Tuesday 1 September 2015

Masjid Banda Hilir 1820 (5)

Sunan Gunung Jati helped to spread Islam in West Java. The time frame was about the same time the Portuguese Armada came to Southeast Asia, before the Portuguese attacked Malacca.

Sunan Gunung Jati gave 2 options for the non Muslims in Java - to embrace Islam or move out of the palaces to the interior.

However, a fraction of the non Muslims (40 families) refused to move out and they lost their lives, possibly as a result of Sunan Gunung Jati's powerful prayer as a Wali Songo.

Demak had sent its soldiers to help defend Malacca, but still they lost the battle to the Portuguese army in 1511.

In historical accounts, the Battle of Malacca in 1511 was described as Jihad and those Muslims who died, they died as Shahids (mati shahid). They are buried at the graveyard in Masjid Kampung Keling in Malacca.

Remember the lines, "Kalau roboh Kota Melaka, papan di Jawa saya dirikan?" That was how close the Javanese Muslim people were to the Malacca Muslim people.

The people who spread Islam to Malacca came from many quarters. The one who came to my village during British Colonial Malacca in Banda Hilir were Muslims from Cirebon. They made a masjid in 1820. This masjid is still extant. It is always called Masjid Banda Hilir. It has been renamed Masjid An-Nur, but we still allude to it as Masjid Banda Hilir. It is the only masjid in Banda Hilir. The other is a Malaysian Tourism madrasah in the city centre, near the clock tower in the Red Square, near the bridge.


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