Sunday, 17 December 2017

Hajjah Sharifah bt Haji Abdul Rashid 1957-2017

Name: Hajjah Sharifah bt Haji Abdul Rashid
Call names: Pah, Kak Pah
Born: 24 October 1957 General Hospital, Malacca
Deceased: 3:41 pm, Saturday, 16 December 2017 at CCU, Hospital Ampang, KL


1. Kindy in Banda Hilir, Malacca and Alor Star, Kedah 1963
2. Standard 1-4 at Sultanah Asma Primary School, Alor Star, Kedah 1964-1967
3. Standard 4-6 at Tanjong Aru Primary School, Tanjong Aru, Jesselton, Sabah
4. Form 1-2 at Zainab Secondary School, Telipot, Kota Bharu, Kelantan 1970-1972
5. Form 3 at Malacca Girls' High School 1973 LCE
6. Private college studies (shorthand, typing, business studies) (by post).
    Certificate in stenography 1974-1975
7. Completed Form 5 studies (by post) MCE
8. Completed Form 6 studies (by post) HSC
9. Certificate in Hospitality and Catering at ITM, Shah Alam, Selangor
10. Studied French (course by postal service) 1982
11. Certificate in Arabic language by KITAB at Masjid Negeri Pulau Pinang
      in Penang 2012

Pah studied French via postal course in 1982. Pah learned Arabic from Kolej Islam Teknologi Antarabangsa (KITAB) in Pulau Pinang in 2012. She and Siti attended the course together and graduated together in 2012. Pah knew 4 languages:
  1. Malay
  2. English
  3. French
  4. Arabic (certificate)

Study of Al-Quran
Pah learned the Quran since small, and from various people. She loved the Quran.
  1. Pah learned the Quran since age 5, from Nenek Ani in Banda Hilir, Malacca 1960-62
  2. Pah learned the Quran from "Nenek Mengaji" in Jalan Langgar, Alor Star, Kedah 1964-67
  3. Pah learned Quran reading from Ustaz Haji Abdul Wahab (Pak Ji Wahab), a relative in Minden Heights, Penang (Aunty Intan's uncle) 1978 till Pak Ji Wahab passed away.
  4. Pah learned Quran recitation from Masjid Negeri Pulau Pinang (ladies' group) 2012

Hajj 1993
Pah went for Hajj in 1993 with Mak and Minah. Mak was 62 years old, Pah was 36 years old, and Minah was 23 years old, when they performed their first Hajj. They took a private Hajj package by Amin Rawa in George Town, Penang. A private Hajj package in Penang was approximately RM10,000.00 in 1993/94. 

Pah gave me her Hajj passport for my research on the Malaysian Hajj Doctors in 2013. There are many dates in her passport: 1 July 1993 on the green front cover, 2 July 1993 on an inside page, and 22 April 1993 on an inside page. They were in Saudi Arabia from 22 May 1993 to 1 July 1993. Hajj was 9 & 10 Zulhijjah 1413 Hijrah (Sunday, 30 & Monday, 31 May 1993). They must have performed Haji Ifrad. They left from Subang International Airport and returned to the same airport. Below are details I have worked out from her 1993 Hajj passport.

Passport, visa and outbound flight:
  • Passport issued: 10 November 1992, Bayaran $15.00
  • Saudi Arabian visa: 22 April 1993, stamp chop by Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Kuala Lumpur, Gratis, signed by Jamal Salleh Attieh; 322, Tempat dan Tarikh Dikeluarkan: Kuala Lumpur, 17 May 1993 
  • Flight departure: 22 May 1993, MAS flight MH 4190
  • Portrait: B/W; Chop: Lembaga Urusan Dan Tabung Haji (LUTH), Malaysia
Details of residences in Makkah & Madinah:
  • MALAYSIA, KT 81, Pakej Amin Rawa, Kumpulan: RBK 111/01, Bas: 407
  • Penginapan di Tanah Suci: Makkah: Bangunan MAR ZUKA, No. Bilik 215; Madinah: Shobra, No. Bilik __
Details of return:
  • Flight home: MAS flight MH 4481, Siri No 24883 (322), Penerima, A 
  • Transportation: 1 July 1993, Cop Syarikat Pengangkutan filled by Perbadanan Pengangkutan Perusahaan Tabung Haji (PPPTH)
  • Arrived home: 2 July 1993, LTA Subang; Cop Malaysian Immigration

Umrah 2003
Pah, Bapak and Mak went for Umrah in 2003. Mak died the following year, on 5 June 2004. Bapak died 5 years later, on 8 March 2009. Pah died 14 years later, on 16 December 2017.

Close friends
Pah was a friendly person and had a number of friends. Here are some of her friends which I can recall. There may be more.
  1. Classmates: Catherine Marcus (Portuguese Settlement/Tg Aru Primary School), Datuk Mahathir Lokman (Tg Aru), Pak Vaa Dee Siri Mongul (daughter of Thai Consulate in Kelantan), Johana Johari (MGHS, daughter of RTM musician Johari Salleh) etc
  2. Colleagues at CAP: Mr Idris, Siti Mariam bt Yusof, Uma, a Chinese friend
  3. Sibs: Aminah, Amin, Rabi and me (Abang Sharif and Farid are deceased)
  4. Uncle Din & family
  5. Nephews and nieces
  6. Kama & family
  7. Neighbours (Cikgu Puteh's family)
  8. Dr Kamil Ariff's family 
  9. Aunts and cousins
  10. Caretaker at Rawang homecare
  11. Caretaker at Ampang homecare

Pah loved Hawaiian music. She introduced me to Hawaiian guitar music. She didn't play any musical instrument. She liked the sound of Hawaiian guitar on the electronic organ. So I played that for her, each morning before I went to work.

Pah loved to cook. She had a certificate in cooking. She cooked many delicious meals for our family in Penang. She loved to cook mee goreng pedas! She also cooked dinner - beef steak with mashed potato and peas and delicious brown gravy. She bought fresh delicious bread from bakeries in Penang. She would walk to Pasar Tun Sardon and back, to buy ingredients to cook for the day. Pah also  knew Minah Restaurant, the Kelantan caterer at Kg Sg Gelugor, and Umi Seha caterer (a relative) in Gelugor.

Pah never made an angry face at me. She always smiled even under difficult times. If she disagreed, she would say so. If she was happy, she would share her happiness by cooking for us. She was a kind sister. She always made breakfast for me. She also prepared sandwiches or mee goreng for me. She would always ask me if I was hungry because she wanted to cook for me. She washed my clothes and my car for me. She washed my car daily and dried it. She laid my shoes at the front door so I just had to slip on my shoes and not search for them. She was so happy just to see my happy.

Pah was a charitable person and was always prepared to help and give whatever she could. Pah had donated a lot to charity. She donated everywhere she went. She had donated to homecare centre(s). 

Pah loved animals. She loved cats. She looked after her cats when she lived in Penang. She would mix food for her cats and threw food out the kitchen window to her cats. She would call for her cats and they would show up. She would watch them eat from her kitchen window. If her cats were still hungry, she would mix more food for them. 

Pah also fed the birds. She fed the little sparrows that came to feed at the Penang house. She fed them pieces of soaked white bread.

Other than that she had moles in her house. She didn't rear them but they liked her and loved to frighten her at home. They are called cincorot! Pah set up traps for them because they gnawed and destroyed the wiring in her wooden house.

Pah was born a healthy little baby girl. Mak didn't say anything much about her birth. However, Mak mentioned that she suffered a bad fall at age 2 years, which affected her brain a bit. She climbed the fence and fell and hit her head on the cement floor. As a result, she could do everything and study everything, except that numbers let her down at formal school. But she wasn't giving up. She overcame her deficiencies with private postal studies, and went on to study business skills and languages. She became knowledgeable and started working at the Consumer Association in Penang (CAP).


Pah's green Hajj passport 1993

Pah's Umrah vaccination booklet 2003

Mak died on 5 June 2004. She is buried in Selayang, Selangor.
Rumah Mak jadi rumah Pah after Mak died.

Pak Saleh and family and Mak Bedah visited Bapak and Pah in Penang 2005 

Bapak died on 8 March 2009. He is buried at Masjid Gelugor graveyard, Penang.

Siblings in 2009
  1. Abang Sharif (deceased 2017; eldest)
  2. Sharifah (Pah; deceased 2017)
  3. Faridah (me)
  4. Rabi'ah (Rabi)
  5. Farid (deceased 2015)
  6. Amin
  7. Aminah (youngest)
7 beradik berkumpul dan bergambar selepas Bapak meninggal.
Gambar di rumah arwah Mak di Minden Heights, Penang (8 March 2009).

Pah at Minah's graduation in Sept 2011, UKM
Majlis Konvokesyen Ke-39 UKM, 24-27 Sept 2011

Visit Pah 7Oct2011
Minden Heights, Penang

Pah continued to live at Minden Heights after Mak and Bapak died. She brought in her colleague Siti to live with her. They read Quran as a pastime. They attended Arabic classes together. They went shopping together. They worked together at CAP. Pah, Siti and Kama kept in touch.

Pah's graduation from KITAB in March 2012
Kolej Islam Teknologi Antarabangsa (KITAB), Pulau Pinang
Konvokesyen Ke-4, 26 March 2012
City Bay View Hotel, George Town, Penang

Visit Pah in Penang

Pah holding my 2 books on The Early Malay Doctors 11Jan2013

Pah helped to look after Datuk Penang's house next door 1June2013

She had cataract and couldn't see well. She had a hard time trying to figure out the right key to open the door. She had to feel the key cuts and patterns to find the correct key. I waited and watched her feel the keys and find the correct key. She managed to open the door after some 10 minutes trying.


Surah Yasin
Surah Al Baqara
Surah Ar Rahman

Majlis Tahlil & Kenduri Arwah
- Penjelasan Hukum, Cara & Doa Tahlil and Kenduri Arwah

  1. Tahlil is done without the host providing food for guests
  2. Neighbours can help to cook and serve food to the guests. Some guests may come from far away. It is only fit that neighbours help out and serve the guests, not the mourning host. Serve only filling food for that day (1 day 1 night), not for many days.
  3. Tahlil cannot be done on fixed days; any day will do
  4. Hukum melayan tetamu is wajib, but the mourning host must not be forced to serve food
  5. The host must not be forced to serve food to guests as the family of the deceased is mourning
  6. Tahlil is allowed but the way for doing it must be correct
  7. Doa offered by the children of the deceased parent(s) is acceptable
  8. There is no order for reading Surah2 Al Quran in tahlil
  9. Those who don't want to do tahlil don't have to do it
  10. One person alone cannot read all the doa for a deceased person. So, a tahlil is organised so that many people can come together to read doa for the deceased person. 
  11. Offering any doa for the deceased is acceptable.


Music - Turkish

Music - French

Music - Spanish

Music - Hawaiian

Music - English


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Ulama Kadilangu and Cirebon


Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWAJA)
Musyawarah Nasional (MUNAS)
Konferens Besar (KONBES)
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)
Pondok Pesantren (PONPES)
Bandar Udara (Bandara)

Since Dato Shahbuddin bin Haji Mohd Amin was from Kadilangu in Cirebon, Java, I Googled 'Ulama di Kadilangu' and 'Ulama di Cirebon', with the hope that something is written about him and his origin.

However, the results I obtained showed that most articles on the Indonesian Ulama were recent. Only a few focused on Ulama who lived during Dutch Colonisation and after RI was formed. There was no Ulama Indonesia who lived during the time of Dato Shahbuddin bin Haji Mohd Amin of Kadilangu, Cirebon (c1795-c1895; 100 years old).
  1. Diya ud-Din Khalid Al-Baghdadi (1779 - 1826 M; 47 years)
  2. Tubagus Muhammad Falak Abbas (1842-1972 M; 130 years; Banten), 
  3. Habib Muhammad bin Hadi Assegaf (1874 M - died)
  4. KH Amin Sepuh (1879 - 1972 M; 93 years; Mijahan Plumbon, Cirebon)
  5. Habib Umar bin Ismail bin Yahya (1888 - 1973 M; 85 years; Arjawinangun, Cirebon)
  6. Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Hasan bin Hud Al Attas (1892 - 1999 M; 108 years; Cipayung, Bogor).
  7. KH Arwani Amin (dates unclear)
  8. Habib Muhammad Anis bin Alwi bin Ali al-Habshi (1928 M -  )
  9. KH Amin Siroj (1938 M - )
  10. Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya (1947 M - )
  11. Habib Abu Bakar bin Muhammad Assegaf (born ? - died 1957 M; Gresik, East Java)

Ulama Cirebon

KH Arwani Amin
Father: KH Hj Amin Said (born Tuesday, Kliwon 5 Rejab 1323 H / 5 Sept 1905 M Desa Madureksan, Kerjasan, Kudus)
Mother: Hjh Wanifah
Second of 12 siblings
married Naqiyul Khud: 4 kids (2 boys survived + 2 girls died)
Pondok Huffadh Yanbu’ul Qur’an, Desa Madureksa, Kota Kudus
Masjid Menara Kudus

KH Amin Sepuh
Name: Kyai Amin bin Irsyad @ KH Amin Sepuh
Born 24 Zulhijjah 1300 H / 1879 M di Mijahan Plumbon, Cirebon, Jawa Barat.
Ahlul Bait from Sharif Hidayatullah.
(His father Kyai Irsyad died in Makkah.)
died 16 Rabi'ul Akhir 1392 H / 20 May 1972 M

Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya
Born 10 November 1947 Pekalongan
Ahlul Bait

Syekh Yusuf Al-Makassary (from Makassar)
From Bangsawan family of rulers of Banten, Gowa and Bone.
Travelled widely and studied at many places
Also studied from Syekh Nuruddin Ar-Raniri in Sumatra

KH Muhiddin Kuningan, Cirebon
Passed away '2-3 year back' (2009-3 = 2006)

Diya ud-Din Khalid Al-Baghdadi
Name: Khalid ibn Ahmad ibn Hussain Ash-Shahrazuri Ash-Shafi`ii An-Naqshabandi Al-Mujaddidi Al-Qadiri As-Suhrawardi Al-Kibrawi Al-Shishti.
Born 1193 H / 1779 M Qurrah Taagh, 5 miles from As-Sulaimaniyyah
Lived 1193 - 1242 H / 1779 - 1826 M
Studied at many places including Syria

Habib Muhammad bin Hadi Assegaf
Born 1291 H / 1874 M

Habib Abu Bakar bin Muhammad Assegaf
Died 1376 H / 1957 M
Interred at Masjid Jami', Gresik, East Java

Habib Muhammad Anis bin Alwi bin Ali al-Habshi
Born 5 May 1928 Garut Jawa Barat
Father: Habib Alwi bin Ali al-Habshi (died in Palembang)
Mother: Sharifah Khadijah
Lived at Kg Gurawan, Pasar Kliwon, Solo.
Taught by his father.
Schooled Ar-Ribathah
Married at 22, Syarifah Syifa bt Thaha Assagaf
6 sons: Habib Ali, Habib Husein, Habib Ahmad, Habib Alwi, Habib Hasanm Habib Addillah. All 6 sons lived in the vicinity of Gurawan.
Sold batik (pedagang batik) at a kiosk in Pasar Klewer Solo.

KH Amin Siroj
KH Amin Siroj (born 1938) is the grandson of  KH Muhammad Said, who established Pondok Pesantren Gedongan.

21 Ulama Aswaja

Cawangan Aswaja

Tubagus Muhammad Falak Abbas
Born 1842 M Pondok Pesantren Sabi, Desa Purbasari, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Banten
Call name: Abah Falak
Born 1842 M Pondok Pesantren Sabi, Desa Purbasari, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Banten
Full name: KH. Tubagus Muhammad Falak Abbas bin KH. Tubagus Abbas
Childhood name (nama kecil): Tubagus Muhammad or Abdul Halim, which became Abdul Haris.
Given name: Falak. This name was given by his teacher Syekh Sayyid Afandi Turqi, when he was studying Astronomy (ilmu khasaf dan falak / perbintangan) in Makkah.
Father: KH Tubagus Abbas (a great Ulama of Banten; from Banten Sultanate; descended from Syarif Hidayatullah; established Pondok Pesantren Sabi)
Mother: Ratu Quraysin (a descendant of Sultan of Banten)
He studied under the tutelage of Ulama from Banten and Cirebon.
His teachers from Yemen included Shaikh Abdul Fatah Al-Yamany, Syaikh Abdul Rauf Al-Yamany, Sayyid Yahya Al-Yamany, and from Makkah, Syaikh Zaini Dahlan-Makkah.
His teachers from Banten included Syaikh Salman, Syaikh Soleh Sonding, Syaikh Sofyan and Syaikh Sohib Kadu Pinang.
He returned to his hometown but then travelled to spread Islam. He reached Pagentongan Bogor, where he married Siti Fatimah and had a son, Tubagus Muhammad Thohir @ Acenk.
Tb. Muh. Thohir had children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren (cucu dan buyut). All are living at Pesantren Al-Falak and vicinity.
Abah Falak lived at Pagentongan till he died on 8 Jumadil Akhir 1392 H / 19 July 1972 M .
He was 130 years old.
He is interred at Komplek Pondok Pesantren Al Falak, not far from Masjid Al Falak.
Today, Pondok Pesantren Al-Falak is being operated by his great-grandchildren (buyutnya) ie, 4th generation (generasi IV) of Abah Falak, who live in Pagentongan.

Habib Umar bin Ismail bin Yahya Cirebon
Born Rabiu’ul Awwal 1298 H / 22 June 1888 M Arjawinangun, Cirebon
Father: Syarif Ismail bin Yahya, a dai from Hadramaut who came to spread Islam to Nusantara.
Mother: Siti Suniah binti H. Shiddiq from Arjawinangun
Eldest of 4 kids: Umar, Qasim, Ibrahim, Abdullah
Ahlul Bait ... via Sayyidina Husein
First studied under his father before studying at various places in Jawa Barat (1913-1921).
He was captured by the Dutch colonials in August 1940 and his pesantren was closed down. He was released 6 months later, on 20 February 1941.
Died 13 Rajab 1393 H / 20 August 1973 (85 years old).

Habib Umar bin Hud Al Attas (Cipayung-Bogor)
Born 1313 H / 1892 M in Huraidhah, South Yemen
Name: Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Hasan bin Hud Al Attas
Father: Habib Muhammad bin Hasan bin Hud Al Attas
Mother: Syarifah Nur Shalihah bt Hasan Al Attas
Habib Umar's mother died when he was 15 years old. He then moved to Indonesia.
He lived in Condet, Indonesia.
He performed Mawlid at Cipayung, Bogor.
He held reading Mawlid Addiba'i in Cipayung every Friday evening., and for which he was known as Habib Umar Cipayung.
He died on Thursday evening, 1420 H / 11 August 1999 M, and aged 108 years.
He is interred at Al Hawi Cemetery, Cililitan in Jakarta.
His children include Habib Husain, Muhammad Habib, Habib Salim and Syarifah.

KH Abbas bin Abdul Jamil Buntet Pesantren Cirebon

Pesantren Buntet

Monday, 13 November 2017

Finding the link between Cirebon and Banda Hilir, Melaka

I'm trying to find the human links between Cirebon, Java in Indonesia and Banda Hilir, Melaka in Malaysia. I searched the name Dato Shahbuddin and his Sufi Order and got some useful links.,+Cirebon

* * *

MADRASAH BANDA HILIR (established 1820)

Dato Shahbuddin bin Haji Mohd Amin was the founder of Madrasah Banda Hilir in 1820, which later became Masjid Banda Hilir in Banda Hilir, Malacca. 

He was a Sufi leader at his madrasah in Banda Hilir, and had many followers (judging from the numerous graves surrounding his makam when I visited his makam). He taught the Naqsbandiyah Sufi Order.

Masjid Banda Hilir started off initially as a madrasah, a centre where children came to learn to read and recite the Quran. It still served as a madrasah in the 1960s-1970s.

My great-grandfather (Hj Md Sharif bin Ismail Alyamani) had built his big wooden long roof-styled Malay house adjacent to the masjid in 1897, after he returned from his 1896 Hajj. However, there was another dilapidated house on site before my great-grandfather built his new house on the same site.

When I was born and was brought home, I lived in the big wooden house built by my great-grandfather, Haji Md Sharif bin Ismail Alyamani. The house had 2 portions which reflected 2 different times they were built. It also had a small makeshift shed (bangsal kecil muat 2 orang) which was later demolished after my youngest uncle was born. The shed was not there when I was born.

The partial remains of the old dilapidated wooden house on site was probably the original house, probably built by the masjid founder, Dato Shahbuddin in 1820 when he built the madrasah (which later became masjid). 

Since he had founded Madrasah Banda Hilir in 1820 during British Malacca, I supposed the rear part of his house was the old part of the house which I saw as a child (1958-1963). The more recent build was the front and mid-portions of the house, built by Haji Md Sharif in 1897.

I don't know the link between Dato Shahbuddin and my great-great-grandfather, Tuan Sheikh Mohd Sahabudin, my great-grandfather, Haji Md Sharif bin Ismail Alyamani, or his parents, Ismail Alyamani and Inchek Nyonia bt Sheikh Mohd Sahabudin. 

I am certain Tuan Sheikh Mohd Sahabudin was not the same man as Dato' Shahbuddin bin Hj Mohd Amin, the masjid founder. My father said there are 2 makams at 2 different locations of both of them.

* * *

I was told Dato' Shahbuddin's daughter (Fatimah) married to Ismail, which I think is incorrect as Dato' Shahbuddin was a bachelor. Inche Nyonia, Tuan Sheikh Mohd Sahabudin's daughter (and not Fatimah) married Ismail. Siti Fathimah @ Pahmah was Ismail's daughter-in-law.

* * *

Haji Md Sharif was noted as the first Imam of Masjid Banda Hilir. He passed away (possibly) in 1906 or around that date. There is no date of his birth recorded or when he died. He married a Tengkera lady, Pahmah @ Siti Fatimah bt Sheikh Mohamad. 

Pahmah was originally from Jelutong, Penang. Her parents and 6 other siblings all lived near Masjid Jelutong in Jelutong, Penang.

Haji Md Sharif and Fatimah had 5 children - Mohamed Usuf (Mohd Yusope), Mahani, Amnah, Alijah and Asiah. Unfortunately, since he passed away early while his 5 children were still small, his 2 younger brothers helped to raise his children. His 2 younger brothers were Haji Noordin and Zenal @ Zainal/Zainal Abidin bin Ismail Alyamani. Haji Noordin lived in Ujong Pasir, Malacca. Zainal Abidin (Zenal) lived in Klang, Selangor.

Dato' Shahbuddin is interred at Makam Dato' Shahbuddin at Kubur Lorong Panjang, Jalan Laksamana Cheng Ho. His date of death is unknown. Since he was a Sufi leader in Banda Hilir, his followers in Banda Hilir are also interred at the same graveyard, in front of his grave.

The location of Inchek Nyonia's grave is unknown, but it should be near her father's grave in Tengkera. The location of her husband Ismail Alyamani's grave is unknown, but could be at Jalan Panjang, Tengkera or other. 

I visited Kubur Jalan Panjang and saw Makam Dato' Shahbuddin, but I did not search or see those of my great-grandparents.

Haji Md Sharif bin Ismail Alyamani and wife Pahmah are interred at Kubur Masjid Semabok. He had lands in Semabok area but they were sold off after he died.

Mohd Yusope bin Haji Md Sharif is interred at Kubur Masjid Semabok, close to his parent's graves.

Mahani and Alijah bt Hj Md Sharif's graves are unknown, but could be at Kubur Jalan Panjang.

Asiah bt Haji Md Sharif is interred at Kubur Jalan Panjang.

Amnah bt Haji Md Sharif is interred in Singapore, first at Bidadari Cemetery, and then relocated to a new burial ground, Pusara Abadi.

External links:

Sejarah Cirebon Naskah Keraton

Sejarah Cirebon Aksara Jawa

Ider-ideran, Cirebon

Tarekat Syattariyyah di Cirebon

Ahmad Irfan - Buntet Pesantren, Cirebon 1750 M

H Soleh Suaedi - Pesantren Buntet, Cirebon

Asal-usul nama Buntet (buntu)

Amanat Hasyim Asy'ari

Biography of Syarif Hidayatullah (born 1448 M Makkah)

Sejarah Walisongo

Prof Oman Fathurahman's blog

41 Jenis Tarekat

7 Jenis Tarekat

Tijaniyah Sufi Order

Wayang Kulit Cirebon


Kereta Singa Barong

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Baghdadi

Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Baghdadi married 3 wives:
  1. 1st wife of SAR alBaghdadi (Is she Hawa?)
  2. 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi is Hamidah 
  3. 3rd wife of SAR alBaghdadi is ___

1st wife: Query: Hawa?
Child (1):
  1. Long Rokiah @ Siti Rokiah Kechik

2nd wife: Hamidah
Children (7): 
  1. Siti Rahmah
  2. Pilus (Mamu Che Teh)
  3. Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn)
  4. Mohd Noor
  5. Norbi (Mami Che Bee)
  6. Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin)
  7. Ahmad Yazid (Bapak Kechik)

3rd wife: Unknown
Child (1):
  1. Tok Loyah
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎) 

Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Baghdadi married 3 wives and had 9 children:
  1. Long Rokiah @ Siti Rokiah Kechik - anak isteri pertama (anak Hawa Jelani?)
  2. Siti Rahmah - anak Hamidah
  3. Pilus (Mamu Che Teh) - anak Hamidah
  4. Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn) - anak Hamidah
  5. Mohd Noor - anak Hamidah
  6. Norbi (Mami Che Bee) - anak Hamidah
  7. Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin) - anak Hamidah
  8. Ahmad Yazid (Bapak Kechik) - anak Hamidah
  9. Tok Loyah - anak isteri ketiga
Long Siti Rokiah (Siti Kechik Rokiah) bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Daughter of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and 1st wife SAR alBaghdadi (Hawa binti Jelani?)
Wife of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak
Mother of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Harun bin Ahmad; Mahmud bin Ahmad; Ishak bin Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; Rabiah bt Ahmad and Sulaiman bin Ahmad
Half-sister of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Daughter of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Wife of Mohd Pakhir @ Fakir bin Abdullah (1862-?) Batu Uban/Trong
Mother of Baharin Muhammad Fakir and Kechik Ramlah Mohamad Pakhir @ Fakir
Sister of Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Half-sister of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Pilus bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Son of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Husband of Deceased lady
Father of Abdul Rashid Pilus and Bishah Pilus (Parit Buntar)
Brother of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Half-brother of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Baharin bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Son of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Husband of Siti Salbiah
Brother of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Mohd Noor; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Half-brother of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Mohd Noor bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi
Deceased: 1941 Terong, Perak, Malaysia (Haemophilia)
Place of Burial: Terong, Perak, Malaysia Son of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Husband of Baayah Mohd Yasin, Habsah (Ting) and Halimah
Father of ___; Mohd Nasir bin Mohd Noor; ___; Zam Hasri bin Mohd Noor; Rabiah bt Mat Noor; ___ Mohd Noor; ___ and Kamariah bt Mohd Noor
Brother of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Norbi (Mami Che Bee); Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Half-brother of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Norbi (Mami Che Bee) bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Daughter of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Wife of Mohd Kholidi (Mat Lidi)
Mother of Dalilah bt Mohd Kholidi; Di; Wan Tam (Yang); Alwi; Salaliah; and Zaiton Mohd Kholidi
Sister of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Half-sister of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Nordin (Che Din) @ Zainuddin bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi Son of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Husband of first wife Rafeah (from Talang) and second wife (from Kedah)
Father of Aishah Bee bt Nordin and Rokiah Bee bt Zainuddin
Brother of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Half-brother of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Ahmad Yazid (Bapak Kechik) bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Son of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and Hamidah, 2nd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Husband of Mak Chik Chah
Brother of Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); and Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin)
Half-brother of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and Tok Loyah 
Alawiyah (Tok Loyah) bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Born: circa 1888
Deceased: May 1972 (80-88) Jitra, Kedah, Malaysia (old age)
Place of Burial: Masjid Alor Merah, Alor Star, Kedah, Malaysia
Daughter of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi and 3rd wife of SAR alBaghdadi
Wife of Ismail
Mother of Raihan Ismail; Salehuddin bin Ismail; Hasanah bt Ismail; NanaPupa; Safura bt Ismail; Sufian bin Ismail; Mizan (???) Ismail; Jefri bin Ismail; Nani Kota and Mukhtar bin Ismail
Half-sister of Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Siti Rahmah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; Norbi (Mami Che Bee); Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin) and Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi 
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎) 

Name: Siti Kechik Rokiah bt Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Call names: Long Siti Rokiah / Siti Kechik Rokiah

Father: Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi
Mother: 1st wife Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi (Is she Hawa bt Jelani?)

Status: married
Husband: Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak

Mother of 7:
  1. Haji Elias b Ahmad (1886-1964); 
  2. Harun bin Ahmad; 
  3. Mahmud Ahmad; 
  4. Ishak Ahmad; 
  5. Teh Kalsom binti Ahmad; 
  6. Rabiah Ahmad and 
  7. Sulaiman Ahmad  
Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964) Son of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Husband of Itam Maimunah bt Awang (Taiping, Perak)
Father of Jamaluddin Haji Elias and Aishah bt Haji Elias
Brother of Harun bin Ahmad; Mahmud Ahmad; Ishak Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; Rabiah Ahmad; and Sulaiman Ahmad 
Harun bin Ahmad
Son of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Husband of Bishah Pilus (Parit Buntar)
Father of Abdul Rahman Harun and Ismail Harun
Brother of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Mahmud Ahmad; Ishak Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; Rabiah Ahmad; and Sulaiman Ahmad 
Mahmud bin Ahmad Son of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Husband of Saadiah Umar (Trong)
Father of Zuriah bt Mahmud; Khatijah bt Mahmud; Hashim bin Mahmud and Salmah bt Mahmud
Brother of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Harun bin Ahmad; Ishak Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; Rabiah Ahmad; and Sulaiman Ahmad 
Ishak bin Ahmad
Birth: 14 March 1886
Son of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Husband of Aishahton Aminudin
Father of Tun Yusof bin Ishak (First President of Singapore); Abdul Aziz bin Ishak (Former Minister of Agriculture, Malaya); Abdul Ramly Jenaton Ishak; Ambassador Abdul Rahim Ishak (Senior Minister of State, Singapore); Zahora Bee Ishak; Lily Zubaidah Ishak; Laila Hanifa Ishak; Salbiah binti Ishak and Datin Alma Azizah bt Ishak
Brother of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Harun bin Ahmad; Mahmud Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; Rabiah Ahmad; and Sulaiman Ahmad  
Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad
Daughter of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Wife of Mat Saman and Ahmad A
Mother of Mohd Noor bin Mat Saman; Zainuddin bin Mat Saman; Abdul Halim bin Ahmad; Muhammad Tahir bin Ahmad; Ibrahim bin Ahmad; and Hindon binti Ahmad
Sister of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Harun bin Ahmad; Mahmud bin Ahmad; Ishak bin Ahmad; Rabiah bt Ahmad; and Sulaiman bin Ahmad
Rabiah bt Ahmad Daughter of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Wife of Darus Senawi
Mother of Bee Bee Darus and Zainab Darus
Sister of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Harun bin Ahmad; Mahmud bin Ahmad; Ishak bin Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; and Sulaiman bin Ahmad 
Sulaiman bin Ahmad Son of Ahmad bin Abdullah (1852-?) Batu Uban in Penang/Trong, Perak and Long Siti Rokiah "Siti Kechik Rokiah" binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi
Husband of Zainab (Singapura)
Father of Mariam Bee Sulaiman
Brother of Haji Elias bin Ahmad (1886-1964); Harun bin Ahmad; Mahmud bin Ahmad; Ishak bin Ahmad; Teh Kalsom bt Ahmad; and Rabiah bt Ahmad 
Half sister of 8:
  1. Siti Rahmah binti Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi; 
  2. Pilus (Mamu Che Teh); 
  3. Bahrin (Mamu Che Enn); 
  4. Mohd Noor Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Baghdadi; 
  5. Norbi (Mami Che Bee); 
  6. Zainuddin (Che Din @ Nordin); 
  7. Ahmad Yazid "Bapak Kechik" bin Sheikh Abdul Rahman alBaghdadi and 
  8. Tok Loyah
(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎)

Ahmad Yazid bin Gam Dahaman
Birth: 13 April 1941 Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia
Deceased: 3 August 2012 (71) Taiping, Perak, Malaysia (Lung CA related pneumonia)
Place of Burial: Kuala Kangsar, Perak, Malaysia
Son of Gam Dahaman bin Kulop "Tak" Ismail and Saleha binti Mohd Rose
Husband of __ Shamsuri
Ex-husband of NIK JAH MUHAMMAD
Father of Aznijar bin Ahmad Yazid; __ Ahmad Yazid; Aimilfandi Ahmad Yazid and Aidiyazman Ahmad Yazid
Brother of Baaishah Gam Dahaman; Hamimah Gam Dahaman; __ Gam Dahaman; Maznah Gam Dahaman; Hasnah Gam Dahaman; Mohd Khiruddin Gam Dahaman; Noorma Gam Dahaman; Hanipah Gam Dahaman; __ Gam Dahaman; Badrul Hamidi Hamidi Gam Dahaman; Suriana Gam Dahaman and __ Gam Dahaman

Nik Jah bt Muhammad
Birth: 21 July 1945
Death: 16 November 2003 (58) Kelantan, Malaysia
Place of Burial: Labok, Kota Bharu, Machang, Kelantan, Malaysia
Daughter of MUHAMMAD AWANG and Tuan Lebar bt Tuan Sulaiman
Ex-wife of Ahmad Yazid bin Gam Dahaman and Md Zain bin Abdullah
Mother of Aznijar bin Ahmad Yazid and ___ Md. Zain
Sister of __ Muhammad; Nik Nab Muhammad; Nik Mah Muhammad and __ Muhammad

Aznijar bin Ahmad Yazid
He is an engineering lecturer at Universiti Malaya.
Son of Ahmad Yazid bin Gam Dahaman and NIK JAH MUHAMMAD 
Husband of Wan Marini bt Wan Hamzah 
Father of Adam Aznijar; Ashraf Aznijar and ___ Aznijar 
Half brother of __ Md. Zain; __ Ahmad Yazid; Aimilfandi Ahmad Yazid and Aidiyazman Ahmad Yazid 

(٠‎ - ١‎ - ٢‎ - ٣‎ - ٤‎ - ٥‎ - ٦‎ - ٧‎ - ٨‎ - ٩‎) 

External links:



Monday, 16 October 2017

Raden Mas Said (Sunan Kalijaga)

Sunan Kalijaga / Sunan Kalijogo / Raden Said / Raden Syahid / Raden Mas Said

Kadilangu, Demak, Jawa Tengah

Hj Abdul Rashid Mohd Yusope your father→
Mohd Yusope Mohd Sharif his father→
Pahmah bt Sheikh Mohamad, Al-Yamani (Tengkera) his mother→
Shaik Mohamad bin Salem, Al-Yamani (Batu Uban) her father→
Siti Hawa bt Ismail Al-Jailani, his wife→
Ismail Al-Jailani, her father→
Unknown Al-Jailani, his father (from Bengal)→
Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani, his ancestor (from Gilan, Persia)→
links up to Ali bin Abi Thalib.

Hajjah Noor Abdullah, (1857-?) of Batu Uban, P. Pinang→
Abdullah b Dato Jenaton @ Jenan her father→
Dato' Jenaton "Jenan" anak Rajo Labu his father→
Rajo Labu Rajo Gondam his father→
Puti Sari Balambang Tuanku Perkasa Alam XXVI his mother→
Yamtuan Perkasa Mahkota Alam [Sultan Minangkabau her father→
Syeikh Ali (datuk indomo saruaso II) his father→
Syeikh Magelang Pangeran Karangkendal (Pangeran Soka) (Dari Syam, Syria) his brother→
Nyai Mas Gandasari Nyai Mas Panguragan his wife→
Sultan Cirebon II - Fadillah Khan (1568-1570) her brother→
Ratu Winahon [Versi MP], his wife→
Raden Mas Said/Kanjeng Sunan Kalijogo, her husband.


Umi Salamah @ Oomeye Selamah (Batu Uban, Penang):
(married Abdullah bin Dato' Jenaton)

Hajjah Noor bt Abdullah (1857-1900s, Batu Uban, Penang):

Abdullah bin Dato' Jenaton:
(married Umi Salamah)

Dato' Jenaton (@Jenan) anak Rajo Labu:

Rajo Labu Rajo Gondam:

Puti Sari Balambang Tuanku Perkasa Alam XXVI:

YDPS Tuanku Perkasa Mahkota Alam Sultan Minangkabau:

Datuk Indomo Saruaso II:
Syeikh Ali bin Syeikh Ibrahim

Tuanku Mahkota Alam Raja Ibadat Sumpur Kudus
Syeikh Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman Ar-Rumi:

Syeikh Magelang dari Syam, Syria:

Nyai Mas Gandasari:

Sultan Cirebon II
Fadillah Khan (1568-1570):

Ratu Winahon:

Raden Mas Said:

Construction of Masjid Agung Demak, Central Java

Sunan Giri

Muhammad Ainul Yakin / Sunan Giri / Raden Paku
Gender: Male
Birth: 1442 Blambangan
Death: 1506 (64) Desa Giri, Kebomas, Gresik
Place of Burial: Bukit Giri, Gresik, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Immediate Family:
  • Son of Maulana Ishaq Ibrahim Zainal Al-Akbar; Ratu Ayu Kencana Wungu and Dewi Sekar Dadu 
  • Husband of Dewi Wardah; Putri Kendurwati Pajajaran; Kembang Bendahari; Syarifah Dewi Murtasiyah Asyiqah; <private>  and <private>
  • Father of Sunan Giri II; Pangeran Pasirbata; Siti Rohbayat; Ki saba/ Ki ageng Selomerto Raden kendur/Syekh Abdullah Raden kendur/Syekh Abdullah; Sunan Waruju; Ratu Gede Kukusan; Sunan Tegalwangi; Ratu Gede Saworasa .; Panembahan Kulon / Sunan Kulon / Sunan Ali Sumodiro; Nyai Ageng Seluluhur; ?; R. Prabu; R. Misani; R. Gua; Dewi Retnawati; Ibrahim; Darma Kusuma; Sunan Ali Kesuma Dero Muhammad Ainul Yaqin Sahibul Qairi; Zainal Abidin / Sunan Dalem Wetan Sunan Kedul (Sunan Giri II) and Syehk Pangeran Laya Atam Sunan Giri Laya « less 
  • Brother of <private> .; <private> .; Syarifah Siti Musalimah; Dewi Sarah (23); pangeran darmakusuma; and pangeran ali kusumowiro « less 
  • Half brother of Syarifah Siti Rodziah; Syarifah Siti Maimunah Habsah Siti Rubiah and Syaripah Siti Musalmah

Sunan Gresik

Maulana Malik Ibrahim "Sunan Gresik" Syeikh Jamadil Qubra MP
Gender: Male
Birth: before circa 1400 Samarqand, Jizzakh Province, Uzbekistan
Death: 7 April 1419 Gresik
Place of Burial: Leran, Gresik

Immediate Family:

  • Son of Sayyid Syeikh Jamaluddin / SYech Maulana Jumadil Qubro Al-Husain and Amira Fathimah 
  • Husband of <private> .; Istrinya Selirnya; Dewi Candrawulan, (Puteri Raja Champa Terakhir Dari Dinasti Ming) and Wan Maimunah bt Yusof al-Syandani 
  • Father of Nyimas Ratna Sejati; Raja Pendeta; Pangeran Puger; Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah aka Raden Rahmat aka Sunan Ampel; Siti Zainab; Sayyid Ali Murtadha (Raden Santri); cucu sheikh maulana akbar gujarat-champa; Sheikh Muhammad Yassin bin Sheikh Malik Ibrahim al-Hadhrami; Maulana Ishaq Ibrahim Zainal Al-Akbar; Jaka Tarub (Ki Ageng Tarub, Kidang Telangkas Ing Tarub); Sayyid Sultan Pamijahan I / Abdul Qodir Awwal Azmatkhan / Prabu Layakusumah; syeikh wan abdul rahman bin Abdur Rahman Al-Rumi syed ibrahim al-hadhrami (22); syeikh wan yahya bin syed ibrahim al-hadhrami; syeikh wan hussein bin syed ibrahim al-hadhrami and wan jamilah as-syandaniyah bt syed ibrahim al-hadhrami « less 
  • Brother of Pangeran Pebahar As-Samarqandiy; Sunan Kramasari As-Samarqandiy; Syekh Yusuf Shiddiq As-Samarqandiy and Fadhal As-Samarqandiy 
  • Half brother of Sayyid Hasan Jumadil Kubra; Sayyid Husain Jumadil Kubra Al-Asghar; Ibrahim Zainuddin Asghar Champa; Maulana Ibrahim Al-Hadrami Al-Azmatkhan; Sayyid Muhammad Kebungsuan; Sayyid Ali Nurul Alam Qunbul; 'Abdul Malik; Sultan Sayyid Barkat Zainal Alam; <private> .; <private> .; <private> .; Maulana Muhammad Al-Maghribi; Maulana Muhammad Jumadil Kubra; Maulana Muhammad Ali Akbar; Maulana Muhammad Al-Baqir; Syaikh Maulana Wali Islam; <private> .; Siti Aisyah; <private> .; Maulana Fadlullah; Sunan Aspadi; <private>; <private> .; <private> .; <private> . and <private> . « less

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Kiai Anwar Musaddad 1909-2000

K.H. Anwar Musaddad's nickname was Dede Masdiad. His parents were Abdul Awwal bin Haji Abdul Kadir and Marfuah binti Kasriyo. He was descended from 2 great royal families - the Mataram Sultanate (Kesultanan Mataram) and Cirebon Sultanate (Kesultanan Cirebon). His mother was descended from Pangeran Diponegoro from Mataram. His father was descended from Sunan Kalijaga and Sunan Gunung Djati, Cirebon.

His father died when he was 4 years old and his mother and grandmother raised him up. At the time, the 2 ladies were involved in the batik and dodol business.

External links

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Abdul Rashid bin Mohd Yusope 1931-2009 (13) Sek Pel Lanj Jasin 1963

1. GES, Jasin, Melaka 1953-1955
2. Pej. Pel., Melaka 1956
3. High School, Melaka 1956
4. Pej. Pel., Melaka 1958
5. Parlimen, KL 1959
6. S.M. Gajah Berang, Melaka 1960
7. Kirkby College (refresher course) 1962
8. Sek. Pel. Lanj. Jasin 1963, Ting 1A

Bapak returned from Kirkby in 1963 and continued teaching. He taught at a secondary school - Sekolah Pelajar Lanjutan in Jasin, Malacca in 1963. He taught Form 1A (Tingkatan 1A).

Bapak, Mak, Abang Sharif and Pah lived separately from the rest of us kids. Bapak, Mak, Abang Sharif and Pah lived in a small brick Government Quarters in Jasin, on a slope near a rubber estate. The school was on a hill behind some bushes.

At the time, the British Government did not allow its Government servant to fit all the family members in the quarters. There were 2 bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen, a bathroom and separate WC and a covered air well for drying clothes.

The rest of the kids - myself, Rabi, Farid and Amin lived with Nenek Inchek and our aunts and uncles in Banda Hilir. They helped to look after us. I visited my parents in Jasin monthly - Pak Ji Usop would drive me from Banda Hilir and back the same day as I was not allowed to sleep in the quarters.

There was a big fat white lady who would come to check whether the other kids came to live in the quarters. My parents made sure I was not there when the fat lady came. I hated her and I hated the system because it separated me from my parents and my 2 elder sibs.

Bapak's class which he taught at Jasin 1963. He is seated in the middle of 3 teachers.

We came to visit Bapak and Mak at the Govt quarters in Jasin on weekends when we were allowed to. We were allowed to play for awhile and then we had to leave. It was very sad indeed. I was 5 years old in 1963.