bedah bt Hj Noordin
6. Hjh Aishah bt Hj Noordin
From Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar:
His name was mentioned to me by Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar (Perlis). According to Syed Mohamad (if I understand it correctly), Ami Rahim is my grandfather's cousin, (anak) imam Masjid Banda Hilir, and who stayed at rumah Mahabob in Banda Hilir.
I informed him that I knew Mahabob's daughter, Mohaini bt Mahabob, as we were classmates in 1972 & 1973 at MGHS in Durian Daun, Melaka.
According to Syed Mohamad, Ami Rahim (Banda Hilir) and Ami Jelani (Penang) are cousins.
Is Ami Rahim the son of Tok Moyang Haji Noordin? Yes.
This Ami Rahim is the same man as Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Noordin, anak Tok Moyang Haji Noordin at 302 Banda Hililr. Tok Moyang Haji Noordin was the second Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir, after his elder brother Tok Moyang Haji Mohd Sharif died c1906.
Who is Ami Jelani (Penang)? I don't know.
Dr Mohamed Aidil Subhan bin Mohd Sulor (Singapore) wrote on FB and uploaded a photo of Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin (17 Oct 2018).
Che Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin, at Education Office, Malacca, 30 July 1950. Courtesy of Dr Mohamed Aidil Subhan bin Mohd Sulor (Singapore).
Haji Abdul Rahim married twice: 1) Fatimah bt Bidin, 2) Ainon bt Hj Awal.
Haji Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin first married Fatimah bt Bidin. They had 4 sons: Mohamad, Mokhtar, Hj Mazlan, and Abbas.
Names and links:
- Namestring 1: Haji Mazlan bin Haji Abdul Rahim bin Haji Noordin bin Ismail.
- Namestring 2: Saleh bin Mohd Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail.
- Haji Noordin and Haji Mohd Sharif are brothers. The third and youngest brother is Zainal (Zenal) bin Ismail, who lived in Klang. I have only met Tok Moyang Zainal (Zenal) of Klang at his house in Klang.
- Haji Abdul Rahim (Ami Rahim) and Mohd Yusope (Bapak punya Walid) are first cousins.
- Haji Mazlan, Pak Saleh and Bapak are second cousins.
Prof Dato' Dr Ahmad Murad Merican
Prof Dato' Dr Ahmad Murad Merican researches on the early Malay settlers, Dato' Jenan/Dato' Jenaton and others from West Sumatra, who settled in Perak and Penang.
He has published 10 books and many newspaper articles, and obtained a family tree of Dato' Jenan/Dato' Jenaton.
He is in Facebook as Ahmad Murad Merican.
There is also Dato Jenaton Group in Facebook.
He has published 10 books and many newspaper articles, and obtained a family tree of Dato' Jenan/Dato' Jenaton.
He is in Facebook as Ahmad Murad Merican.
There is also Dato Jenaton Group in Facebook.
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Prof Dato' Dr Ahmad Murad Merican |
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Batu Uban - Sejarah Awal Pulau Pinang(Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka 2015) Available September 2015 (RM30 each) |
Muhammad Dimyati bin Abdullah
He is the brother of Dr Zainurin bin Abdullah. Muhammad Dimyati is in-charge of the special fragrant rice produced by the business arm of the Dato' Jenaton clan. The rice is not available for nationwide distribution yet. I sampled the cooked rice at the Hari Keluarga Dato' Jenaton Ke-6 held on 2 June 2013 at Vistana Hotel, Penang. The rice was soft, fragrant and very nice.
From Facebook (12 Nov 2013):
Muhammad Dimyati Bin Abdullah. Salam Faridah Abdul Rashid, the Beras is called MRQ76 by MARDI. It is currently grown only in Kuala Bera by us (BIONIC AGRO) and some in Kelantan by Paddytech. Hopefully it will be branded as Beras Jenan and distributed by Koperasi Keluarga Dato Jenan. Current stock (is) not sufficient since half of it (is) taken up by MARDI for distribution to other farmers to propagate the species. It is the first Malaysian beras wangi which can maintain its fragrance over many periods of planting cycle.
From Facebook (12 Nov 2013):
Muhammad Dimyati Bin Abdullah. Salam Faridah Abdul Rashid, the Beras is called MRQ76 by MARDI. It is currently grown only in Kuala Bera by us (BIONIC AGRO) and some in Kelantan by Paddytech. Hopefully it will be branded as Beras Jenan and distributed by Koperasi Keluarga Dato Jenan. Current stock (is) not sufficient since half of it (is) taken up by MARDI for distribution to other farmers to propagate the species. It is the first Malaysian beras wangi which can maintain its fragrance over many periods of planting cycle.
Dr Zainurin bin Abdullah
Dr Zainurin was my medical student in the first or second batch in USM, Penang in 1983/84. He is married and has 5 children. He presently works as a GP in Kuala Terengganu. His brother is Muhammad Dimyati bin Abdullah.
Yang Salmah
Kak Yang Salmah is in-charge of membership of the Dato' Jenaton clan. She is in Facebook as Yang Salmah.
Friday, 8 November 2013
Family Reunion 2013
Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar mentioned to keep 17 December 2013 open as there will be a family reunion in KL, in shaa Allah. The reunion will be for Bapak's relatives. They will include all relatives from Australia, Indonesia, Malacca, KL, and Penang. Syed Mohamad married to arwah Prof Syed Mohsin's sister.
Jelani, Jalani and Jailani of Penang
- 218 Solok Pemancar Gugor Penang
- Aminah bte Abdullah
- Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani
- Ismail Jailani
- Jelani Jalani Jailani of Penang
- John Yusuf Kalinoski
- Sheikh Hussain Jalani
- Siti Aishah Jalani
- Ahmad Jailani (Ami Jelani)
- Haji Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin (Ami Rahim)
I'm looking for the descendants/families/details of "Ami Jelani" of Gelugor, Penang.
There are 4 Jelani/Jalani/Jailani relatives in Penang:
- Ahmad Jailani (Ami Jelani)
- Ismail Jailani; his daughter is Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani
- Sheikh Hussain Jalani
Ami Rahim is Haji Abdul Rahim bin Hj Noordin, the son of Tok Moyang Haji Noordin (302 Banda Hilir).
Ami Rahim's son is Hj Mazlan, dua pupu Pak Saleh. They have a photo together at Masjid Banda Hilir.
Ami Jelani @ Pak Wan Jelani is Ahmad Jailani.
If I remember correctly, Ami Jelani had lived near where Dr SMA Alhady had lived - along Glugor Road (Jalan Gelugor, now Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah) in Penang. Ahmad Jailani lived in Glugor, Penang.
Ahmad Jailani had owned a local newspaper printing business in Penang, called Warta Negara.
The first post-war newspaper, Warta Negara, was established on 3 September 1945 in Penang by Ahmad Jailani. He had worked for the Japanese newspaper Penang Shimbon during the war. He bought over the Japanese printing machine and started printing Warta Negara. Source: Arkib Negara Malaysia. http://hids.arkib.gov.my/peristiwa/
Ismail Jailani had a Pakistani father and a Malay mother.
Ismail Jailani married (Unknown wife) and their daughter is Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani. She was called Hawa Jelani.
Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani married to Sheikh Mohamed bin Salim Al Yamani (from Yemen; orang Arab Yaman).
Their daughter is Pahmah @ Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad (Bapak's grandmother). Pahmah married Mohd Sharif bin Ismail Alyamani. They have 5 children: Mohamed Usuf @ Mohd Yusope (Walid), Mahani (Nek Ani), Amnah (Nek Amnah Singapura), Alijah (Nek Jah) and Asiah (Nek Ya Tampin).
Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani had 8 children:
- Pahmah @ Siti Fatimah bt Shaik Mohamad Alyamani (eldest)
- Shaik Omar bin Shaik Mohamad Alyamani
- Siti Zubaidah (Saedah) bt Shaik Mohamad Alyamani
- Abdul Aziz bin Shaik Mohamad Alyamani (Ami Aziz Alyamani)
- Siti Mariam bt Shaik Mohamad Alyamani
- Siti Kecik (her real name is forgotten) bt Shaik Mohamad Alyamani
- Shaik Ismail Alyamani bin Shaik Mohamad Alyamani (father of Dato' Zainal Abidin @ Songkok Tinggi)
- Siti Hajar bt Shaik Mohamad Alyamani (youngest)
Hawa Jelani is the mother of Abdul Aziz Al-Yamani of Jelutong Timur, Penang.
This wedding invitation was sent to my parents in 1988. The wedding reception was held at No. 218, Solok Pemancar, Glugor, P. Pinang. This house is directly opposite my maternal grandfather's house (Dr Che Lah bin Md Joonos), who lived at 219 Solok Pemancar. I was studying for my PhD in Australia at the time (1985-1989). I have been to my grandfather's house at 219 Solok Pemancar in the early 1960s. There is a pic at this house.
Please contact me if you know any of the names I have mentioned.
External links & searches
John Kalinowski
Aziz Al-Yamani's daughter is Fatimah bt Aziz Al-Yamani @ Fatimah Al-Yamani of Penang.
Fatimah Al-Yamani married to Syed Omar.
Fatimah Al-Yamani's son is Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar.
Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar is the grandson of Abdul Aziz Al-Yamani of Penang.
Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar married Sharifah Zahrah bin Syed Sahil Jamalullail (adik arwah Prof Syed Mohsen bin Syed Sahil Jamalullail).
I met Mohd Salleh bin Mohd Yunus Makawi @ Wan Teh at a wedding reception in USM, Penang - wedding of Sumaiyah Abdul Aziz Al-Khaiyath. He told me that my father (Bapak), Ami Rahim, and Ami Jelani were cousins. And that whenever he went to Banda Hilir, he would sleep at Mahabob's house. Mahabob is Mohaini's father.
This wedding invitation was sent to my parents in 1988. The wedding reception was held at No. 218, Solok Pemancar, Glugor, P. Pinang. This house is directly opposite my maternal grandfather's house (Dr Che Lah bin Md Joonos), who lived at 219 Solok Pemancar. I was studying for my PhD in Australia at the time (1985-1989). I have been to my grandfather's house at 219 Solok Pemancar in the early 1960s. There is a pic at this house.
Assalamu' Alaikum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Sheikh Hussain Jalani
Aminah bte Abdullah
dengan segala hormatnya mempersilakan
Tuan Haji Abdul Rashid serta Isteri
ke majlis perkahwinan anak perempuan kami
Siti Aishah Jalani
John Yusuf Kalinoski
di rumah kami No. 218, Solok Pemancar,
Glugor, P. Pinang.
pada hari Sabtu 30hb. Julai 1988
bersamaan dengan 16hb Zulhijah 1408.
Semoga dengan kehadiran tuan/puan akan menyerikan majlis kami.
Terima Kasih
Turut Mengundang
Seisi Keluarga
No update.
Please contact me if you know any of the names I have mentioned.
External links & searches
John Kalinowski
Rinus van Breukelen
I'm looking for the family of a Dutchman named Rinus van Breukelen who had 3 children (2 daughters and a son) - they would be residing in Australia. Rinus was a horse trainer in Ipoh in 1960s-1970s. One of his daughters married to Rod Dawkings (UK).
The Rinus family is related to Zubaidah Yamani, sister of Abdul Aziz Yamani Shaik Mohamad, brother of Fatma bt Shaik Mohamad, who married to Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Banda Hilir, Malacca). Fatma and Hj Mohd Sharif's son is Mohd Yusope @ Walid, my father's father (my paternal grandfather). Please contact me if you know Rinus (pronounced as Rey-nurse).
Singapore Derby
Rinus van Breukelen was a horse trainer for 3 horses - Keep Going (1970), November Sun (1968, 1969), and Grenadier (1966).
1970 Auric Stable, horse Keep Going, Jockey Glynn M Pretty
1969, 1968 MC Stable, horse November Sun, Jockey Garnet Bougoure
1966 Horse owner Ng Loong Kee, horse Grenadier, Jockey Alan J Trevena
Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar (8 November 2013)
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The Rinus family is related to Zubaidah Yamani, sister of Abdul Aziz Yamani Shaik Mohamad, brother of Fatma bt Shaik Mohamad, who married to Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Banda Hilir, Malacca). Fatma and Hj Mohd Sharif's son is Mohd Yusope @ Walid, my father's father (my paternal grandfather). Please contact me if you know Rinus (pronounced as Rey-nurse).
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Singapore Derby
Rinus van Breukelen was a horse trainer for 3 horses - Keep Going (1970), November Sun (1968, 1969), and Grenadier (1966).
1970 Auric Stable, horse Keep Going, Jockey Glynn M Pretty
1969, 1968 MC Stable, horse November Sun, Jockey Garnet Bougoure
1966 Horse owner Ng Loong Kee, horse Grenadier, Jockey Alan J Trevena
Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar (8 November 2013)
Friday, 11 October 2013
Sharifah Mawar Kasturi
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Maheran bt Hj Ahmad (ggg-granddaughter of Hj Muhammad Saleh @ Nakhoda Nan Intan) Tengkerah-Selangor |
Call name: Yan
She is called Yan Ahmad in Facebook.
She contacted me in Facebook on 10 October 2013.
She lives near Masjid Tengkera, Melaka.
She graduated in Accounting from Universiti Malaya.
She was a Corporate Financier, but now runs a business with her husband.
She is doing dakwah through her products (Mawar Kasturi Syifa’).
Maheran bt Ahmad 010-2787 228 / 218
She is married to Ustaz Zain Azzra'iy bin Mahat, a Minangkabau man. His grandfather is Haji Muit, who was renowned in Selandar, Melaka for Malay art of self-defence ("persilatan").
She has a son Adam Almalek Faizel, 10 in 2015, 11 in 2016, and 12 in 2017.
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Maheran's family Raya 2015 Photo from her FB. |
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She is the fifth generation ("generasi ke-5") of Haji Muhammad Salleh, from the Melaka side.
Her paternal grandmother is Fatimah bt Haji Hashim. Her paternal nenek moyang is Hajah Mahdom bt Haji Tambi. Her father is the son of Fatimah. Mahdom is Fatimah's mother. Mahdom is the sister of Sheikh Abdul Lathiff bin Haji Tambi al-Malakawi, a renowned Ulama' Nusantara. Sheikh Haji Tambi's real full name is Sheikh Haji Muhammad Nuruddin bin Haji Muhammad Salleh.
Graveyard at Masjid Tengkera
Maheran Ahmad informed that her family has a private graveyard at the rear of Masjid Tengkera.
She informed that her family has a private graveyard at the back of Masjid Tengkera. The makams in Tengkera are Makam Haji Tambi bin Haji Muhammad Salleh, Makam Sheikh Abdul Lathiff bin Haji Tambi, Makam Hajjah Mahdom binti Haji Tambi (her paternal nenek moyang), and that of her father, Haji Ahmad bin Osman.
The photos of the makams are in her Facebook.
The makams in Tengkera are:
- Makam Haji Tambi bin Haji Muhammad Salleh,
- Makam Sheikh Abdul Lathif bin Haji Tambi (Ulamak Nusantara)
- Makam Hajjah Mahdom binti Haji Tambi (her paternal moyang),
- Haji Ahmad bin Osman (her father).
Where is Fatimah bt Haji Hashim buried?
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Her paternal grandfather is Osman bin Puteh. Her parents are Haji Ahmad bin Osman and Zabedah. Her eldest brother is Azmi bin Ahmad and her sister is Azlina bt Ahmad. Her brother lives in TTDI.
Maternal great-great-grandfather: Hj Tambi bin Hj Muhammad Saleh
Maternal great-great-grandmother: Maryam bt __?
Maternal great-grandfather: Hashim bin __
Maternal great-grandmother: Hjh Mahdom bt Hj Tambi
Paternal grandfather: Osman bin Puteh
Grandmother: Hjh Fatimah bt Hashim
Father: Hj Ahmad bin Osman
Mother: Zabedah bt __
- Azmi bin Hj Ahmad
- Maheran bt Hj Ahmad
- Azlina bt Hj Ahmad
Maheran's parents:
- Her parents are Haji Ahmad bin Osman and Zabedah.
- Her eldest brother is Azmi bin Ahmad. Her brother lives in TTDI.
- Maheran is the middle child.
- Her younger sister is Azlina bt Ahmad.
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She is indirectly related to the Shah family; HM Shah of Shah Village in Melaka.
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She is very interested to know more about Nakhoda Nan Intan's ascendants (upward family tree). She read about Nakhoda, whose father's name is Tengku Perpatih Nan Sebatang. She wanted to know if he is the same Datuk Perpatih Nan Sebatang.
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She informed that there are 3 mosques built by Nakhoda Nan Intan:
- Masjid Tengkera Melaka in 1728
- Masjid Jamek Batu Uban, Pulau Pinang in 1734
- Masjid Haji Muhammad Salleh in Singapore in 1896 (but ready in 1903; next to Makam Habib Noh; Habib Noh was a good friend of Nakhoda Nan Intan).
Contact Us:
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She has the family trees (descendants) of the 3 sons of Nakhoda Nan Intan - Haji Muhammad Ali, Haji Tambi and Haji Muhammad Noor. Her eldest brother is working on the full complete family tree for the Melaka side, insyaAllah.
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Names of wives were from Jumilah Abd Rahman, Singapore (26 July 2016).
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She would like to know if Datuk Perpatih Nan Sebatang had a working relationship with Sunan Giri or his father Maulana Ishak. Sunan Giri came to Pulau Besar and menuntut with his father Maulana Ishak, who was tutor (guru) to Sultan Ariffin. Many people (especially from Perak) visited Makam Sultan Ariffin in Pulau Besar before meeting her.
Sunan Giri and Maulana Ishak external links:
Sunan Giri YouTube videos:
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She mentioned that "we" once had land (tanah) in Pulau Besar. However, it was taken away (dirampas) as the landowner(s) could not pay the land taxes (tak bayar cukai). She informed that her mother knew "banyak hidden story". The Singapore side had contacted her to trace in Pejabat Tanah when her late father was still alive. In addition, her mother told her that the Singapore side ran a search on the land(s) but many have been "tergadai", and some lost to "chetti".
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Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Who's Who?
- Sheikh Mohamad bin Salem Al-Yamani (datang dari Seyhoun?, Hadramawt, Yaman)
- Sheikh Mohamad bin Salem Al-Yamani kahwin dengan Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani (Hawa Jelani)
- Siapa nama ibu Patma bt Sheikh Mohamad dan Ami Aziz Al-Yamani? Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani (Hawa Jelani)
- Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Mohamad ialah Ami Aziz Alyamani yang tinggal di Jelutong, Pulau Pinang
- Aishah bt Abdullah ialah Nek Jepun, isteri kedua Ami Aziz Alyamani
- Fatma bt Abdul Aziz Alyamani (Fatma Alyamani) ialah anak sulung Ami Aziz Alyamani. Fatma bt Abdul Aziz kahwin dengan Syed Omar dan mempunyai ramai anak. Fatma ialah ibu kepada Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar.
- Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar ialah cucu Ami Aziz Alyamani. Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar ialah sepupu Bapak.
- Patma @ Pahmah ialah Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad bin Salem Alyamani. Pahmah ialah ibu kepada Mohd Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif (Walid). Pahmah ialah Bapak punya nenek. Pahmah ialah kakak sulung Ami Aziz Alyamani. Mereka 8 beradik berasal dari Jelutong Timur, Pulau Pinang.
- Siti Rahmah bt Abdul Rashid Makawi ialah isteri pertama Ami Aziz Alyamani, dan ibu kepada 4 orang anak: Fatma, Zakaria, Abdul Latif, dan Abdul Rashid. Fatma dan Abdul Latif mempunyai keluarga masing2.
* * *
Abdul Aziz bin Mohamad bin Salem Alyamani (Ami Aziz Alyamani) |
Full name: Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Mohamad bin Salem Alyamani
Call name: Bapak called him Ami Aziz; others called him Aziz Yamani, Aziz Alyamani; Ami Aziz Alyamani
Occupation: European car dealer in Jalan Anson, Penang after WWII (Boon Siew had worked for him)
Residences in Penang (2 locations): 1. Jelutong Timur by the beach, and 2. Hutton Lane in George Town
Call name: Bapak called him Ami Aziz; others called him Aziz Yamani, Aziz Alyamani; Ami Aziz Alyamani
Occupation: European car dealer in Jalan Anson, Penang after WWII (Boon Siew had worked for him)
Residences in Penang (2 locations): 1. Jelutong Timur by the beach, and 2. Hutton Lane in George Town
- a small wooden house by the sea in Jelutong (rumah kayu kecil di tepi pantai) in the 1960s
- a double-storey yellow brick house behind Masjid Jalan Hutton (former Hutton Lane), Jalan Hutton in George Town, Penang (behind Masjid Jalan Hutton)
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House behind Masjid Jalan Hutton, George Town, Penang. |
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Double-storey yellow brick house behind Masjid Jalan Hutton |
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Parents of Ami Aziz Alyamani
Father: Sheikh Mohamad bin Salem Alyamani (from Yemen)
Mother: Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani (Hawa Jelani)
- Was Ismail Jailani (Ismail Jelani) also known as Merak Mas?
- Was Ismail Jailani (Ismail Jelani) the son of Tahir?
- Was Tahir the son of Jusoh and Mariam?
- Was Jusoh the son of Ismail @ Nakhoda Kechil?
- Did Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani (Hawa Jelani) marry twice (2 different men)? Whom did she marry first? second? Did she marry Sheikh Mohamad first or second? Did she marry Shaikh Abdul Rahman al-Baghdadi first or second? Did she marry other men?
* * *
Siblings of Ami Aziz Alyamani
Eldest sister's call names: Patma, Pahmah
3 sisters: Zubaidah/Siti Bedah, Siti Mariam and Siti Hajar
2 brothers: Shaykh Omar Alyamani, Shaykh Ismail Alyamani
Anak2 Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani (Hawa Jelani)
Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad @ Patma @ Pahmah is not listed anywhere in any family tree so far. She is the eldest sister of Ami Aziz Alyamani from the same parents.
2 brothers: Shaykh Omar Alyamani, Shaykh Ismail Alyamani
Shaykh Ismail is the father of Dato' Haji Zainal Abidin @ Songkok Tinggi (Shah Alam). Ismail Alyamani married Maimunah bt Zainal (Nya Intan) of Klang. Ismail Alyamani (Ami Ismail Alyamani) is the father of Uncle Haji Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani (Songkok Tinggi) who lives in Batu Tiga in Shah Alam, Selangor. Nya Intan is the elder daughter of Tok Moyang Zainal Abidin bin Ismail (Tok Moyang Zenal) of Klang.
I met Tok Moyang Zainal (Klang) once at his home in Klang. It was a brick single-storey terraced house. He was very old, plump, and with straight grey hair. He looked Chinese. He sat at the head of the table while talking to Bapak. He wore a white Pagoda singlet with sleeves and a blue-white kain pelikat with square motif. Nenek Klang wasn't there at the time, but I met her later when she helped to look after my eldest brother, Mohd Sharif. I also saw his 2 daughters who looked Chinese, Nya Intan and Nya Elok. His 2 daughters were thin and tall. They wore baju kebaya panjang. I didn't see his son Mohd Arshad at the time.
* * *
Anak2 Siti Hawa bt Ismail Jailani (Hawa Jelani)
- Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad bin Salem Alyamani @ Patma @ Pahmah married Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail of Banda Hilir, Melaka. Pahmah kahwin sepupu (first cousin). She was described as putih macam Cina.
- Shaykh Omar bin Sheikh Mohamad Alyamani
- Siti Zubaidah bt Sheikh Mohamad Alyamani (Is she Siti Bedah?)
- Siti Mariam bt Sheikh Mohamad Alyamani
- Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Mohamad Alyamani (Ami Aziz Alyamani) married 2 wives: Siti Rahmah bt Abdul Rashid Makawi and then Aishah bt Abdulah @ Nek Jepun. He had a big build (tubuh besar).
- Siti Kechik
- Ismail bin Sheikh Mohamad Alyamani (Ami Ismail Alyamani) married Nya Intan of Klang, anak Tok Moyang Zainal Abidin of Klang.
- Siti Hajar bt Sheikh Mohamad did not marry. She had lived with her elder brother, Ismail.
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(Pahmah, Patma)
Nenek Moyang Patma @ Pahmah married Tok Moyang Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Banda Hilir, Melaka). They had 5 children: eldest-Mohd Yusope (Walid), Mahani (Nek Ani), Amnah (Nek Amnah married to HABHAL, pengusaha kicap HABHAL di Singapura selepas perang), Alijah (Nek Jah) and Asiah (Nek Ya)-youngest.
Tok moyang Aziz Alyamani was the younger brother of Patma @ Pahmah @ Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad (Nenek moyang Patma). He operated a European car business at the junction of Anson Road and Burma Road in George Town, Penang.
Tok moyang Aziz Alyamani was the younger brother of Patma @ Pahmah @ Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad (Nenek moyang Patma). He operated a European car business at the junction of Anson Road and Burma Road in George Town, Penang.
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European car garage at Anson Road, George Town, Penang. |
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(Shaykh Ismail Alyamani)
Ismail was from Jelutong Timur, Jelutong, Penang.
He was a jeweller at Buckingham Street beside Masjid Kapitan Keling in George Town, Penang.
He was also caretaker (siak) of Masjid Kapitan Keling.
He had 7 siblings including himself.
His siblings are Siti Fatimah (Pahmah), Omar, Zubaidah, Siti Mariam, Abdul Aziz (Ami Aziz) and Siti Hajar.
Shaykh Ismail, Shaykh Omar, and Ami Aziz Alyamani are brothers.
Ismail married Nya Intan @ Maimunah bt Zainal Abidin (anak Tok moyang Zainal Abidin di Klang).
Their son is Uncle Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani @ Songkok Tinggi (Batu Tiga, Shah Alam, Selangor).
Uncle Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani is cucu Tok moyang Zainal Klang as well as nephew of Ami Aziz Alyamani.
Ismail bin Mohamad bin Salem Alyamani (Shaykh Ismail Alyamani) |
Maimunah bt Zainal Abidin (Nya Intan) |
Nya Intan and son, Zainal Abidin bin Ismail |
Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani (Songkok Tinggi) |
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Unanswered questions
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Two wives of Ami Aziz Alyamani
Unanswered questions
- Shaykh Omar - what happened to him?
- Siti Zubaidah (Siti Bedah?) - she married and migrated to Indonesia. She is lost to follow-up.
- Abdul Aziz bin Sheikh Mohamad (this is Ami Aziz Alyamani) married 2 wives - Siti Rahmah bt Abdul Rashid Makawi and Aishah bt Abdullah @ Nenek Jepun. They all died.
- Ismail - what happened to him? He married, had a son and died.
- Mariam - what happened to her? She married a blind man, had a son, and granddaughter.
- Patma @ Pahmah @ Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad married Hj Mohd Sharif (Banda Hilir, Melaka) - they had 5 children.
- Siti Hajar - what happened to her? She didn't marry but lived with her elder brother Ismail.
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Two wives of Ami Aziz Alyamani
- Siti Rahmah bt Abdul Rashid Makawi (4 children, 1 girl and 3 boys)
- Aishah bt Abdullah @ Nenek Jepun (no kids; adopted a Chinese daughter named Mazlifah Aziz)
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They had 4 children. Their children are:
- Fatma bt Abdul Aziz Alyamani (b.c. 1935) married Syed Omar (7 kids)
- Zakaria bin Abdul Aziz Alyamani (b.c.1938)
- Abdul Latif bin Abdul Aziz Alyamani (b.1941; Khali Latiff @ Ami Latiff Alyamani, Kulim 012-579-0906)
- Abdul Rashid bin Abdul Aziz Alyamani (b.1944-d.5 May 2021) - he did not marry and remained a bachelor all his life; he lived in Jelutong old house till he died on 5 May 2021, aged about 77.
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Syed Mohamad's mother is Fatma bt Abdul Aziz Alyamani. His maternal grandmother is Siti Rahmah bt Abdul Rashid Makawi. His maternal grandfather is Ami Aziz Alyamani. Syed Mohamad is Bapak's cousin.
Syed Mohamad's full name is Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar. His father is Syed Omar bin Syed Mohamad. His paternal grandfather Syed Mohamad was born in Malaya but grew up in Madinah (besar di Madinah). His great-grandfather is Mansur bin Haji Ali.
Syed Mohamad's full name is Syed Mohamad bin Syed Omar. His father is Syed Omar bin Syed Mohamad. His paternal grandfather Syed Mohamad was born in Malaya but grew up in Madinah (besar di Madinah). His great-grandfather is Mansur bin Haji Ali.
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What happened to Zakaria bin Abdul Aziz? He did not marry. He died in 2020.
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What happened to Abdul Latif bin Abdul Aziz? Lives in Kulim with his wife. He has 4 married children. He is 80 years old in 2021.
Ami Latiff Alyamani dan isteri 2020 |
Rumah semi-D di Kulim |
Ami Latiff Alyamani 2020 |
Ami Latiff Alyamani 2021 |
Amati Zaiton bt Hassan 2020 (asal Jelutong, P. Pinang) |
Najib Abdul Latiff Alyamani |
Nawal Abdul Latiff Alyamani |
Najwa Abdul Latiff Alyamani |
Salwa Abdul Latiff Alyamani |
* * *
What happened to Abdul Rashid bin Abdul Aziz? He did not marry. He lived in Jelutong. His nephew helped to look after him when he was old and ill till he died. He died on 5 May 2021 (aged about 77). He is buried on 6 May 2021 near his parents at Kubur Jelutong beside Masjid Jamek Jelutong.
Abdul Rashid bin Abdul Aziz Alyamani (Shaykh Rashid Alyamani) |
Message from Dato' Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani @ Songkok Tinggi. |
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It was the second marriage for both of them. They have no kids together, but adopted one Chinese girl as their daughter, Muzlifah/ Mazalifah. Muzlifah addressed Bapak as her cousin. However, they are not blood cousins because she was adopted.
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