Kubur saudara Bapak di Masjid Semabok
Proper name of graveyard:
Tanah Perkuburan Islam, Masjid Semabok, Bukit Semabok, Semabok, Malacca
Common old names:
Kubur Semabok; Kubur Masjid Semabok
The graveyard is situated on a hill (Bukit Semabok) behind Masjid Semabok, now renamed to Masjid Al-Abrar, Semabok.
Rumah Pak Ji Usop is 290m from Masjid Semabok.
Boleh jalan kaki.
From Bapak:
Kubur di Masjid Semabok, Melaka
These people are buried at Kubur Semabok:
- Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Datok Hj Mohd Sharif, Bapak's paternal grandfather)
- Haji Mohd Yusope bin Mohd Sharif (Walid, Bapak's father)
- Mahani bt Haji Mohd Sharif (Nek Ani, Bapak's aunt)
- Alijah bt Haji Mohd Sharif (Nek Jah, Bapak's aunt)
Nek Ya is buried at Kubur Lorong Panjang, Banda Hilir (Bapak's aunt).
Nek Amnah is buried in Singapore (Bapak's aunt).
From Mak Bedah (26 December 2015), during Azizah's wedding reception in Jengka:
Kubur di Masjid Semabok, Melaka
There are 4 graves of our ascendants in the graveyard of Masjid Semabok. However, only 3 graves are filled; the fourth liang lahad is empty. The grave plot was possibly bought - arwah Pak Ji Yusof would know more but he is deceased. The plot is in front of the mimbar.
- Datuk Yusope bin Haji Mohd Sharif (Walid; Bapak's father)
- Datuk moyang Haji Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (Bapak's paternal grandfather)
- Wife of datuk moyang Haji Mohd Sharif (Bapak's grandmother)
- An empty grave which was meant for Nenek Inchek, but she died and was buried in KL
4 June 2016
4 June 2016
I visted Kubur Semabok with Abang Moin (anak Mak Lah).
The graves are to the left of the mimbar if I stand inside the masjid.
The graves are immediately in front of the masjid building outside.
Macam mana nak pergi kubur dan mencari kedudukan kubur?
Lalu depan tangga utama masjid and berjalan ke arah tandas/tempat wudhuk lelaki. Lalu ikut lorong di antara masjid dan tandas lelaki, dan naik ke atas bukit di belakang masjid. Bukit ini amat curam, tanah serta batunya tajam, dan berwarna merah (red laterite rocks and soil). Patah kanan, ikut tepi masjid. Akan temu kubur berhampiran mimbar masjid.
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Dengan menghadap menara Masjid Semabok, jalan melepasi tangga dan ikut sebelah kiri dalam gambar ini (go to the left). |
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Pergi ke kiri lagi (walk to the left). |
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Jalan lagi ... lalu pasu bunga (walk past the flower pots). |
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Patah kanan dan ikut lorong di antara masjid dan tandas lelaki. Terus naik atas bukit (agak curam dan batunya tajam). |
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Kubur Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (tok moyang sebelah Bapak). |
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Kubur Patma, isteri Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail. Nama penuh Patma tidak diketahui. Tapi Bapak kata dia putih macam Cina. |
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Batu nisan di bahagian kepala kubur Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail (datuk moyang sebelah Bapak). |
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Batu nisan di bahagian kepala kubur Patma (nenek moyang sebelah Bapak). |
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Kedua-dua kubur Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail dan isteri berada di sebelah kiri dalam gambar ini. Kedua-dua kubur sebelah kanan tidak diketahui penghuninya. |
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Kubur Hj Mohd Sharif bin Ismail dan Patma berada di antara masjid dan tembok batu tanah perkuburan. |
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Tembok batu berada bersebelahan/berhampiran/di belakang kubur Patma dan anaknya Mohd Yusope. Bahagian tembok yang pecah terjatuh di atas kubur Mohd Yusope bin Hj Mohd Sharif. |
Other places of burial
Most of Bapak's relatives are buried at various places.
- Amnah bt Haji Mohd Sharif - buried in Singapore
- Asiah bt Haji Mohd Sharif (Nenek Yah) - buried at Bukit Tempurong, junction of St John's Hill in Malacca
- Aishah bt Mohd Amin (Nenek Inchek, Bapak's mother) - buried at Tanah Perkuburan Masjid Gombak, at the junction of Safura/Bi' Wa's house, further up than Bi' Chekma/Tok Ali's house; kawasan Perkuburan Islam Gombak , kampung style with a lot of rubber trees.
- Baharuddin bin Mohd Yusope (Pak Din) - buried in Balakong
- Safura bt Mohd Yusope (Bik Wa) - buried in Gombak, Perwira graves, orderly (kubur teratur).
- Jami'ah bt Mohd Yusope (Mak Nya) - buried where?
- Sarah bt Mohd Yusope (Mak Sarah) - buried where?
- Abu Bakar bin Mohd Yusope (Pak Bakar) - buried in Singapore. He died in hospital and was brought home to Aishah bt Ahmad's house in Singapore. He was buried in Singapore (#, penggali ready).
- Bi' Chekma - died and was buried in Makkah
- HABHAL - buried where?
- Haji Jelani bin Kupah - buried where?
- Nenek Mon - buried where?
- Cik Gayah - buried where? KL?
Batu Nisan Aceh
Batu Nisan Aceh
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