Tuesday 8 November 2011

Alijah bt Mohd Sharif

Name: Alijah bt Mohd Sharif
Call name: Nenek Jah

From Bapak:
She is Bapak's aunt. She is anak datok Mohd Sharif. Her siblings are Nenek Ani and Nenek Yah. She went insane as she did not get marriage proposals even though she was fair and pretty. (Dia gila sebab tak dapat pinangan walaupun putih dan cantik.)

From me:
She lived in a small hut with thatched roof behind rumah besar 262 Banda Hilir. Her hut floor was hardened mud which kept her hut cool. I went inside her hut as a child about age 5, to play with her cat. She had a black cat with shiny fur. She would blow through a cylinder to anyone who disturbs her. She's kind and fine otherwise. When I knew her she was probably in her 60s. I loved her very much.

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