Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sharif Hidayatullah bin Sharif Abdullah (1450-1569 )

Sharif Hidayatullah (1450-1569)- Sunan Gunung Jati's real name is Syarif Hidayatullah Khan bin Sharif Abdullah Khan
- his father is Sharif Abdullah Khan bin Nur Alam Khan OR Sayyid 'Umadtuddin Abdullah Khan bin Sayyid 'Ali Nuruddin Khan
- his grandfather is Nur Alam Khan bin Jamaluddin Akbar Khan OR Sayyid 'Ali Nuruddin Khan @ 'Ali Nurul 'Alam bin Sayyid Syaikh Jumadil Qubro @ Jamaluddin Akbar al-Husaini
- he was born in Cirebon circa 1450
- he lived in Makkah till he was a teenager, aged 17 years old
- he returned to Cirebon as a teenager
- he went to perform the Hajj with money given by his mother (about 100 dirham)
- however, he lost his money to perompak on his way to Makkah
- the perompak wanted more money from him; Sunan pointed to a tree that changed to gold
- the perompak became Muslims and became his followers
- he returned from Makkah but did not use a  ship or any transport - he walked on water
- he helped to spread Islam to West Java (circa 1467-1470?), which was largely a Hindu-strong region
- he got rid of Keraton Pakuan which was a Hindu palace - he vanished the palace and its Hindu worshipers to Alam Ghaib
- he lived till he was almost 120 years
- he is laid to rest at Komplek Astana Gunung Sembung, Cirebon

Makam di CirebonMakam Sunan Gunung Jati and his Chinese wife's Makam Ong Tien Nio are in Cirebon.

Makam Sunan Gunung Jati is a long white multi-tiered marble structure - his is at the top. There are many people praying and the place is noisy.

Makam Ong Tien Nio is with red tiles and Chinese gravestone with flat leaf form. Her grave area is a bit quiet.

Entrance to Komplek Astana Gunung Sembung in Cirebon, Java, Indonesia (Wikipedia)
More photos of both Makam Sunan Gunung Jati and Makam Ong Tien Nio can be found at this website:

Father- there are 3 versions of his name:
    Sharif Abdullah bin Nur Alam bin Jamaluddin Akbar OR
    Sharif Abdullah Khan bin Nur Alam Khan OR
    Sayyid 'Umadtuddin Abdullah Khan bin Sayyid 'Ali Nuruddin Khan
- he was a mubaligh and musafir from Gujarat, India
- he was well-known as Shaik Maulana Akbar by the Sufi people in India
- he was the son of Ahmad Jalal Shah bin Abdullah Khan bin Abdul Malik bin Alwi bin Shaik Muhammad Shahib Mirbath, an Indian ulama but famous in Hadramaut, Yaman, who is linked to Imam Husain, grandson of Rasulullah.

Ayahnya adalah Syarif Abdullah bin Nur Alam bin Jamaluddin Akbar, seorang Mubaligh dan Musafir besar dari Gujarat, India yang sangat dikenal sebagai Syekh Maulana Akbar bagi kaum Sufi di tanah air. Syekh Maulana Akbar adalah putra Ahmad Jalal Syah putra Abdullah Khan putra Abdul Malik putra Alwi putra Syekh Muhammad Shahib Mirbath, ulama besar di Hadramaut, Yaman yang silsilahnya sampai kepada Rasulullah melalui cucunya Imam Husain.

Mother- her name is Nyai Rara Santang
- she was renamed Sharifah Muda'im after her Hajj
- she was a princess of Sri Baduga Maharaja Prabu Siliwangi from Nyai Subang Larang.
- she was the younger sib of Kian Santang and Panderan Walangsungsang called Cakrabuwana or Cakrabumi or Mbah Kuwu Cirebon Girang who was a disciple of Shekh Datuk Kahfi
- she is buried next to her son, Sunan Gunung Jati at Komplek Astana Gunung Sembung, Cirebon

Ibu Sunan Gunung Jati adalah Nyai Rara Santang (Syarifah Muda'im) yaitu putri dari Sri Baduga Maharaja Prabu Siliwangi dari Nyai Subang Larang, dan merupakan adik dari Kian Santang dan Pangeran Walangsungsang yang bergelar Cakrabuwana / Cakrabumi atau Mbah Kuwu Cirebon Girang yang berguru kepada Syekh Datuk Kahfi, seorang Muballigh asal Baghdad bernama asli Idhafi Mahdi bin Ahmad. Ia dimakamkan bersebelahan dengan putranya yaitu Sunan Gunung Jati di Komplek Astana Gunung Sembung (Cirebon)

Baghdad Sufi
Shekh Datuk Kahfi
- he was from Baghdad
- mubaligh
- his real name was Idhafi Mahdi bin Ahmad

Family trees
(a) Silsilah Sunan Gunung Jati dari sebelah bapanya
     (Sunan Gunung Jati's lineage from his father's side)
  1. Sunan Gunung Jati @ Syarif Hidayatullah Al-Khan bin
  2. Sayyid 'Umadtuddin Abdullah Al-Khan bin
  3. Sayyid 'Ali Nuruddin Al-Khan @ 'Ali Nurul 'Alam bin
  4. Sayyid Syaikh Jumadil Qubro @ Jamaluddin Akbar al-Husaini
  5. Sayyid Ahmad Shah Jalal @ Ahmad Jalaludin Al-Khan bin
  6. Sayyid Abdullah Al-'Azhomatu Khan bin
  7. Sayyid Amir 'Abdul Malik Al-Muhajir (Nasrabad, India) bin
  8. Sayyid Alawi Ammil Faqih (Hadhramaut) bin
  9. Muhammad Sohib Mirbath (Hadhramaut) bin
  10. Sayyid Ali Kholi' Qosim bin
  11. Sayyid Alawi Ats-Tsani bin
  12. Sayyid Muhammad Sohibus Saumi'ah bin
  13. Sayyid Alawi Awwal bin
  14. Sayyid Al-Imam 'Ubaidillah bin
  15. Ahmad al-Muhajir bin
  16. Sayyid 'Isa Naqib Ar-Rumi bin
  17. Sayyid Muhammad An-Naqib bin
  18. Sayyid Al-Imam Ali Uradhi bin
  19. Sayyidina Ja'far As-Sodiq bin
  20. Sayyidina Muhammad Al Baqir bin
  21. Sayyidina 'Ali Zainal 'Abidin bin
  22. Al-Imam Sayyidina Hussain. Al-Husain putera Ali bin Abu Tholib dan Fatimah Az-Zahra binti Muhammad
This is another version of the male lineage with descending generations leading up to Nabi Muhammad SAW. Nasab lengkapnya sebagai berikut: from http://id.rodovid.org/wk/Istimewa%3AChartInventory/26652

  22) Syarif Abdullah Umdatuddin bin
  21) Ali Nurul Alam bin
  20) Sayyid Jamaluddin Al-Husain bin
  19) Sayyid Ahmad Jalaluddin bin
  18) Sayyid Abdullah bin
  17) Sayyid Abdul Malik Azmatkhan bin
  16) Sayyid Alwi Ammil Faqih bin
  15) Sayyid Muhammad Shahib Mirbath bin
  14) Sayyid Ali Khali’ Qasam bin
  13) Sayyid Alwi bin
  12) Sayyid Muhammad bin
  11) Sayyid Alwi bin
  10) Sayyid Ubaidillah bin
    9) Sayyid Ahmad Al-Muhajir bin
    8) Sayyid Isa bin
    7) Sayyid Muhammad bin
    6) Sayyid Ali Al-Uraidhi bin
    5) Imam Ja’far Shadiq bin
    4) Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir bin
    3) Imam Ali Zainal Abidin bin
    2) Imam Al-Husain bin
    1) Sayyidah Fathimah Az-Zahra binti

(b) Silsilah sunan Gunung Jati dari Raja Pajajaran
     (Sunan Gunung Jati's lineage from his mother's side)
  1. Sunan Gunung Jati @ Syarif Hidayatullah
  2. Rara Santang (Syarifah Muda'im)
  3. Prabu Jaya Dewata @ Raden Pamanah Rasa @ Prabu Siliwangi II
  4. Prabu Dewa Niskala (Raja Galuh/Kawali)
  5. Niskala Wastu Kancana @ Prabu Siliwangi I
  6. Prabu Linggabuanawisesa @ Prabu Wangi (Raja yang tewas di Bubat)
MarriageSunan Gunung Jati married Nyai Kawunganten circa 1470-1480 (he was 20-30 years old)
She had 2 kids - Ratu Wulung Ayu and Maulana Hasanuddin (he became Sultan Banten I)

In a separate account, it mentioned that the baby boy died and was substituted with another baby boy who was a relative.

Demak versus CirebonSunan Gunung Jati was the same age as Raden Patah, Sultan Demak I, who was called Alam Akbar Al Fattah

Cirebon was a vassal state of Demak. As such it didn't need a separate sultanate.

There is no Sultanate of Cirebon as there is no record of Sharif Hidayatullah's appointment as Sultan of Cirebon.

Gunung CiremaiThere are things that mountain climbers must observe in order to safely climb Gunung Ciremai.

Sunan Gunung Jati used to bertapa at Gunung Ciremai circa 1521-1530. The bertapa spot was Batulingga.

The date range (1521-1530) for Sunan Gunung Jati's bertapa was after the Battle of Malacca - the Portuguese Armada attacked Malacca in 1511. This bertapa date maybe off by 10-11 years.

He was 61 years old in 1511; half his age at death - 120 years old.

Babad Tanah Sunda and Babad CirebonThere are many stories about the extraordinary powers (karomah) of Sunan Gunung Jati.

He went to perform the Hajj with money given by his mother (about 100 dirham). However, he lost his money to perompak on his way to Makkah. The perompak demanded more money from him. Sunan pointed to a tree that changed to gold. The perompak became Muslims and became his followers.

When he returned from Makkah, Sunan Gunung Jati did not use a  ship, but walked on seawater.

Sunan Gunung Jati was called to the Chinese Ming Emperor's palace after Emperor Hong Gie heard about his ability to successfully treat diseases among his Chinese subjects. The Emperor put him to a test. The test was for Sunan Gunung Jati to pick which of the 2 princesses was pregnant. At the time the princess's sister was 3 months pregnant, but Princess Ong Tien wasn't - she had a dummy placed to make her look pregnant. When asked to point out which sister was pregnant, Sunan Gunung Jati made a prayer and then pointed to Princess Ong Tien. The Emperor laughed as he thought Sunan Gunung Jati was fake, and sent him home to Java. However, Princess Ong Tien became pregnant. She begged that she see Sunan Gunung Jati. She sailed in a big fleet to Java. Sunan Gunung Jati married her as one of his wives.

Sunan Gunung Jati was sent by Demak to spread Islam to West Java. At the time, West Java was largely a Hindu region. He got rid of Keraton Pakuan which was a Hindu palace. He had the palace vanished along with its Hindu worshipers, to Alam Ghaib (underworld).

Salah satu karomah lainnya adalah memindahkan Istana Kerajaan Hindu Pakuan ke alam gaib. Hal ini dilakukannya karena kerasnya penolakan para Pendeta Sunda Wiwitan untuk tidak menerima Islam ataupun sekadar keluar dari wilayah Istana Pakuan. Cerita ini bermula saat saat jatuhnya Kerajaan Galuh Pakuan, ibu kota Kerajaan Sunda pada tahun 1568 karena diserang pasukan Demak yang dibimbing oleh Sunan Gunung Jati. 


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