- Al-Hady is also spelled as Al-Hadi or Alhady in different accounts.
- Al-Hady and Al-Ba'alawi are 2 strands of Arab heritages in Singapore and Malaya. They were Arab migrant founders.
- Al-Hady originated from Hadramawt in Yemen. Thus some descendants used Al-Yamani suffix in their names.
The Al-Hady clan is much cited in many texts and blogs. They comprise 5 generations of Arab-Malays with the father of Syed Sheikh as the founder Yemeni Arab who arrived at the shores of Penang, Malacca and Singapore. Syed Sheik is the 2nd generation. Syed Sheik's children (Syed Alwi Alhady is the eldest son) is the 3rd generation. Syed Alwi Alhady's children (Dr SMA Alhady is the eldest son) is the 4th generation. Dr SMA Alhady's children (Prof Sharifah Fareeda Alhady) is the 5th generation.
Dr Syed Mohamed bin Alwi Alhady’s (Dr SMA Alhady) great-grandfather was Syed Ahmad ibn Hasan ibn Saqaf al-Hady al-Ba'alawi.
Masjid Ba’alawi (Ba'alwie Mosque) in Singapore would have more information on him.
Masjid Ba’alawi (Ba'alwie Mosque) in Singapore would have more information on him.
Syed Sheik Al-Hadi (from Wikipedia)
Saiyid Syaikh Al-Hadi
(from Khazanah Fathaniyah displpay at UIA Kuantan)
Full name: Sayid Sheikh al Hadi bin Sayid Ahmad bin Sayid Hasan as-Saqaf al-Hadi
Popular name: Syed Sheikh al-Hadi
Born: Jumaat, 29 Rejab 1231H / Friday, 24 December 1864 / 25 December 1867 Kg Hulu, Melaka
Father: Arab
Mother: Malay
Deceased: 6 Zulqa'idah 1325H / 6 Zulkaedah 1352H Jelutong, P. Pinang / 20 February 1934 Penang
Buried: Kubor Syed, Tanah Perkuburan Masjid Jamek Mukim Jelutong in Penang.
- Name (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003): Syed Syeikh bin Syed Ahmad Hassan al-Hadi
- Gravestone (nama pada batu nisan): Syed Sheikh b. Ahmad b. Hassan Alhady
- Popular name: Syed Syeikh al-Hadi
- Name as author of his book, Faridah Hanoum (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003): Al-Syed Sheikh Ahmad Al-Hadi
- Referred name after his demise (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003): Almarhum Syed Syeikh al-Hadi
- Date of birth (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003): He was born in the evening, on Tuesday, 25 December 1867 (25 Rejab 1281 Hijrah)
- Gravestone (tarikh lahir pada batu nisan): Lahir 25 Rejab 1281 <1867>
- Place of birth (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003): Kampung Hulu, Melaka
- Date of death (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003): 20 February 1934 (6 Zulkaedah 1352 Hijrah), aged 67
- Gravestone (tarikh meninggal pada batu nisan): Meninggal 6 Zulkaedah 1352 <1934>
Dr SMA Alhady’s grandfather was Syed Sheikh bin Syed Ahmad Hassan al-Hadi. He was popularly known as Syed Sheikh al-Hadi. His name was written as Al-Syed Sheikh Ahmad Al-Hadi in his books. His grandfather was originally from Kampung Hulu in Melaka but moved to Riau, Singapore, Johor, Melaka and finally settled in Jelutong, Penang. Syed Sheikh Ahmad al-Hadi was born in 1867 in Kg Hulu, Malacca. His mother was Malay and his father was Arab; he was Arab-Malay. He learned Arabic and Malay from his father. He further studied Arabic, Malay and Islam from Raja Ali Haji, in Riau. Syed Sheikh al-Hadi established 3 Madrasah - in Singapore, Malacca and Penang. He was a prolific writer and became a publisher in Penang. Syed Sheikh bin Syed Ahmad al-Hadi passed away on 20 February 1934 (6 Zulkaedah 1352 Hijrah), aged 67. He is interred at Kubor Syed, Tanah Perkuburan Masjid Jamek Mukim Jelutong in Penang.
From me:
This is Sheikh Alhady of Jelutong. He was the grandfather of Dr SMA Alhady, an early Malay doctor from East Jelutong, Penang. He was formally owner of Jelutong Press, which went out of business in 1934, after he passed away. Most of Jelutong Press publications (books, bulletins, and newspapers) are now available online in Australian archives under the Malay Concordance Project.
From Khazanah Fathaniyah poster at ICOMMM 2015, UIA:
Riwayat RingkasNama lengkap: Sayid Sheikh al Hadi bin Sayid Ahmad bin Sayid Hasan as-Saqaf al-Hadi. Lahir di Kampung Hulu, Melaka pada hari Jumaat, 29 Rejab 1231H / 24 Disember 1864M. Wafat pada 6 Zulqa'idah 1325H / 20 Febrauri 1934M di Pulau Pinang.
PendidikanMendapat pendididkan terawal dan asas dari ayahnya sebelum pendidikan khusus di Pulau Penyengat bersama-sama golongan elit Kerabat Diraja Riau-Lingga. Di antara sahabat dalam pengajian Raja Muhammad Said bin Raja Haji Muhammad Thahir, Raja Ali bin Raja Muhammad Tengku Nong dan ramai lagi.
AktivitiSemasa di Makkah beliau aktif dalam Rusydiyah Klab sebagai Timbalan di Makkah sehingga tahun 1896M. Diberi kepercayaan oleh Raja Ali Kelana untuk menguruskan perniagaan Batam Bricks Works Limited di Singapura. Beliau juga melibatkan diri di dalam aktiviti pendidikan. Di antara madrasah beliau ialah Madrasah al-Masyhur al-Islamiah di Pulau Pinang. Pada 22 Julai 1906M, bersama-sama Syeikh Muhammad bin Salim al-Kalali, Syeikh Thahir Jalauddin dan Abbas bin Haji Muhammad Taha menerbitkan majalah Al-Imam.
Karya-KaryaDi antara karyanya ialah At-Tarikhul Islam (1922), Tafsir Al-Fatihah (1930) dan Hikayat Faridah Hanum (1925).
HakciptaHaji Wan Mohd Shaghir bin AbdullahSabtu, 6 Rabi'ul Awal 1426H / 15 April 2005Warkah Maklumat No: 359/PENGKAJI/1426/2005
(TEMD research):
Masjid Jamek Mukim Jelutong (date of establishment is unknown but could have been circa 1730s, ie., at the same time as Masjid Batu Uban, or circa 1820, i.e., at the same time as Masjid Banda Hilir, now renamed Masjid An-Nur). The Kubor Syed points to these early Arabs who came to Tanah Melayu. Their role was to bring Islam to Jelutong and Penang. Whether this group of Hadhrami Arabs practised any form of tariqat is unknown for now. The other strand of this Hadhrami Arab is the Alattas, the group that opened Masjid Ba'alawi in Singapore.
Siri Kefahaman Budaya (1) Cendekia Melayu di Pulau Pinang. Syed Syeikh al-Hadi. Cendekia dan Sasterawan Ulung. Sohaimi Abdul Aziz (Ed). Published by Universiti Sains Malaysia. 2003. ISBN 983-861-250-2 [Citation for the book above is (Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003).]
I visited Penang on 21-22 October 2011. I read the book above and visited Syed Sheikh's residence and grave at Masjid Jelutong (as mentioned in the book above) on 22 October 2011, in the morning.
Place of burial
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
Buried at Masjid Jelutong
(My visit to Jelutong, 22 Oct 2011):
Syed Sheikh is interred at Tanah Perkuburan Masjid Jamek Jelutong. At the right side of the mosque (standing facing qiblat) in a set of graves known as "Kubur Syed". There are 2 sets of Kubur Syed, one nearer the rear toilets, and the other nearer the front of the masjid. Both the Kubur Syed burial plots are separated by a small burial plot belonging to Syed Yasin (an Indian Muslim) and a Kwangtung (Chinese Muslim from Yunan). Syed Sheikh is buried in the front Kubur Syed. The exact spot is the frangipani tree (pokok kemboja) nearest the mosque entrance (there is another entrance from the roadside). His grave is among a cluster of 8 graves under the frangipani tree. Standing in front of the cluster of graves at the headside, Syed Sheik's grave is the 4th grave from the left. It bears his name.
Syed Sheikh's resting place,
inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiuun
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
Arab-Malay (Melayu-Arab); father was an Arab descendent (berketurunan Arab); mother was Malay
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
Early education in Melaka. Went to Terengganu but did not like the pondok system. He returned to Pulau Penyengat before going to Middle-East. He was a student of Syeikh Muhammad Abduh (1849-1905).
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
Penasihat Sultan Riau (Advisor to Sultan Riau), Raja Ali Haji Kelana bin Yang di-Pertuan Besar Riau-Lingga. He accompanied royal princes to study at Al-Azhar University in Egypt. He also had close ties with Yang di-Pertuan Besar Riau.
He was Syariah lawyer to Johor Sultanate but he was sacked after he gave a fatwa which did not favour the marriage of Sultan Johor to Lady Marsila (Syed Syeikh said the nikah did not follow Islam: ... tak sah dari lunas Islam). He left Johor and went to Malacca.
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
He worked for 25 years for the Riau Sultanate. He went to Makkah and Egypt to study Arabic and Islam. He returned but to Singapore to set up a religious school.
(Mahir Al Hujjah blogspot, accessed 30 July 2016)
Syed Shaikh Al-Hadi belonged to Kaum Muda faction.
What he pushed for
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
- Dakwah Islamiah (Islamic teaching)
- Kesusasteraan (literature)
- Persuratkhabaran (journalism)
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
He was known as 'Bapa Novel Melayu' (Father of Malay Novels)
Contributions to Society
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
He built 3 religious schools at 3 locations:-
- Madrasah al-Iqbal, Seligi Road, Singapore (established 1907 but closed down after 2 years as his form of teaching was considered controversial)
- Madrasah al-Hadi, Banda Kaba, Malacca (established 1917, also closed down for the same reason)
- Madrasah al-Mashoor (established 1919) on a land donated by Al-Mashoor.
(Siti Mariam bt Yusof, Pers. Comm. 20-21 October 2011):
There are 2 Madrasah al-Mashoor, one for boys and another for girls. The boys' school is in Jalan Ayer Itam, across from Chung Ling High School. The girls' school is in Burma Road.
(Nur Ashikin bt Zaini, Pers. Comm. 3 & 5 April 2016 during PBL):
Nur Ashikin bt Zaini was a former student at the Al-Mashoor Girls School in Burma Road, Penang. She is presently a medical student in Year 2 Medicine at the USM Medical School in Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Her relative is Dr Rosmawati, also working at USM in Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Nur Ashikin should have completed her exams in May 2016. She will have time after her exams. Nur Ashikin will try and obtain the names of the principals of Al-Mashoor Schools since 1919.
Nur Ashikin bt Zaini (124253)
Signs in Jawi
Pelajar Tahun 2
Program Doktor Perubatan Sidang Akademik 2015/2016
GMT 205 Infectious Diseases
PBL 44 Group 5 on 3 & 5 April 2016
(Siti Mariam bt Yusof, Pers. Comm. 20-21 October 2011):
Jalan Kelawei is an Arab settlement or "Kampung Syed". A lot of Syed & Sharifah live here. There is a big arch (pintu gerbang) that says Selamat Datang ke Kg Syed.
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
He owned Percetakan Jelutong (Jelutong Press) which published a lot of books in Jawi script, including novels.
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
He was a prolific writer and published a lot of stuff including books/novels, magazines and newspapers.
1. Adapted novels (5 novel saduran)
- Hikayat Faridah Hanoum (Penggal 1, 1925; Penggal II, 1926)
- Hikayat Setia ____
- Hikayat Taman Chinta Berahi / Mahir Afandi dengan Iqbal Hanoum
- Hikayat Anak Dara Ghassan / Hendon dengan Hammad
- Hikayat Chermin Kehidupan
- Hikayat Puteri Nurul Ain
- Hikayat Pembelaan dalam Rahsia / Kasih Saudara kapada Saudaranya
2. Siri Cherita-Cherita Rokambul (7 buah)
3. Islamic books (7 buah)
- Al-Tarikh al-Islami (previously published as a serial in Al-Ikhwan)
- Tafsir Juz 'Amma (1927)
- Tafsir al-Fatihah (1928)
- Alam Perempuan (1930)
- Ugama Islam dan 'Akal (1931)
- Hadiah Kebangsaan (1933)
- ?
4. Magazines
- Al-Imam (1906)
- Al-Ikhwan (1926)
5. Newspaper
- Saudara (first published 29 September 1928; he was involved for a few months between 1933-February 1934, before he died.)
- Saudara was mentioned in The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 November 1931, Page 12. MATTERS OF MUSLIM INTEREST. Retrieved 28 October 2011, from http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/singfreepressb19311125.2.97.aspx Link 1
Residence in Penang
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
His home address was 410, Jalan Jelutong, Penang
(Siti Mariam bt Yusof, Pers. Comm. 21 October 2011):
His house is just beyond Masjid Jamek Jelutong, by the roadside near the traffic lights, beside Shell. It has been sold to the Chinese. The house is now a Chinese temple (to'kong Cina).
(My visit to Jelutong, 22 Oct 2011):
Syed Sheikh's former house is located next to Esso petrol pump, at the traffic light junction of 3 roads - Jalan Jelutong, Solok Perak, and Jalan Tengku. The house is located at the corner of Jalan Jelutong (housefront) and Solok Perak (left side of house). The house address is 410 Jalan Jelutong, Penang. It is a single single-storey bungalow, after the end of a row of modern double-storey terraced shophouses; the last shophouse bears the address 410A. It occupies a separate compound from the row of shophouses, and has chain-linked fence with 2 entrances in different streets. The house is painted in soft yellow and has light green windows. The house has been taken over by vegetarian Chinese nuns, and now functions as a house of faith (Malay, to'kong Cina).
410 Jalan Jelutong, Penang opposite Esso
Syed Sheikh's house in Jelutong, Penang
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
First wife: Syarifah Syeikhun
Second wife: Singaporean
(The Real Cry of Syed Shaikh Al-Hadi):
First wife: Syarifah Syeikhun
Second wife: Singaporean ... name?
Third wife: Sharifah Zainah Al-Mashhur ... she helped to look after Dr SMA Alhady a week after he was born in 1921.
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
4 children by first wife (2 boys and 2 girls).
One daughter by Singaporean wife.
Children from first wife
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
1. Syed Alwi al-Hadi (born 8 August 1892, 15 Muharam 1310 Hijrah at Pulau Penyengat Indera Sakti; died 6 January 1970)
2. Syed Ahmad - died young
3. Aisyah
4. Umhani
Daughter from second wife
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
5. Mariam (Teluk Belanga)
Teluk Belanga (Talok Blangah) is a southern coastal seaport in Singapore.
![]() |
At Syed Sheikh's house. Pic from his son's book. |
Syed Sheikh with family in Jelutong, Penang
Syed Alwi Alhady.
Pic cropped from another pic in his book.
SYED ALWI AL-HADI (1892-1970)
Syed Alwi bin Syed Sheikh al-Hadi was born on 8 August 1892 (15 Muharam 1310 Hijrah) at Pulau Penyengat Indera Sakti in Indonesia and died on 6 January 1970 in Penang.
Dr SMA Alhady’s father, Syed Alwi al-Hadi, was the eldest son of Syed Sheikh al-Hadi. Syed Alwi al-Hadi’s hajj of 1954 and the Penang harbour scene are described in Prof. Wazir Jahan Karim’s book, Straits Muslims: Diasporas of the Northern Passage of the Straits of Malacca (2009: 80-81). Syed Alwi al-Hadi wrote in a 1955-account that more than 1,184 pilgrims were leaving on the ship M.Y. Angkeng on 14 June 1954, the third ship to leave Penang wharf, and there were possibly more than 10,000 people sending off their loved ones on the hajj at the wharf.
Haji Syed Alwi bin Syed Sheikh al-Hadi was involved with the founding of UMNO in Johor along with Onn Jaafar, Haji Anwar bin Abdul Malik, and Mohamad Noah Omar.
Malay nationalism and politics
Early Malay nationalism took root in Johor during the 1920s as Onn Jaafar, whom Sultan Ibrahim had treated as an adopted son, became a journalist and wrote articles on the welfare of the Malays. Some of Onn's articles were critical of Sultan Ibrahim's policies, which led to a strained personal relations with the Sultan. In particular, Sultan Ibrahim expelled Onn from Johor after he published an article in the Sunday Mirror, a Singapore-based English tabloid, which criticised the Sultan's poor treatment of the Johor Military Forces personnel and the welfare of the Orang Asli. Onn became very popular after he continued to cover issues on Malay grievances, and Sultan Ibrahim invited Onn to return to Johor in 1936. Along with his companions, Haji Anwar bin Abdul Malik, Haji Syed Alwi bin Syed Sheikh al-Hadi and Mohamad Noah Omar, they founded the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) as a means to rally the Malays against the Malayan Union, which was perceived as threatening Malay privileges and the position of the Malay rulers. Onn took up the role of UMNO's president on May 1, 1946.
(Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onn_Jaafar Accessed 23 Oct 2011).
Syed Alwi Alhady standing at second right. Pic from his book. He and his other Malacca relatives were strong proponents of the early UMNO branch in Malacca. They founded UMNO in 1946. His other relative was Yusof bin Ishak, who was with Utusan Melayu in Singapore. Yusof bin Ishak became the first President of Singapore.
My thesis
Syed Alwi al-Hadi is the eldest son of Syed Sheikh. Syed Alwi al-Hadi was born on 8 August 1892, 15 Muharam 1310 Hijrah at Pulau Penyengat Indera Sakti and died 6 January 1970 in Penang.
Did Syed Alwi al-Hadi marry Sharifah Rahmah bt Syed Ahmad al-Mashoor? She is buried next to him.
If they are couple, how many children did they have?
Who are their children?
Their children are (possibly):
- Dr A.M. al-Hadi (circa 1921-2003)
- Syed Fuad bin Alwi Alhady (died 2001)
- Syed Ahmad bin Syed Alwi Alhadi (died 2001)
- Sharifah Mahani bt Syed Alwi Alhady (1937-2011)
Syed Alwi al-Hadi is buried in a cluster of 3 graves; his is the middle grave (born 8 August 1892, 1303 Hijrah; died 6 January 1970). On the left is that of Sharifah Rahmah bt Syed Ahmad Al-Mashoor (born 1906; died 22 December 1984, 29 Rabiul Awal 1405 Hijrah) (probably Syed Alwi al-Hadi's wife). On the right is that of Syed Fuad b. Alwi Alhady (died 1 October 2001, 13 Rejab 1422 Hijrah) (probably his son).
Graves from left: Sharifah Rahmah bt Syed Ahmad Al-Mashoor (wife), Syed Alwi bin Syed Sheikh Al-Hadi (husband; eldest son of Syed Sheikh) and Syed Fuad bin Syed Alwi Alhady (son). His son Syed Ahmad (died 14 June 2001, 22 Rabiul Awal 1422 Hijrah) is buried beside the cluster of 3 graves of Syed Alwi.
Syed Ahmad bin Syed Alwi Alhadi (son)
(Syed Alwi al-Hadi's daughter,) Sharifah Mahani bt Syed Alwi Alhady (died 21 June 2011, 16 Safar 1432 @ 74 years) is buried in front of the carpark roadside entrance.
Sharifah Mahani bt Syed Alwi Alhady (daughter)
He died young.
Nil is known
Nil is known
She was known as Mariam Telok Belanga of Singapore.
Nil is known
Photo source: Alijah Gordon. The Real Cry of Syed Shaykh al-Hady. 1999: between pages 162-163.
DR SMA ALHADY (1921-2005)
- Full name: Dr Syed Mohamed bin Alwi al-Hady (1921-2005)
- Medical degree: MBBS 1950 UM in Singapore
- Born: 7 July 1921 at 431 Jelutong Road, Penang (his parent's house)
- Place where he was raised: At 410 Jelutong Road, Penang (by his grandfather, Syed Shaykh Alhady and grandmother Sharifah Zainah al_Mashhur)
- Deceased: 2005 in PJ (?)
- Grandfather's name: Syed Shaikh Alhady
- Father's name: Syed Alwi Alhady
- Wife: Ruby bt Abdullah (according to Coco & Dr SMA al-Hady's write-up)
- Residence: Moved from Penang to Petaling Jaya
- Children: 3 - one daughter and 2 sons (one son died of cancer)
- Prof. Sharifah Fareeda al-Hady (eldest) - formerly Assoc Prof of Pathology and Dy Dean Faculty of Medicine, UM
- Syed Farid al-Hady - died of cancer of lymph nodes at age 16 in 1973
- Syed Faisal al-Hady - mechanical engineer; formerly engineer with Esso; quit Esso; ran own petroleum-servicing company
Dr SMA Alhady's name was styled differently as follows: SMA Alhady, Syed Mohammad Alwi Alhady, Dr Syed Mohamad Alwi bin Syed Sheikh Al-Hady, Dr Syed Alwi bin Syed Sheikh Al-Hady, Dato' Dr Syed Mohamad Alwi Alhady and Dato' Dr SMA Alhady. He was born in 1921 at his parent’s home at 431 Jelutong Road, Penang—across from Syed Sheikh’s house at 410 Jalan Jelutong. Syed Sheikh al-Hadi’s third wife Sharifah Zainah al-Mashhur had no children but helped looked after Syed Sheikh's eldest grandson, (Dr) SMA Alhady, a week after he was born. Syed Sheikh al-Hadi passed away and SMA Alhady moved to a small attap house with his grandmother. Even though SMA Alhady was from Penang, he was a Johore Government scholar—a part of his scholarship was sent home to support his grandmother in Jelutong, Penang. He enrolled into the King Edward VII College of Medicine in Singapore. His classmate was Abdul Majid bin Ismail (AM Ismail @ Coco), another poor Malay boy on Selangor State scholarship. Abdul Wahab was their senior, who was supported by two scholarships from Penang. SMA Alhady was a second year medical student while Abdul Wahab was in third year in 1942. They boarded at the FMS Medical Students’ Hostel. SMA Alhady and Coco were close friends and they studied together at the FMS Hostel. Dr Abdul Wahab’s 1987 book, Medical Students During the Japanese Invasion of Singapore, 1941-1942, gives a detailed account of their medical studies, their fates when the war broke out in Singapore, and the events leading up to the final capitulation of Singapore. Eight colleagues were killed by Japanese shelling on 14 February 1942. Singapore surrendered on 15 February 1942—its loss in the Battle of Singapore marked the start of Japanese rule on the island. In the postwar, SMA Alhady resumed medical studies at the KE VII in June 1946 and graduated with MBBS degree in 1950 [Lee 2005: 114], along with Coco—five years after the war ended. Dr SMA Alhady performed his housemanship at Penang General Hospital. Dr SMA Alhady and Dr Abdul Majid bin Ismail were awarded the 1950 Queen’s Scholarship for postgraduate work. They both went to the United Kingdom together. Dr SMA Alhady undertook postgraduate studies at St George’s Hospital in London where he learned the technique of gastrectomy from Mr Norman Tanner, a renowned gastric surgeon. Dr SMA Alhady then became a gastrosurgeon (gastric surgeon) in Gastroenterology at Penang General Hospital where he headed a Surgical Unit in 1955. He was known as ‘Mr SMA Alhady’ in his circle. He had introduced and performed gastrectomy. Dr SMA Alhady also pioneered a Tetanus Unit at Penang General Hospital. Fadzilah Abdul Ghani (Melbourne) commented that the Tetanus Unit was in a small building attached to the main hospital building. Tetanus incidence decreased with the introduction of the triple vaccine immunization of infants and children which began in 1964 in Malaysia. Immunization was continued for 10 years (1964–74).
In 1961, Dr SMA Alhady was transferred to General Hospital Kuala Lumpur as Senior Consultant Surgeon. Dr SMA Alhady retired from government service due to ill health, and later entered into private practice in Kuala Lumpur. In 1987, Dr Abdul Wahab wrote in his famous book [Abdul Wahab 1987] that Dr SMA Alhady was in private practice. Dr SMA Alhady was bestowed the Johan Mangku Negara (JMN) federal award in 1964. Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady was first the Assistant Master (1968/69) and then Master of the Academy of Medicine Malaysia (1969–71). Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady was a Fellow of the Akademi Sains Malaysia (Academy of Sciences Malaysia, ASM) since 1995. He was nominated as a candidate from among 50 distinguished names for the retrospective Anak Gemilang Malaysia award [The Star Online, 26 June 2007]. He was an Honorary Member of MAPACS [Lim Yang Kwang 2009]. Dr SMA Alhady was President of the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) in 1962. In 1975, Datuk Dr SMA Alhady officially opened the University Malaya Seventh Residential College, known as Za'ba Residential College [Za’ba was Malaysia's great nationalist Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad]. The College housed and provided meals to over 800 undergraduate students at the rate of RM10.00 per day. A pioneer, Dr SMA Alhady was present at the official opening of Maktab Latihan RIDA in Petaling Jaya by Tun Dr Ismail [Arkib Negara Malaysia caption, 2007]. Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady had taught gastrointestinal surgery to many doctors. He became an eminent gastrosurgeon, not only in Penang but in Malaysia. The Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons (MAPACS) [MAPACS (Malaysian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Craniomaxillofacial Surgeons). http://macpacs.org] had this to say about him:
“A well respected and experienced surgeon, his foresight and effort created a fertile milieu whereby young impressionable surgical trainees were given invaluable exposures from these regular visits. From 1962 until 1965, visiting surgeons from overseas coming from various subspecialties such as cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, urology, neurosurgery and plastic surgery took turns, each visit comprising of two to three weeks operating sessions during which the surgical registrars and trainees were given the task of looking after these guests. Through these visits, the neurosurgery department was established in 1964.” [Lim Yang Kwang 2009a; 2009b; Fahmi 2009].
Like his grandfather, Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady was a modernist and a reformist [Wazir Jahan Karim 2009:174]. Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady eventually entered into business. He was reported to have entered into stock investment as Director of SEACORP in Kuala Lumpur in 1994.
Dr Abdul Wahab wrote in his book that he and Datin Abdul Wahab (Datin Intan) had met Datuk Dr SMA Alhady and Datin Alhady at the Subang International Airport (SIA) [SIA was the international airport before Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at Sepang] in 1983. Dr SMA Alhady married Ruby, a Chinese. Dr Abdul Wahab also wrote in his book that Alhady’s family resided in Kuala Lumpur (circa 1983–87).
In 2007, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Haji Abdul Majid bin Ismail informed the author that Alhady’s family was based in Kuala Lumpur. In August 2008, Dr Abdul Wahab’s wife Datin Intan bt Haji Mustapha, informed the author that Alhady’s family lived in Section 5 in Petaling Jaya. On 19 August 2008, Rosman bin Tan Sri Dr Mohd Din informed the author that Dr SMA Alhady sold his Petaling Jaya home which was behind his (Rosman’s) house (circa 1988–93).
Dr SMA Alhady’s daughter, Professor Dr Sharifah Fareeda Alhady (SF Alhady), was a cytopathologist at the University Hospital (Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, PPUM) in Kuala Lumpur and the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya. According to Professor Nor Hayati Othman, Professor Dr Sharifah Fareeda Alhady was with LAN (now MQA, Malaysian Qualifications Agency). She was the Director of the Quality Assurance Division, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia since 2006 but had left.
In May 2007, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr Haji Abdul Majid bin Ismail recalled that Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady’s wife, Datin Ruby had passed away first and Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady passed away later. On 19 August 2008, Rosman bin Tan Sri Dr Mohd Din informed the author that Dato’ Dr SMA Alhady, his wife and son, have passed away.
(TEMD research):
Dr SMA Alhady is Syed Sheikh's grandson, and the son of Syed Alwi Alhady (Al-Hadi).
According to a publication by USIM in 2011 (refer article on Child Dev), Dr SMA Alhady was adopted and looked after by his grandfather, Syed Sheikh.
At one family gathering in 2011 (tahlil for the demise of Prof Syed Mohsin Syed Sahil Jamalullail), Prof Syed Mohsin's mother (Sharifah Mariam Syed Alwi) mentioned that Syed Alwi Alhady married many wives.
Dr SMA Alhady resumed studies at the KE VII in June 1946 and graduated in the Class of 1950 along with Coco, five years after the Japanese occupation ended.
(TEMD research):
If they were classmates, Coco and SMA Alhady could have been born in the same year. Abdul Majid bin Ismail bin Nae’mat (Coco) was born on 15 November 1921 in his grandfather's house in Kampong Baru, Kuala Lumpur.
(Dr Abdul Wahab's book 1987):
Dr SMA Alhady performed his Housemanship at the General Hospital in Penang. He was known as Mr SMA Alhady in his circle. Mr SMA Alhady was a gastric surgeon in Gastroenterology at the General Hospital Penang where he headed a Surgical Unit in 1955. He had introduced and performed gastrectomy.
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
Dr A.M. al-Hadi - an early Malay doctor; a Senior Surgeon at General Hospital Kuala Lumpur. He entered into stock investment as Director SEACORP in Kuala Lumpur in 1994.
Dr SMA Alhady (photo from AMM, Academy of Medicine Malaysia).
Street in front of Dr SMA Alhady's house in Gelugor, Penang. 1960s
(From MAPACS 2008):
Plastic and reconstructive training residency programme offered by Dr BL Morgan, Jacksonville, Florida.
(TEMD research):
Dr SMA Alhady married Datin Ruby. Their daughter is Prof. Dr Sharifah Fareeda Alhady (SF Alhady), previously with UM. She is in Facebook
Dr SMA Alhady's son is Anwar Alhady (from Datuk Dr Zulkifli bin Ismail, 14 May 2012).
I checked UM Orthopedic pages on 24 June 2012 - Dr Anwar Alhady is not there anymore.
(TEMD Research):
I mentioned earlier that Coco is related to his classmate Dr SMA Alhady. I have no evidence of this except if Dr SMA Alhady is related to the Arab-Malays in East Jelutong, Penang. If he was related, then the Al-Hady and Coco's people are related, by marriage of their ascendants and descendants.
I had met with Dr SMA Alhady in Penang when I was a small girl.
I had heard of Dr Abdul Majid from my aunts and paternal grandmother when I was a teenager.
I had interviewed Tan Sri Abdul Majid for TEMD Research on 11 May 2007, not knowing that he is the same Dr Abdul Majid my aunts and grandmother had alluded to in their conversations.
She is the daughter of Dr SMA Alhady.
She attended the SMK Convent Bukit Nanas and the Victoria Institution.
She earned her MBBS and Master of Pathology from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur.
She eventually became a Professor in the Dept of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine in Kuala Lumpur. She had specialised in Histology (normal cell structure), Cytopathology (cell in diseased state), Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC).
Jayaram, Gita, and Abdul Razak, and Gan, S.K., and Sharifah Fareeda Alhady, (1999) Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of the Thyroid - A Review of Experience in 1853 Cases. Malaysian Journal of Pathology, 1999 (1). pp. 17-27. ISSN 0126-8635
She was seconded to the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia where she became the Director, for Quality Assurance, Standards, Medical Accreditation
Her websites:
(Sohaimi Abdul Aziz 2003):
Sohaimi Abdul Aziz interviewed Syed Ahmad al-Yahya at Jelutong on 27 January 1994 and USM published his book in 2003.
- Who is Syed Isa?
- Who is Sharifah Nabilla Alhady bt Syed Isa? (born 5 November 1987; died 1 May 2009, 6 Jamadil Awal 1430)?
- Where & when did Dr SMA Alhady die?
- What is the name of Dr SMA Alhady's son?
- Who is Syed Ahmad al-Yahya in East Jelutong?
- Who is Syed Omar in East Jelutong?
Maahad AlMashoor
Sejarah: Drama Tradisional Dan Drama Modern by Mana Sikana.
Doctor's orders: 'principled eccentric' prescribes a pep pill for commodities exchange
Child Development from the Perspective of Syed Shakh Ahmad Alhady
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 7 (Special Issue of Diversity of Knowledge on Middle East): 01-06, 2011. ISSN 1990-9233. © IDOSI Publications, 2011
Siti Nazurana bt Konaen (Matrik 150648). 2009/2010. Syed Syeikh Al-Hadi. Sejarah Dan Rumpun Bahasa Melayu. Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi. Semester 2 2009/2010. bbm3101. BA Pengkhususan Bahasa dan Linguistik Melayu. UPM
Adibah Sulaiman, Ezad Azraai Jamsari, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Noor Inayah Yaakub, Wan Kamal Mujani, Wan Mohd Hirwani Wan Hussain and Zinatul Ashiqin Zainol. Syed Shaykh Ahmad Alhady: A Religious Education Reformist in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 7 (Special Issue of Diversity of Knowledge on Middle East): 14-21, 2011
ISSN 1990-9233. © IDOSI Publications, 2011. http://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr7(S)11/3.pdf
The real cry of Syed Shaykh al-Hady : with selections of his writings by his son Syed Alwi Al-Hady
Author: Alijah Gordon; Alwi bin Alhady
Publisher: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : Malaysian Sociological Research Institute, 1999.
Edition/Format: Book : Biography : English View all editions and formats
- Riau, the milieu of Syed Shaykh's formative years & the aspirations of the subjugated umma / Alijah Gordon --
- The life of my father / Syed Alwi Al-Hady --
- Syed Shaykh, through the prism of a child's eyes & the Al-Hady clan / Datuk Syed Mohamed Alwi Al-Hady --
- Syed Shaykh, his life & times / Linda Tan --
- To turn the current of the age / Alijah Gordon --
- Syed Shaykh, selections of his writings --
- A reformist 'Ulama' in the Malay states / Mahayudin Hj. Yahaya --
- Teacher and Kaum Muda activist / Mohd. Sarim Hj. Mustajab --
- Syed Alwi Al-Hady, biographical outline and family tree --
- Addendum: Riau and the restoration movement / Alijah Gordon.
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